Welcome to the ZipPiz 1.0 Demo! The programs of ZipPiz are designed to facilitate the process of downloading files and installing them on your system. The main program in the ZipPiz distribution, InstArch, is intended to be used as a helper application in NetScape, other WWW browsers or the Windows File manager. When you run InstArch on an archive, it can automatically deduce the archiving scheme, select an appropriate program to decode the archive, execute that program, convert any files in Unix text file format to MS-DOS text file format, execute a virus scanner on the archive you just unpacked, allow you to view the files in the archive, and help you to install the files on your system. Further, when it does this, it can make a record of what steps it performed when installing the archive so that you can run the other main program in the ZipPiz distribution, UnstArch. UnstArch reads the records written by InstArch to allow you to review and, if necessary, uninstall all or part of a downloaded archive. These programs are Shareware, they are not free. You may use the ZipPiz programs for an evaluation period of 30 days, after which point you must either buy the fully licensed version or remove ZipPiz from your computer. The help file, INSTARCH.HLP, provides complete details of the license agreement which you will be entering into upon installing this software. It is left in an un-compressed form in this distribution to facilitate your reading and understanding of the terms of the ZipPiz license, as well as the features of ZipPiz before you install it. Should you decide to purchase a copy of ZipPiz, please print out and fill in the ORDER.FRM file provided in this distribution (or the order form located in the help document). NOTE: This is a preliminary release. A fully release will follow in 1-3 weeks to fix any problems that we encounter during this release. We would like feedback from the users of this release, particularly regarding bug reports, unclear documentation, difficult to use areas of the product, and additional viewers and archivers that we should be taking advantage of. When describing a program, please tell us the following: 1) The name of the executable file, i.e. WINWORD.EXE 2) Where it can commonly be found (for instance, most people have NETSCAPE(tm) installed in \NETSCAPE.) 3) Any arguments that should be used by the program. For instance, with pkunzip we always use -d, with McAfee Scan, we use '/sub'. 4) If it is a Shareware or Freeware program, where we might obtain a copy. Please e-mail such information to: pragma@infinity.ccsi.com Thank you for trying out ZipPiz!