RV-RView, Version 2.51 13-Mar-94 Customizable archive lister & utility. Currently supported are ARC, ARJ, HYP, LZH, LZS, PAK, SQZ, ZIP & ZOO. Displays ZIP- or LZH-style compression ratios. Various sort options. Converts self-extracting archives back to normal. Misc. other features. Contents: ========= Disclaimer Purpose of program Display Command-line syntax Valid switches Configuration file Keyboard program-pausing Contact Disclaimer: =========== This program and the accompanying documentation are offered as is. This program may be used to modify external files. The user bears the entire risk of this software not performing as expected. Purpose of program: =================== To provide a single, stand-alone program capable of listing directories of several archive formats. Since filename extensions are ignored in determining archive types, this program may be used to determine the type of archive even if the filename extension is missing, or inappropriate. This utility also contains various features not conveniently provided elsewhere at the time of their inclusion. RView is a free program. Display: ======== The type of archive is shown before listing each archive. For self-extracting archives, the letters "SFX" follow the name of the base archive type. For ZIP 2.0-type archives, the four different variations for "deflating" are reported as "Deflate", "DeflateX", "DeflateF" and "DeflateS" for normal, maXimal, Fast and Super-fast compressions, respectively. The Compression Ratio Percentage ("CR%") displayed by the program is one of two types: ZIP-style (default): -------------------- 100 - ( PackedSize / OriginalSize * 100 ) LZH-style: ---------- PackedSize / OriginalSize * 100 Since ZIP-style is the default, use the /A switch to select LZH-style. The date and time indicated on the "totals" line represent the date and time of the most recently created or modified member of each archive. These are the values used by /R in resetting the archive date and time. RView displays the total number of bytes required to contain the listed files if extracted to a selected drive. If no drive is selected, the drive containing the archive being listed is used. In making this computation, RView takes actual disk cluster sizes into account. Command-line syntax: ==================== Usage: RV [switches] archive [d:] [file...] Switches may appear in almost any position on the command line. '-' may be substituted for '/' wherever DOS allows. An archive name specified without an extension will result in a search for all extensions. Thus typing "RV filename" is equivalent to "RV filename.*". Also, "RV *" is equivalent to "RV *.*". An optional drive may be included immediately after the archive name to check for extraction sizes to the indicated drive. Example: RV backup.lzh a: Result: Causes RView to compute extraction sizes for drive A:. File specifications following the archive name will limit the listing to only those files matching any of these specifications. The /U and /D switches will be ignored in this case. Example: RV source.zip *.h *.c Result: Causes RView to list only C header and source files contained within SOURCE.ZIP. Valid switches: =============== /A Alternate compression ratio. ZIP-style compression ratios are displayed by default (see above). Use this switch to display LZH-style ratios. (Tip: Include this switch in RV.CFG to always display LZH-style ratios.) /B Brief filenames. Use this switch to suppress the display of full pathnames, i.e. only the filename.ext parts of full pathnames will be shown. /C[file] strip/attach zip file Comment. Strips file comments from ZIP files. If a valid filename immediately follows "/C" (no intervening spaces), then comments contained in that file will be attached to the specified ZIP file(s). /D sort lzh and zip files on Disk. LZH and ZIP files are written back to disk in the order implied by the /S family of switches. Nothing is done for already-sorted archives. Sorting to disk is available so that LZH and ZIP files will be displayed in sorted order by listers that don't do in-memory sorts. Also, disk-sorting is useful for LZH SFX's when telops ('!' files) are used. /E remove extra spaces before the Extension in filenames. By default, the part of the filename before the extension is padded with spaces if less than 8 characters. Thus "NAME .EXT" becomes "NAME.EXT". /I Ignore rv.cfg file. This option was added by user request to provide a means of overriding the defaults specified in RV.CFG. /P Pause display after each screenful. After pausing, pressing almost any key causes another screenful to be displayed. /Q Quiet (suppress) listing. Added by user request to speed file processing by BBS SysOps. Primarily intended for use in conjunction with other switches which modify archives. /R Reset date and time of archive. The date and time used will be those of the most recently created or modified file in each archive. /Sx[-] Where 'x' represents N/E/D/O/P/R/U, as follows: SN - Sort by Name (default) SE - Sort by Extension SD - Sort by Date/time SO - Sort by Original size SP - Sort by Packed size SR - Sort by compression Ratio SU - leave Unsorted Appending a hyphen '-' to the above switches will reverse the sense of the sort from ascending to descending. /U[path] Un-sfx self-extracting archive. Converts self-extracting (SFX) archives to normal archives. A new file will be created with the same name as the SFX file but with the appropriate extension (".ARC", ".LZH", etc.). The normal archive is written to the current directory by default. "/U" followed immediately by a valid path (no intervening spaces) allows writing to the specified target drive/directory. /V enable Verbose mode. Enables the display of comments and various statistics related to the archive as a whole. /W Wide display format. Displays up to five names per line. /X strip eXtra bytes from end of archive. XMODEM-type file transfer protocols often pad transferred files with added bytes. This will truncate ARJ, LZH, LZS, PAK and ZIP archives to reflect their "true" sizes. Configuration file: =================== An optional configuration file containing user-selected default switches may be created or edited with any editor or word processor which can save pure ASCII text files. This file should be named "RV.CFG" and placed in the same directory from which RV.EXE is loaded (DOS 3.0 and above). Switches, including switch options, may either be separated by spaces or placed on separate lines. Incompatible switches used on the command line will override switches included in RV.CFG. Switches are evaluated from left to right on the command line. A sample RV.CFG file is included in the distribution archive for RView. After extracting the contents of the distribution archive, RV.CFG may be deleted if RView's defaults are satisfactory. Keyboard program-pausing: ========================= By user request, beginning with Version 2.34, the single-key, program-pausing feature has been added back. While RView is displaying an archive, pressing will terminate execution. Almost any other key will pause the display. After pausing, pressing will terminate execution. Again, almost any other key will resume execution. Contact: ======== Raymond T. Kaya CompuServe: 71230,2500 P. O. Box 1436 Internet: 71230.2500@compuserve.com Honolulu, HI 96806