This diskette contains the file PKZ204g.EXE. Type PKZ204g followed by pressing the Enter key to create the program and documentation files for PKUNZIP, PKZIP, and PKSFX version 2.04g To print the documentation files after running PKZ204g, type COPY *.DOC PRN COPY *.NEW PRN COPY *.204 PRN COPY *.TXT PRN following each line by the return key. See the files V204G.NEW, WHATSNEW.204 and ADDENDUM.DOC for more information about features and changes made in this version of the software. If you distribute PKUNZIP, PKZIP, and PKSFX to friends, associates, or to a computer bulletin board system (BBS), please distribute the file PKZ204g.EXE rather than the individual files for PKUNZIP, PKZIP and PKSFX.