BRUCE412.DOC 12/14/94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact information: For the following routines: AV, BFIND, COPSINCE, DATES, DIRCOMP, DIRTOTAL, FILL, FIXTEXT, FORTUNE, MULTICOL, PAGINATE, READINIT, and READMAKE-created files: Bruce Guthrie Wayne Software 113 Sheffield St. Silver Spring, MD 20910 fax: (301) 588-8986 For the following routines: CHANGE, CONVERT, FILUPDAT, ISAMFIND/ISAMMAKE, and READ: Bruce Guthrie Room H-4885 U.S. Dept of Commerce/ESA/OBA Washington, DC 20230 fax: (202) 482-2164 E-Mail: Foreign users: Please provide an Internet-reachable e-mail address in all correspondence if you have any hope of getting a reply! Internet e-mail is the preferred method of contact for all other users as well. Remember, CompuServe and Prodigy are now Internet accessible. Since these programs are typically "freeware" (with the exception of people trying to make money from them instead of me), they generate maybe $100/year in revenue for me. As such, my ability to afford wonderful customer support is somewhat restricted. Please do not leave messages saying "Call me long distance". Also, please be specific about what problems you encounter and include command-line inputs as well as any control or INI files that you're using. The "production" releases of these programs are posted directly by me (Bruce Guthrie, the author) on the Simtel ftp site at More information about locations at this site is provided later. People are encouraged to upload them to bulletin board systems but I do not upload them to BBS's myself. Standard disclaimer in this society: Wayne Software disclaims all warranties as to this software, whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, functionality, data integrity or protection. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction: This documentation provides some overview information on a number of utilities that have been posted by Wayne Software. All programs described herein were written by Bruce Guthrie. Most are distributed with a Wayne Software copyright. Others were written for the U.S. Department of Commerce. All are free for use provided relevant documentation is kept with the programs, no changes are made to the programs or documentation, and they are not bundled with commercial programs or charged for separately. CHANGE, CONVERT, FILUPDAT, ISAMFIND/ISAMMAKE, and READ are excluded from the commercial packaging restriction. These programs are owned by the U.S. Department of Commerce and may be re-distributed without restriction. People who need to bundle AV, BFIND, COPSINCE, DATES, DIRCOMP, DIRTOTAL, FILL, FIXTEXT, FORTUNE, MULTICOL, PAGINATE, READINIT, or READMAKE files in commercial packages other than shareware/freeware collections must pay a $50 registration fee to "Wayne Software" at the following address. READMAKE-created files are also subject to this limitation. I don't expect to make any money from these utilities but I don't want others to sell them instead. The utilities are uploaded with a ZIP name that includes the year and month of the release. The year and month are represented as "ymm" below. ZIP file Executables included AVymm.ZIP AV.EXE BFINDymm.ZIP BFIND.EXE, CONFIGWS.EXE CHANGymm.ZIP CHANGE.EXE CONVRymm.ZIP CONVERT.EXE COPSymm.ZIP COPSINCE.EXE DATESymm.ZIP DATES.EXE DIRCOymm.ZIP DIRCOMP.EXE DIRTOymm.ZIP DIRTOTAL.EXE FILLymm.ZIP FILL.EXE FILUPymm.ZIP FILUPDAT.EXE FIXTXymm.ZIP FIXTEXT.EXE FORTNymm.ZIP FORTUNE.EXE ISAMFymm.ZIP ISAMMAKE.EXE, ISAMFIND.EXE MULCOymm.ZIP MULTICOL.EXE PAGINymm.ZIP PAGINATE.EXE READymm.ZIP READ.EXE, READINIT.EXE, READMAKE.EXE This collection of utilities were compiled using Microsoft's Visual BASIC for DOS 1.0 compiler. In each case, Thomas G. Hanlin III's excellent PBClone routines, release 2.3, provided additional functionality. Since Tom has announced that he will be dropping support for his PBClone routines to allow himself to spend time on a real life, future directions for my routines is uncertain. The basic routines should be able to be maintained indefinitely; we'll see. I keep thinking that I should be doing Windows programming but it's hard to get psyched up for that when you think of Windows as a computer virus. Each of the utilities are separately described in a like-named *.DOC file. This documentation (BRUCEymm.DOC--the file release date is indicated by the "ymm" parameter) serves to summarize what the various utilities consist of. Several of the routines have defaults that can be changed by the program CONFIGWS.EXE which is currently only included in the BFIND compressed file although it works with any of the routines that support it. The newer technique being incorporated in the routines, however, is an inifile (like AV.INI) which lets you set any defaults you want. This is described in the appropriate documentation. (One thing about *.INI files; if you don't have one, it's in your interests to specify the "/-I" parameter. Otherwise, the program searches your entire DOS path looking for the file.) Wayne Software also writes programs, batch files, and sets up menu systems for people on a for-fee basis. If you desire this service, contact Wayne Software at the address specified above. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of programs: A summary of each routine follows. See the associated *.DOC files for fuller explanations: AV.EXE: Archive directory viewer. Presents list of files in archive (ZIP, ARC, etc) and lets you sort as desired. Also allows resetting of the file date based on the archive's contents. Syntax: AV filespec [ /-P | /P ] [ /Ox | /O-x ] [ /DATE ] [ /Iinitfile | /-I ] [ /MOUSE | /-MOUSE ] [ /Q ] [ /? ] [ > filename ] BFIND.EXE: Allows Boolean-type FIND requests. For example, find any line with one string AND another one, or any line with one string OR another. The syntax shown below is incomplete since "search" allows a lot of choices and allows the use of parens and Boolean operators. Syntax: BFIND [ /V | /-V ] [ /C | /-C ] [ /N | /-N ] [ /I | /-I ] [ /P | /-P ] [ /-HEADER | /HEADER ] [ /Iinitfile | /INULL ] { search } infile [ /? | /?&H ] [ >filename ] CHANGE.EXE: Processes change commands in files. Files can be of any size and type (e.g. binary or text) and are processed quickly. Up to thirty change commands can be processed in a single pass. Also provides ability to remove trailing spaces from text files. Syntax: CHANGE infile [ /Cctlfile | /FROM string /TO string [ /IN search ] ] [ /LINES { line1-line2 | line1 linect } ... ] [ /V | /-V ] [ /I | /-I ] [ /Noutfile [ /OVERWRITE | /-OVERWRITE | /OVERASK ] ] [ /Iinitfile ] [ /Fflagfile ] [ /Ttempfile ] [ /TRIM | /-TRIM ] [ /BINARY | /TEXT ] [ /VERIFY | /-VERIFY ] [ /Q ] [ /? | /?&H ] CONFIGWS.EXE: Lets you change some of the defaults for some of the programs. Is included in the ZIP file with whatever routines it supports. Syntax: CONFIGWS [ routine ] [ /MONO | /-MONO | /COLOR | /-COLOR ] [ /? ] CONVERT.EXE: Converts data between data formats: FROM dBase, ASCII-delimited (commas between fields and quotes around strings), and fixed field TO Lotus WKS, ASCII-delimited, dBase, and fixed field. Syntax: CONVERT infile [ outfile [ deffile ] ] [ /INDEF=deffile | /-INDEF ] [ /OUTDEF=deffile | /-OUTDEF ] [ /OVERWRITE | /-OVERWRITE | /APPEND | /OVERASK ] [ /Iinitfile | /-I ] [ /FROM FIXED | /FROM ASCII | /FROM DBF ] [ /DELETED | /-DELETED ] [ /TO FIXED | /TO ASCII | /TO WKS | /TO DBF ] [ /HEADER | /-HEADER ] [ /DELIMS=aroundstrings,aroundnums,betweenfields ] [ /BEEP | /-BEEP ] [ /INMISS=val ] [ /INMISSC=val ] [ /OUTMISS=val ] [ /OUTMISSC=val ] [ /SKIP | /MISSING | /ABORT ] [ /NULLS | /-NULLS ] [ /Q ] [ /? | /?&H ] COPSINCE.EXE: Copies all files modified since a given date. Primarily used for making sure you have a back-up of stuff and also to copy updated programs to another place. Lets you define your own groupings of files if desired. Syntax: COPSINCE [ from_dir | from_dir\filespec [ to_dir ] ] [ /TO to_dir ] [ mm/dd/yy | -n | /COPY mm/dd/yy | /COPY -n ] [ /ALL | /TEXT | /filetype ] [ /Iinitfile | /-I ] [ /DEF filetype=spec [ spec ]... ] [ /REPLACE | /-REPLACE ] [ /BEEP | /-BEEP ] [ /Q ] [ /? ] DATES.EXE: Simple program that warns you in advance when an event like a birthday, anniversary, or holiday is coming up. The idea is to give you advance warning so you can send a card or get out of town in time. Syntax: DATES [ date_file [...] ] [ /Ddays ] [ /SKIP | /-SKIP ] [ /DATE=format ] [ /DATE | /-DATE ] [ /DAY | /-DAY ] [ /AGE | /-AGE ] [ /CTDOWN | /-CTDOWN ] [ /COLOR=nnn nnn nnn ] [ /MONO | /COLOR ] [ /Q | /-Q ] [ /SORT | /-SORT ] [ /GLOBAL | /-GLOBAL ] [ /CLS | /-CLS ] [ /P | /Pn | /-P ] [ /W | /W0 | /-W ] [ /R ] [ /Iinitfile | /-I ] [ /? ] [ > filename ] DIRCOMP.EXE: Similar in some ways to DOS's REPLACE command but adds ability to delete extra files in the destination subdirectory, copy hidden and system files, and prepare a report showing inconsistencies. Syntax: DIRCOMP directory1 directory2 [ /S ] [ /CREATE ] [ /UPDATE ] [ /KILL ] [ /CLONE ] [ /MOVE ] [ /ATTR=[H][S][R] ] [ /NET ] [ /Frptfile | /-F ] [ /OVERWRITE | /APPEND | /-OVERWRITE | /OVERASK ] [ /ALL ] [ /Td: ] [ /Q ] [ /? ] DIRTOTAL.EXE: Prepares report showing files in subdirectory or drive. Allows some restriction requests (show only files with date greater than a certain value). Similar to Norton's FF and Ray Van Tassle's WIZ command (which is a great program but it doesn't work on network or CD-ROM discs) in some ways but presents a more formal report. Also allows you to look for duplicate file names and search by attributes or dates. Syntax: DIRTOTAL [ [ drive: ] ... [drive:][filespec] | [ drive: ] ... [drive:]\path[\filespec] ] [ /NORMAL | /WIDE | /THIN | /SPLIT ] [ /DUPS ] [ /CHILD ] [ /NL ] [ /-HEADERS ] [ /-FOOTERS ] [ /CLUSTERS | /-CLUSTERS ] [ /S { GT | GE | LT | LE | EQ | NE } value ] [ /D { GT | GE | LT | LE | EQ | NE } mm/dd/yy ] [ /ATTR=attr ] [ /Frptfile ] [ /Z | /-Z ] [ /Iinitfile | /-I ] [ /SUB1 | /-SUB1 ] [ /SUB2 | /-SUB2 ] [ /+DIR | /-DIR ] [ /n ] [ /Ox | /O-x ] [ /BEEP | /-BEEP ] [ /Td: ] [ /Q ] [ /? ] FILL.EXE: Program designed to move files off to floppy diskettes, taking the biggest files first and skipping those that won't fit. Also provides option of splitting large files up, labeling output disks, and creating a status report. Syntax: FILL [ source-filespec ] [ [ /TO ] dest-drive: | [ /TO ] dest-drive:\path\ ] [ /MOVE | /COPY ] [ /PROMPT | /-PROMPT ] [ /Iinitfile | /-I ] [ /OVERWRITE | /-OVERWRITE | /OVERSKIP | /OVERASK ] [ /Ox | /O-x ] [ /Xfilespec ]... [ /WIPE | /-WIPE ] [ /MULTI | /SINGLE ] [ /SPLIT ] [ /LABEL=label [ /START=n ] ] [ /Fstatfile [ /S+ | /S- | S* ] [ /CONTINUAL ] [ /BEEP | /-BEEP ] [ /FAKE ] [ /Q ] [ /? ] FILUPDAT.EXE: Program which compares a selected list of files in a source path against those in another path and copies those that have been updated. Similar to DOS' REPLACE command but works from a stored list of files and can handle any number of directories. Syntax: FILUPDAT ctlfile [ /Flist_file [ /OVERWRITE | /APPEND | /-OVERWRITE | /OVERASK ] ] [ /FULL ] [ /ALL ] [ /Q ] [ /? ] FIXTEXT.EXE: Program which applies a user-definable character-translation table to a text file. Can allow you to convert graphics characters to their ASCII equivalents, lowercase letters to uppercase letter, etc. Can also be used to translate DOS text files to Mac or Unix text files and vice versa. Can also expand tabs, remove trailing spaces, and remove backspaces. Syntax: FIXTEXT infile { outfile [ /OVERWRITE | /-OVERWRITE | /OVERASK ] | /REPLACE } [ /Iinitfile | /-I ] [ /TEXT | /-TEXT ] [ /EJECT=str ] [ /CRLF | /CR | /LF | /-LINE ] [ /TO CRLF | /TO CR | /TO LF | /TO -LINE ] [ /WIDTH=n ] [ /Frptfile | /-F ] [ /Q ] [ /? | /?&H ] FORTUNE.EXE: Program which adds some fine-tuning to the DOS FOR command. Among other things, this lets you distinguish file name roots from their extensions as well as increment file names by specified values. Syntax: FORTUNE { IN (set) | IN filespec | /IN (set) | /IN filespec | filespec } [ /AS filename ] [ /OVERWRITE | /APPEND | /-OVERWRITE | /OVERASK ] [ /VAR=char ] [ /DELIM=chars ] [ /+n | /-n ] [ /S ] [ /Xfilespec ] ... [ /ECHO | /-ECHO ] [ /ABEND | /-ABEND ] [ /PAUSE | /-PAUSE ] [ /CHECK | /-CHECK ] [ /Iinitfile | /-I ] [ /? ] { DO cmd | /DO cmd | cmd } ISAMFIND.EXE: Program that works in conjunction with ISAMMAKE.EXE (see below) to provide full-text searching of text files. This is useful for helpdesk applications and other functions where you want to search for files and retrieve the "best" document that matches your search criteria. Syntax: ISAMFIND [ string [ string ]... ] /Fcorename [ /2 | /3 | /4 | /5 ] [ /READ | /Vpgm | /-READ ] [ /TOP=n ] [ /TRUNC | /-TRUNC ] [ /ACCEPT=string ] [ /AREA=string ] [ /Xfilename ] [ /SINCE=yymmdd ] [ /Ofilename | /-O ] [ /OVERWRITE | /-OVERWRITE | /OVERASK | /APPEND ] [ /CONT=string ] [ /PATH | /-PATH ] [ /Iinitfile | /-I ] [ /? ] ISAMMAKE.EXE: Program that works in conjunction with ISAMDEMO.EXE (see above) to create the files necessary for full-text searching. Syntax: ISAMMAKE /Fcorename /Cctlfile [ /C=L | /C=F ] [ /2 | /3 | /4 | /5 ] [ /ACCEPT=string ] [ /AREA=string ] [ /CONT=string ] [ /STOP=string ] [ /OVERWRITE | /-OVERWRITE | /APPEND | /UPDATE ] [ /SKIP=string ] [ /Td: ] [ /Wn ] [ /PACK | /-PACK ] [ /Iinitfile | /-I ] [ /? | /?&H ] MULTICOL.EXE: Program creates multiple column listings from straight ASCII text, ASCII-delimited text, or dBase files. Also does subtotalling. Can also be used to add headers and footers to standard one-column text. To be replaced (eventually) by the PAGINATE command. Syntax: MULTICOL infile outfile [ /OVERWRITE | /-OVERWRITE | /OVERASK ] [ /DELIM="string" ] [ /LINES=n ] [ /WIDTH=n ] [ /EJECT | /-EJECT ] [ /COLUMNS=n ] [ /-WRAP | /WRAP [ /INDENT=n ] | /REFLOW ] [ /Iinitfile | /-I ] [ /SETUP="string" ] [ /RESET="string" ] [ /{ TITLE | HEADER | FOOTER }[ R | C | L ][ 1 to 5]="text" ] [ /{ TITLE | HEADER | FOOTER }{ T | B }="string" ] [ /-TITLE ] [ /FROM FIXED | /FROM ASCII | /FROM DBF ] [ /DELETED ] [ /INDEF=deffile | /-INDEF ] [ /OUTDEF=deffile | /-OUTDEF ] [ /DELIMS=aroundstrings,aroundnums,betweenfields ] [ /BEEP | /-BEEP ] [ /SKIP | /MISSING | /ABORT ] [ /GAP=n ] [ /BLANKS | /-BLANKS ] [ /TALLY ] [ /INMISS=val ] [ /INMISSC=val ] [ /OUTMISS=val ] [ /OUTMISSC=val ] [ /SUM={ col_spec | var_spec } ] [ /BREAK={ col_spec | var_spec } ] [ /PRINT={ col_spec | var_spec } ] [ /? | /?&H ] PAGINATE.EXE: Program paginates text files, adding titles, footers, indexes, etc. Also provides the ability to work with ASCII-delimited text and dBase files to pop tables into your text. Can also be used to sort your information and present it in a multicolumn format. Syntax: PAGINATE infile outfile [ /Cctlfile ] [ /BEEP | /-BEEP ] [ /OVERWRITE | /APPEND | /-OVERWRITE | /OVERASK ] [ /Iinitfile | /-I ] [ /marker command ]... [ /? ] [ /?&H ] READ.EXE: Text file browser. Supports marking, copying text, reading Unix and Mac text files, etc. Only works with files of 16,000 lines or less (maybe 800,000 bytes). Other text viewers are out there. This one has some advantage because it's free! Syntax: READ [ filespec | @flistfile ] [ /TITLE="title" ] [ /DATE=NONE ] [ /line ] [ /MONO | /COLOR ] [ /EGA | /VGA ] [ /-MOUSE ] [ /DOS | /-DOS ] [ /Iinitfile | /-I ] [ /Q ] [ /PORT=port ] [ /INITT=string ] [ /INITW=string ] [ /AFTERP=string ] [ /AFTERF=string ] [ /COLOR=nnn nnn nnn nnn ] [ /? ] READINIT.EXE: Creates and maintains the READ.INI file which may be used by READ.EXE, READWK.EXE and any self-viewable file created by READMAKE.EXE. Syntax: READINIT [ /MONO | /COLOR ] [ Iinitfile | /-I ] [ /PORT=port ] [ /PTYPE=name ] [ /INITT=string ] [ /INITW=string ] [ /AFTERP=string ] [ /AFTERF=string ] [ /COLOR=nnn nnn nnn nnn ] [ /? ] READMAKE.EXE: Program which takes an ASCII-text file and makes it self-viewable. Provides same capabilities as the READ program. Syntax: READMAKE infile [ outfile ] [ /OVERWRITE | /-OVERWRITE | /OVERASK ] [ /DATE=FILE | /DATE=TODAY | /DATE=NONE ] [ /TITLE="text" ] [ /? ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where to find them on the Internet: In general, I no longer upload utilities to computer bulletin boards. While users are encouraged to do so, it's a lot easier for me to post them using ftp on the Internet. I post them directly on the Simtel archives at and they are available there using anonymous ftp. (This site is also mirrored at lots of different sites.) Subdirectory names have been undergoing some revisions out there of late but the directories should stay roughly the same. The version numbers (indicated by the three digits before the .zip extension) may change as they reflect the last release date of the program ("409" is September 1994). The versions listed below are current as of December 1994. Off SimTel/msdos/, look for: arcutil/ Archive view: Free ZIP etc directory viewer textutil/ Boolean FIND command (BFIND BEGIN & END) textutil/ Change strings in text files spredsht/ Convert dBase, ASCII-delim, fixed, 1-2-3 dirutil/ Copies files modified since given date batutil/ Warns you in advance of birthdays etc dirutil/ Updates files based on source directory dirutil/ Directory lister and totaller diskutil/ Stuffs as many files as possible on disk dirutil/ Copy updated files based on a control list textutil/ Translate text file characters en masse batutil/ Fine-tunes DOS FOR command w/options textutil/ Full-text searching help desk documents textutil/ Multicolumn text with headers, dBase supported textutil/ Paginates text (headers, indexes, sorting...) textutil/ Free viewer, also make any text self-viewing Note that the versions above are subject to change. The last three digits before ".zip" indicate the last digit of the year and the two digit month. Depending on how often I've updated things, you might find something like a 410 version instead of 409 when you go to look. If you can't get all of the utilities from your own sources, send $10 to the address above and I'll send you everything. Please specify disk size/density unless you want HD 3.5" diskettes. If you want to avoid the $10, send me two HD diskettes in a self-addressed, stamped mailer, and I'll send you everything. (Again, I'm not out to make money on these.) Another Wayne Software product, called The DEMO System, is released as a shareware program. The DEMO System is a unique system designed to create text-screen demos, tutorials, help screens, etc. Look for the file DEMOSymm.ZIP. On, it's in SimTel/msdos/ as: screen/ Create tutorials, demos, menu systems, etc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beta-zoids... Thanks to: Beta testers are always desired for these utilities. You don't get a damned thing out of being one (which is about what I get for writing them) but it doesn't cost you much besides an hour or two and lets you have more of an impact on the future courses of the routines. In order to be a beta tester, you have to be able to receive uuencoded files via e-mail (so forget CompuServe and Prodigy people; sorry). If you're interested, drop a message to me at and tell me which routine(s) you're interested in being on the list for. Existing routines have gotten suggestions, comments, and even complements from all over the world (definitely something I *love* about the Internet). No money of course but the ego's a powerful thing to feed! (The flamers of course should be burned at the stake or maybe start writing their own programs instead of criticizing other people's.) Thanks to (and sorry for screwing up some of these addresses and for forgetting to put in others)... CHANGE: CHANGE: CHANGE: CHANGE: CONVERT: CONVERT: CONVERT: CONVERT: CONVERT: CONVERT: DATES: DATES: DATES: DATES: DATES: DIRCOMP: DIRCOMP: DIRTOTAL: DIRTOTAL: DIRTOTAL: FILL: FILL: FILL: FORTUNE: ISAMFIND: MULTICOL: PAGINATE: PAGINATE: PAGINATE: READ: READ: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revision history: Detailed revision histories for the programs are only maintained for the last three releases. After that, you get the major revision summaries only for the next three releases. After that, you get almost nothing. No one reads this junk anyway, right? Programmer types like to put in it in just to justify what they've been doing over the last couple of years. -------------- Release 94/12: AV: Added some more keystrokes to the viewer; Up, Down, Ctrl-C, Home, and End. Also added complete mouse support for the routine, adding a mouse button bar and allowing you to select whichever options you want to select. Added /MOUSE and /-MOUSE parms. CHANGE: Fixed a problem which occassionally dropped characters from the output file. FILL: Fixed a bug with LABEL=label specifications that included more than one "n". Didn't like the way that /PROMPT work so fixed that up a bit. ISAMFIND/ISAMMAKE: Fixed quite a number of quirks and bugs. PAGINATE: First release. This is a rather powerful document formatter that I've wanted to write for awhile and has been languishing for lack of effort for almost as long. Has an incredible number of options, all of which worked at least once for me when I was coding it but some of which probably no longer do. Let me know. I fix things (maybe as well as I break things). -------------- Release 94/11: DATES: Now allows you to specify dates relative to the day of the week. For example, in the United States Mother's Day is on the second Sunday of May and Thanksgiving is on the last Thursday of November. You can show these dates in the program as "05/2SU/XX" and "11/LTH/XX" respectively. Also added /SORT, /-SORT, /DATE, /-DATE, /CTDOWN, /-CTDOWN, /GLOBAL, and /-GLOBAL parameters. Added /WEEKDAY and /-WEEKDAY as synonyms for /DAY and /-DAY. Can now specify date thresholds that vary on an event-by-event basis (for example, show a particular 45 days before it happens while other events all show up only 14 days beforehand). Fixed up a bug with the /AGE option when the event was in the next calendar year (hadn't been an issue until we approached the end of the year of course) as well as with "negative" ages. Also started trimming leading spaces from event descriptions; I hope this doesn't affect anyone but us anal-retentive types like to have all of the columns line up nice and neat. DIRTOTAL: Thomas Hanlin III has announced he's giving up support for the PBClone routines which I use extensively for my programs. One of the PBClone routines that worked improperly involved checking into the members of a self-extracting file (the "/Z2" parameter). If you have a certain number of self-extracting files, DIRTOTAL gives you a "too many files" error message. Since this error doesn't look like it will fixed now, I've removed mention of the /Z2 and /-Z2 options in the documentation and from the DIRTOTAL /? screens. The program will still try to respect the option if you use it (although you may get the "too many files" message) but it's just not documented anymore. If anyone has been using the option with success, please let me know ( For consistency's sake, changed the program so it gives you root/subdirectory totals even if there are no subdirectories. FORTUNE: Added support for command files (including /CHECK and /-CHECK parms). These allow you to use the command to create a text file that you might use with DOS redirection. An example shown in the documentation uses this feature to log onto an ftp site and upload all files matching a given specification: /header ftp anonymous cd pub cd incoming /main send %A (blank line) /footer quit ISAMFIND/ISAMMAKE: First release. Lots of changes made since initial beta testing. Some of the changes haven't been tested completely. Works fine for what I need it to do but some of the option combinations may be flakey. I'm sure I'll hear about it. -------------- Release 94/10: CONVERT: Allowed program to read missing dates into dBase from a fixed-field file. Added /FIRSTOBS=n and /LASTOBS=n parameters. DATES: Switched is so the weekday shown (if /DAY specified) is three characters instead of two. Added the pause (/P, /Pn, and /-P) options to pause in the middle of a listing and the wait (/W, /W0, and /-W) options to pause after the program is run. DIRTOTAL: There's a problem with /Z2 requests (finding files in self-extracting files) if there are a lot of files on the disk. Waiting for an update to the function library on that one. Also, the /NORMAL option improperly truncated member names that contained path information before. It wasn't supposed to truncate the path information at all. Now it truncates everything like the other formats do. /ZIP and /-ZIP are now synonymous with /Z and /-Z. Fixed output for drives with more than a gigabyte of storage. Increased the maximum number of subdirectory levels from 10 to 15. MULTICOL: Added /BLANKS and /-BLANKS options. Made /BLANKS the default which is a change. -------------- (kind of terse; revisions made 4 to 6 months ago) Release 94/09: BFIND: Added the ability to include hexadecimal codes in the find string. CONVERT: Lots of bug fixes (including one involving ASCII-delimited input files that didn't have any quoted strings in them). DATES: Added /DATE=form option to let you specify different formats for the input dates. For example, /DATE=dd/mm/yy. Added ability to read months in JAN, FEB, MAR, etc form. Release 94/08: BFIND: Added /Iinitfile and /-I parms. Only program temporarily retaining CONFIGWS.*. DATES: Added /R, /DAY, /MONO, /COLOR, /SKIP, and /-SKIP parameters. Allowed for up to 10 input files and comments within files. FILL: Added /FAKE parameter. FORTUNE: Added /Iinitfile and /-I parms. Release 94/07: All: Added support for /Iinitfile and /-I parms, dropping CONFIGWS.*. DATES: Added /-I, /CLS, /-CLS, /COLOR=nnn nnn nnn, /Q, and /-Q parameters. READ and READINIT: Made READ's use of hexadecimal codes (previously /nnn) consistent with the other Wayne Software routines (use \nnn or &Hxx instead). Converted the READ.INI file to the newer initfile system. -------------- (real terse) Release 94/06: New: DATES. Release 94/02: New: FORTUNE. Release 94/01: New: COPSINCE and FIXTEXT. Release 93/03: New: AV and READINIT. Release 93/01: First release posted on SIMTEL (Internet). New: The DEMO System (shareware and not part of normal package).