AV.DOC 12/14/94 The AV.EXE program shows a directory of one or more archive files (ZIP, ZOO, etc), including some self-extracting files. Features of this program: * The directory information is presented in full-screen mode and you can use PgUp and PgDn to scroll amount the screens * Allows you to sort the display of the members in a number of ways * Allows you to reset the file date of the archive to match the date of the most recent member of the archive A typical display might look (in part) like the following: DEMOS411.ZIP Date Time OrigSize Method NowSize %reduce 1 of 1 ------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- DEMO.DOC 94/07/17 18:40:18 5185 Deflated 1945 63 [PgUp] DEMODEMO.CTL 94/06/20 22:27:10 48901 Deflated 14343 71 [PgDn] DEMOMAKE.EXE 94/10/12 20:28:36 232524 Deflated 138029 41 [Home] DEMOSCRS.DOC 94/07/17 18:33:34 4306 Deflated 1911 56 [End] DEMOSCRS.EXE 94/06/21 16:55:40 46371 Deflated 31033 34 [Up] DEMOSCRX.DOC 94/06/20 22:27:40 5023 Deflated 2106 59 [Down] DEMOSCRX.EXE 94/10/20 01:12:52 59294 Deflated 41653 30 [Sort] DEMOSYS.DOC 94/07/17 18:44:48 118061 Deflated 35136 71 [Name] DEMOSYS.REF 94/07/17 18:44:58 135181 Deflated 37751 73 [Ext] FILE_ID.DIZ 93/01/31 12:50:50 180 Deflated 157 13 [Date] SAMPLES.EXE 93/06/26 01:06:14 7005 Deflated 6738 4 [Size] START.BAT 93/07/31 00:00:52 375 Deflated 241 36 [CurSize] SUPER.F16 93/04/12 18:24:46 4096 Deflated 1330 68 [Ratio] TSHOW.EXE 92/02/06 20:45:02 33362 Deflated 17078 49 [Orig] VGA-ROM.F16 93/04/12 18:24:46 4096 Deflated 1354 67 [-Flip] WAYNESOF.GIF 93/01/30 20:47:00 9262 Stored 9262 0 [Esc] [Quit] [Date] ============ ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======= *16 94/10/20 01:12:52 713222 340067 53% DEMOS411.ZIP 94/10/21 02:04:32 341653 When viewing a screen's worth of information, you can typically choose among a number of options including the following: PgUp view the previous screen's worth PgDn view the next screen's worth Home top line End bottom line Up move the screen up one line Down move the screen down one line Sort change the sort order for this and subsequent files; you're prompted for "BY?" and you should enter either "-x" or "x" or press Esc to get out of this: the archive is reread after you ask to re-sort it; x is one of: N = file name E = file extension D = file date and time S = file size of the original (non-compressed) file C = current (compressed) size of the file R = compression ratio O = original order (no sorting) Esc go to the next archive file (if any, else quit) Quit return to DOS (Ctrl-C also works) Date update the archive date These options are presented on the right side of the screen and can be selected with the mouse cursor if one is available. If the number of members in the archive exceeds 820, the program will continue to process the members but it will turn off the display of all information except for file names and will skip all sorting options. If the number of members exceeds 1200, the program will skip all subsequent members although the information on last date and total bytes should still be accurate. The AV.INI file: AV will read a AV.INI file if one is found. (You can specify a different file name if desired.) The file is an ASCII text file that can be created maintained by hand. The file can consist or one or more command line parameters (only those that begin with a "/"), one statement per line. The file can also contain comments which are blank lines or any line beginning with: ; (semi-colon) : (colon) ' (quote) AV looks for the initialization file in your default subdirectory first. It then searches for it in the subdirectory where the executable was and then goes through your DOS path. Passing in "/-I" or "/INULL" skips loading the INI file. This saves some execution time as the program does not need to search your path for the file. CONFIGWS.EXE: In addition to using the AV.INI file, you can permanently change some defaults within AV.EXE by using the CONFIGWS.EXE program. CONFIGWS.EXE is not included in the AV distribution package but previous versions can typically be used with AV if desired. (The same CONFIGWS.EXE program can be used to path a number of Wayne Software programs.) If CONFIGWS can't patch the executable, it will notify you of this before altering anything. CONFIGWS.EXE allows you to set the following defaults: Pause output: /P or /-P List order: /ON, /O-N, /OS, /O-S, /OD, /O-D, /OE, /O-E, /OC, /O-C When setting options, the program will process defaults in the following order: (1) CONFIGWS.EXE-settable settings (2) AV.INI settings (3) command-line settings The *last* settings encountered win. Syntax: AV filespec [ /-P | /P ] [ /Ox | /O-x ] [ /DATE ] [ /Iinitfile | /-I ] [ /MOUSE | /-MOUSE ] [ /Q ] [ /? ] [ > filename ] where: "filespec" is the file specification to process. Can include drive, path, and wildcards if desired. "/P" says to view the directory in page mode. This is the default but you can change this setting using the program CONFIGWS.EXE. The default is automatically /-P (which can't be overridden) if redirection ("AV ... > filename") is used. "/-P" says to view the directory not in page mode. This prevents you from being offered the fix-date option as well. This mode is automatic if redirection ("AV ... > filename") is used. "/Ox" and "/O-x" allow you to specify the display order for the files. "x" can be one of the following: N = file name E = file extension D = file date and time S = file size of the original (non-compressed) file C = current (compressed) size of the file R = compression ratio O = original order (no sorting) If you precede the "x" with a dash ("-"), the sort will be done in reverse order. Defaults to /OO but this can be altered using CONFIGWS.EXE. "/DATE" resets the file date to that of the most recent member. Automatically invokes /-P. The command "AV *.* /DATE /Q" is a quick way to reset the file date stamps for all archives in your current subdirectory. "/Iinitfile" says to read an initialization file with the file name "initfile". The file specification *must* contain a period. If no drive or path information is specified, the program will search for initfile beginning in your default subdirectory and then going throughout your DOS path. The use of an initialization file is optional. Initially defaults to "/IAV.INI". "/-I" (or "/INULL") says to skip loading the initialization file. "/MOUSE" says to activate the mouse if present. This is initially the default. "/-MOUSE" says to skip activating the mouse even if present. "/Q" skips the display of the member names. Automatically invokes /DATE and /-P and is typically used in cases where you want to reset all file dates (e.g. "AV *.* /Q"). "/?" or "/HELP" or "HELP" shows you the syntax for the command. ">filename" redirects the output to a text file. This automatically invokes the /-P option. This is useful for getting a complete listing of the contents of your compressed files. For example: AV *.* > TEMP.TXT Return codes: AV returns the following ERRORLEVEL codes: 0 = no problems 254 = no valid archives were found 255 = syntax problems, file not found, or /? requested Author: This program was written by Bruce Guthrie of Wayne Software. It is free for use and redistribution provided relevant documentation is kept with the program, no changes are made to the program or documentation, and it is not bundled with commercial programs or charged for separately. People who need to bundle it in for-sale packages must pay a $50 registration fee to "Wayne Software" at the following address. Additional information about this and other Wayne Software programs can be found in the file BRUCEymm.DOC which should be included in the original ZIP file. ("ymm" is replaced by the last digit of the year and the two digit month of the release. BRUCE312.DOC came out in December 1993. This same naming convention is used in naming the ZIP file that this program was included in.) Comments and suggestions can also be sent to: Bruce Guthrie Wayne Software 113 Sheffield St. Silver Spring, MD 20910 fax: (301) 588-8986 See BRUCEymm.DOC file for additional contact information. Foreign users: Please provide an Internet e-mail address in all correspondence.