ARJSORT September 1991 ARJSORT.BAT is a batch file provided to give the user the facility to sort the files in an ARJ archive. ARJSORT allows sorting by file attribute, CRC value, date-time modified, file extension, filename, pathname, and compression ratio. The sort order can be set for ascending or descending order. Usage: ARJSORT archive [/order] [/r] Where /order is one of the following: /a = attribute /o = ratio /c = crc /p = pathname /d = date/time /s = size /e = extension /t = time /f = filename [/r]everse, if specified, must be the last option. ARJSORT has been designed to work at MS-DOS 3.3 and up. The @ECHO command in ARJSORT.BAT may cause problems with other versions of DOS. ARJSORT uses the special ARJSORT.$$$ feature of the order command. A list file named ARJSORT.$$$ is expected to be in a special format by the order command. That format is produced by the ARJ v -jv1 command. ARJSORT requires the MS-DOS SORT program to be available for ARJSORT to work. ARJSORT creates several temporary files named ARJSORT.$$?. These temporary files will be deleted at the end of the program. Please note that MS-DOS SORT cannot handle input files larger than 64K bytes. An input file over 64K in size can happen when sorting an ARJ archive with a few hundred pathnames. An insufficient memory error message results when SORT encounters too large of an input file. The shareware program QSORT by Ben Baker does not have this 64K size limitation. The QSORT document states that QSORT can directly replace the MS-DOS SORT program. You can modify ARJSORT.BAT to use the QSORT program by replacing the command SORT with the command QSORT. All instances of the command SORT are capitalized. There are two instances of the word ARJSORT. An easier way would be to delete the MS-DOS SORT.EXE program and rename QSORT.EXE to SORT.EXE. ARJSORT Examples: ARJSORT archive - Sort files in ascending alphabetical pathname order. ARJSORT archive /r - Sort files in descending pathname order. ARJSORT archive /d - Sort files in chronological date-time modified order. ARJSORT archive /d /r - Sort files in descending chronological date-time modified order. ARJSORT archive /s - Sort files in ascending file size order. At ARJ release 1.10, ARJSORT.COM (compiled version of ARJSORT.BAT) is included with the ARJ software. This program can be used in place of the ARJSORT.BAT. This COM version is better for use in DOS BATCH files than ARJSORT.BAT. HISTORY: 2.21 - Added -!! option to "ARJ o" command. Added -jp- option to stop paging. Added errorlevel testing for SORT. Tested QSORT with ARJSORT. 1.21 - Fixed deletion of temporary files. 1.20 - Improved ARJSORT.$$$ processing so that EDLIN is not needed. 1.10 - Added ARJSORT.COM. end of document