We've had several requests to change the NON-REGISTERED delay to something else so we have. The non-registered demo version will not do a batch transfer. We've also implemented a number of new internal features that will allow us to display BATCH information (this will be added to the next beta) a along with sending/receiving other information that may be useful to both parties. v2.0 gets all its BATCH information from the SENDER and this information is sent with the FILE INFORMATION BLOCK. Because v2.0 works with BATCH information differently, , it cannot do a BATCH file transfer with any version of vFAST lower than 2.0. We may be able to do WORK around this limitation in the next beta release but I doubt it. This isn't any real problem, just have the person or persons you are doing downloads/uploads with switch to a newer version of vFAST. FAX any bug reports to International TeleCommunications at (314) 686-0154.