TMHOST24A BY BOB WIATR Questions or comments can be left on the Telemate Conference on the RIME net-work. Or you can try (312)-248-4799 (data). TMHOST2 is an enhanced version of the Telemate Host Mode script as modified by Richard Bailey. TELEMATE - Copyright (c) 1988-1994 Tsung Hu. All rights reserved. Introduction: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ I desparately needed a message base, but TMHOST2 did not work with Ver. 3.02, 3.10 & 4.**, So I made a few changes. This script is not perfect, but it should work if it is installed correctly. Bob Wiatr What's needed: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ To run the enhanced version of Telemate host you need: 1) Telemate version 3.** or 4.**. 2) To read the HOST.DOC file that came with Telemate for the basic concept of the original Host Mode as written by Tsung Hu, if you have not already done so. 3) Files listed below in the MUST be located in the Telemate Directory ONLY. e.g. C:\TM\ (a) Files created by sysop: (example files supplied) These can be modified with your farvorite editor. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ BULLETIN.HST - Bulletin File BYEANS.HST - Ansi Goodbye Message BYETXT.HST - Non-Ansi Goodbye Message HELP.HST - Xpert Mode Help File HNOTICE.HST - Logon Bulletin File MENUANS.HST - Ansi Main Menu MENUTXT.HST - Non-Ansi Main Menu PROTOANS.HST - Ansi Protocol Menu PROTOTXT.HST - Non-Ansi Protocol Menu TRASHCAN.HST - Non accepted password file WELCOME.HST - Welcome File (b) Files created by TMHCFG and TMHOST24A: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ HSHELL.BAT - [S]hell batch File (during configuration) - can be modified to run DOORWAY program - and use [O]pen Doors instead of Shell HOST.DIR - [F]ile directory file PASSWORD.HST - Host Directory File (can be edited) USER.HST - Questionnaire Generated File *.BSE - Message Area Files * TMHCFG.HST - Configuration file (created after first run) - in Telemate directory (c) Script Files : ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ * TMHCFG.SCR - Host configuration script * TMHOST24A.SCR - Host script - both need to be compiled * SCREENIO.SCR - "include" file for above - will be automatically compiled - with files above - see scripts NEW FEATURES: ------------- 1) HS/LINK protocol 2) The option of using it as an OPEN or CLOSED Board. 3) The option of using Files.lst for file listings with comments or DIR for listings. 4) OFF HOOK or ON HOOK local logons. 5) New main ansi menu by Micheal Welch. Added Features: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1) ANSILOCAL and ANSIREMOTE variables included in screen routines for ANSI display either locally or remotely a la BBS. These are in an include file called SCREENIO.SCR. Colors can be setup with TMHCFG.SCR depending on these variables. 2) TMHCFG updated to add new or delete old message areas and associated files (10 maximum). Message to Sysop (PRIVATE) is automatically configured, during S)etup of message areas, as message area 1 and cannot be deleted. 3) Time left indicator and disconnection if out of time routine, also "inactivity" disconnect (5 mins) 4) Procedure to setup a date string. Date format can be 'Friday December 14, 1990' or '14-12-90' depending on variable 'full' Telemate version of date is MM-DD-YY e.g '12-14-90' Used for welcoming user etc. 5) User can read personal mail at logon. Mail is updated as a new message is entered, or mail read. i.e. if there are 3 messages waiting for you at logon and you read all 3 then your mail becomes 0 until another message is entered. the old messages are not shown again at future logons. 6) This section has been considerably modified since TMHOST1 - see Script file comments and descriptions. E)nter Message and R)ead Message routines. Leave messages to the Sysop (PRIVATE), or A)ccess other message areas. S)can or R)ead the messages remotely. E)nter Messages includes S)ave or K)ill commands, and R)ead Messages includes S)can, Q)uit or V)iew Msg. The number of messages to read is shown and once you select "V" you are prompted for the message number. The S)can feature shows message subject, user name, date and time. A)ccess message areas can take you to E)nter or R)ead messages, Q)uit or help (?) for commands. Can R)eply to messages, 'Msg# of reply' field on original message. 7) Beefed up the password entry routine to check for correct passwords etc. 8) Check for ridiculous password routine added. 9) Newuser Questionnaire routine. 10) View statistics and change password - password file updated on line. 11) Bimodem as an external protocol. 12) Welcome user routine showing time, date and number of personal messages. Choice of reading mail. 13) Local view of username (to be expanded further). 14) Many other small changes such as Current Message area shown on command line, small graphic delay for message save etc. Richard Bailey