SLIP_IT! 1.0B ------------ 'slip_it' is an updated version of my 'xp_slip', a set of (dos based) tcp/ip applications for automatic up- and download of mail and news with SLIP, in conjunction with an offlinereader. I changed the name from xp_slip to slip_it, because the program is not longer limited to the usage of 'CROSSPOINT' as offlinereader. Slip_it is SOUP compliant now, so you can use YARN, NWERTHY or any other SOUP compliant offlinereader too. SLIP_IT! 1.0b comes with an auto-install program now, so you need not edit or write any script or configuration file. It does also an automatic installation of YARN, if yarn*.exe or yarn*.zip is detected in the current directory. What can slip_it do for you? - Automatic or manual dialup and login. A simple terminal program is included. Wakeup the sysop with a 'ring' command if the connection is established ;-) - Script controlled modification of configuration files (e.g. if you have dynamic IP's). - receive the time from a timeserver and adjust the clock - send mail with smtp - get mail from your popserver with the pop3 protocol - send and receive usenet news, update a 'newgroup' file. Fast downloads: about 2000-2500cps on a 14400bps line. - pack and unpack SOUP packets, fire up your offline reader or any other dos program ... - Easy to install: copy slip_it!.exe to a directory of your choice, unpack the selfextracting file, edit 'x_tcp.cfg'. To start a session, launch 'x_script.exe' now. Slip_it runs fine under windows in a dosbox. It's not a winsocket application but a completely self contained dos application with it's own tcp/ip kernal. If you have already the trumpet winsock, you can use trumpet's own dialer for the dialup, terminate tcpman and start slip_it with a script, which reads the entries in trumpwsk.ini and puts the ip or other information to it's own configuration. With slip_it's scriptlanguage, it's possible without manual intervention to download news from more then one newsfeed, to receive mail from more then one mailbox, to create an automail system and so on .... Slip_it! is free for noncommercial use. You may obtain it from: If you don't have a www browser, login with anonymous ftp or gopher to and change to the /gopher/public/x_slip dir. Enjoy! --- 19FEB95