ODYSSEY SHAREWARE EVALUATION SOFTWARE Release 2.00 Last updated: October 27, 1993 Description: ------------ Odyssey is a general purpose communications program suitable for calling Mainframe, Minicomputer, or PC-based services and bulletin boards. This evaluation version is full and complete; it contains no drop-dead date or other underhanded tricks to promote registrations. The documentation, while not as extensive as the 416-page book sent to registered users, attempts to describe all of the features. Features that make Odyssey stand out are: - Instant, painless installation for most computer configurations. Support is included for COM1 through COM8. - Support for modem speeds up to 115200 baud. - Network support (Int14, FOSSIL and NASI). - Mouse support ("bitmapped" mouse in text mode!) - Command line history. - Support for extended screen modes (25/43 lines on EGA, 25/28/43/50 lines on VGA monitors). - MNP levels 2, 4, and 5 built into software. Can double the effective speed of non-MNP modems. - 16550 UART chip support built-in. - Very complete and accurate emulations of ANSI, Data General 200, TTY, DEC VT100, and VT320 terminals; VT100 and VT320 emulations include 132-column capability. - Screen review (scrollback) buffer with editing and paste including paste to communications session. Edit and Paste can also work with any text file. - A full suite of file transfer protocols - ANSI, Compuserve B+, SuperKermit, Xmodem, Xmodem-1k, Ymodem, Ymodem batch, Ymodem-g batch, Zmodem (including batch). - All transfers execute in the background so you can prepare messages or even shell out to DOS while they take place. Timing tests show a 5% degradation of downloading and 30% degradation in formatting floppies in a worst-case test on a 4.77mhz 8088. - Full Pascal-like script language with learn mode. Scripts are fully syntax checked before execution. There is no more powerful script language in the industry. - Keyboard remapping facility to customize odd terminal emulation situations Of course all the normal items you expect of a good communications program are here also: - Full dialing directory with redial and circular dialing queue. - Keyboard macros. - Chat mode support - Session text logging. - Event record (time and durations for calls, file transfers etc). - Online help. - DOS shell. - A script compiler and editor function key remapping facility are available separately. These and a dialing directory convertor (from Procomm, Qmodem, and Telix) are included upon registration. A short description suitable for use on BBSs follows: Full-featured communications program with plenty of special features. MNP in software. 43/50 line mode. scrollback with editing and paste. X/Ymodem, CIS B+, Kermit, Zmodem, all run in background. Full ANSI, VT100/320, DG200 emulation. Scripts with learn mode. Throw your Procomm/Qmodem/Telix away. Requires a hard disk and a modem. Author/Publisher Information: ----------------------------- Odyssey v2.00 is written and copyrighted (1993) by Don Milne, Micropack Ltd. In the US and North America, it is exclusively distributed by: TRIUS, Inc. P.O. Box 249 N. Andover, MA 01845-0249 ORDERS ONLY: 1-800-GO-TRIUS Information: 508-794-9377 FAX: 508-688-6312 BBS: 508-794-0762 CIS: 71333,103 In the UK, it is Published and distributed by: Shareware Publishing The Shareware Village Station Road Colyton, Devon. England. Call (voice): 0297-24088 (+44 297 24088) Contact Steve Townsley (70007,4725 on CIS) Odyssey is supported on Compuserve in the UK Shareware forum in the communications section. (GO UKSHARE - Section 4). The author and both publishers are available there to answer any questions you have. The latest version is always available in UKSHARE Library 5. Please see the file REGISTER.DOC for further information on registration and support. Note that all Odyssey documentation uses British spelling throughout. Distribution Restrictions and Permissions: ------------------------------------------ All people are permitted and encouraged to give copies of Odyssey to friends and co-workers as long as no fee is charged. Disk vendors, outside North America, who are Approved Vendors of the Association of Shareware Professionals may include Odyssey in their libraries and distribute evaluation copies for their normal disk fees. Disk vendors who are not members of the ASP must obtain permission from either of the publishers above before distributing Odyssey. Bulletin Boards and Electronic Communications Services, outside North America, may post Odyssey for downloading by their customers. North American non-profit user groups may include Odyssey in their libraries and distribute evaluation copies for their normal disk fees. All others including anyone interested in bundling Odyssey with modems or other hardware or software sales must obtain the permission and license of one of the publishers (above) before distributing Odyssey. Anyone distributing Odyssey must include all files present in the package and may not alter any of the files in any way. We would appreciate copies of anything you print regarding Odyssey. Please send us a copy of any reviews, articles, catalog descriptions, or other information you print or distribute. Thank you for your time and assistance and for supporting the shareware marketing concept. Usage Restrictions: ------------------- This evaluation copy of Odyssey has not yet been paid for. Users are granted a license to use it for evaluation purposes for a period of 30 days. If the software continues to be used it must be paid for. Details of payment and registration can be found in the file REGISTER.DOC Please be aware that old copies of Odyssey may be kept on bulletin board services and disk vendor libraries for years. If the date of last update at the top of this file is more than 12 months old please contact one of the publishers (above) to ensure that you have the most current version. Disclaimer of Warranty: ----------------------- The Shareware evaluation (trial use) version is provided AS IS. The publishers MAKE NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE PUBLISHERS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.