!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BETA TEST VERSION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This version may seem to work, but it has not been fully tested and is not an official release! You have been warned. PLEASE MAKE FREQUENT BACKUP COPIES OF ALL CRITICAL FILES !!!!!!!!!!!!!! BETA TEST VERSION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beta Testing is a means of getting widespread exposure to unfinished versions of a program during the development process. The idea is for as many users as possible to "beta test" the program and to make suggestions and report bugs. This type of widespread testing can lead to a very stable and bug-free finished product (the RELEASE version). Please read HSLINK.NEW to see what has been changed recently. If you encounter problems or would like to make a suggestion, please contact the author. HS/Link product support is available by voice at (818) 891-4228 between 9am and 6pm pacific time, TUESDAY through SATURDAY. To obtain newer beta test versions, please call (818) 891-1344 and select the "free downloading" service from the initial "special services menu". You need not be a registered Tool Shop BBS user to access this special service.