INSTALLING HS/LINK IN COMM AND BBS PROGRAMS HS-INST is a collection of installation tips on how to install the HS/Link protocol in a number of different COMM and BBS programs. HS/Link is a new high speed, full streaming, full-duplex, bi-directional batch file transfer protocol with advanced full-streaming-error- correction and dynamic-code-substitution. It is easy to use and runs very fast. The HS/Link protocol can be easily installed in most modern COMM programs. Specific instructions have been prepared for many popular COMM programs, and are available in the following separate ZIP files. Communication program Instructions posted in _____________________ _______________________ BOYAN 5.0 HS-BOY50.ZIP {COMMO} HS-COMMO.ZIP GT POWER 15.50 HS-GT15.ZIP PROCOMM PLUS and PROCOMM PLUS TEST DRIVE HS-PCPTD.ZIP PROCOMM PLUS/WINDOWS HS-PROW.ZIP QMODEM 4.3 HS-QMOD.ZIP ROBO COMM 3.1 HS-RC31.ZIP TELIX 3.1 HS-TELIX.ZIP TELEMATE 2.1 HS-TMATE.ZIP The HS/Link protocol can easily be installed in most modern BBS programs as an external protocol. Specific instructions have been prepared for many popular BBS programs, and are available in separate ZIP files. BBS program Instructions posted in _______________________________ _______________________ Auntie 5.12 HS-AU512.ZIP GAP 5.1 HS-GAP51.ZIP MarkMail under Gap HS-MKML.ZIP PCBOARD 14.5 (11/90) HS-145.ZIP PCBOARD 14.5a (10/30/91) HS-145A.ZIP PROBOARD 1.17 HS-PB117.ZIP PRODOOR 3.43 (10/30/91) HS-PROD.ZIP RemoteAccess 1.10 HS-RA110.ZIP RemoteAccess 1.11 HS-RA111.ZIP RemoteAccess HS-RA.ZIP RBBS 17.3C (12/05/91) HS-R173C.ZIP Rybbs HS-RYBBS.ZIP SuperBBS 1.15 Gamma4 HS-S1154.ZIP Searchlight BBS HS-SLBBS.ZIP Spitfire BBS version 3.0 HS-SF30.ZIP UltraBBS version 2.08 HS-UB208.ZIP Virtual BBS version 5.40 HS-VBB54.ZIP Waffle HS-WAF.ZIP Wildcat! Test Drive version 2.15 HS-WC215.ZIP WWIV version 4.20 HS-WWIV.ZIP NOTE FOR BBS OPERATORS ====================== If you wish to post the zip files nested inside HS-INST for seperate downloading by your users, you can use the file 'DIR' as a directory listing.