ADDING HS/LINK TO GAP BBS TESTED WITH GAP V5.2B AND HS/LINK V1.0 *** This file has changed from the first release of this setup information. The -NU was added which was not in the first installation, and more importantly, The old installation would not find the single file uploads (they had to be in a different directory then the batch uploads) and thus they would fail. Please change to the batch files included here *** Since Gap currently does not support Batch protocols other than "D" for DSZ, you will have to set up the HS/Link protocol as letter "D". To set up HS/Link with GAP you need to do the following: 1) Copy EXTSD.BAT & EXTRD.BAT to your GAP Main Directory 2) Make sure HSLINK is in your GAP Directory or in your PATH. 3) Edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT and add the Statement: SET DSZLOG = C:\GAP\DSZ.LOG (you can use any directory or filename you like, but you must have this statement or batch uploads will not work) 4) Copy the FLISTCNV.EXE to your GAP Directory (or in a PATH) 5) Run GAP, Go into the Configuration under the section marked "File System Options" and add the letter "D" to `External Protocol Letters.' Make sure the prompt above it `Use External Protocols' is set to "Y". As long as you do exactly as above, everything will work. A few notes about the EXTRD.BAT file. In the third line below that says -UD:\NEWUP\WORK0 change the NEWUP to your upload and add the "\WORK0" to the end of it, if you don't it will NOT work. EXTRD.BAT @if exist %DSZLOG% del %DSZLOG% @rem batch upload @if "%3" == "" HSLINK -P%1 -E%2 -NU -UD:\NEWUP\WORK0 @rem single file upload @if not "%3" == "" HSLINK -P%1 -E%2 -NU -UD:\NEWUP If you are getting errors during uploading or downloading you may need to add the -HS parameter to the command line. Check your HS/Link Documentation for more information on this and other options.