INSTALLING HS/LINK EXTERNAL PROTOCOL IN Auntie 5.12 Installing HS/LINK in Auntie is simplicity in itself. You must be at version 5.12 which is currently still in beta, but all registered Auntie owners can get the latest beta from the home base BBS, Wes Meier's WC-BBS. With Auntie you simply run the CONFIG program and under the protocols you simply toggle support HS/LINK to true. The below is a sample of that screen. Ö[CONFIG: Protocols (Hit Alt-M to Toggle Mouse ON)]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º º º Kermit is Supported .................................................. FALSE º º JMODEM is Supported ................................................... TRUE º º YMODEM-G May be Selected by NON-Error Checking Callers ............... FALSE º º MPT is Supported ..................................................... FALSE º º HSLink is Supported ................................................... TRUE º º Save Changes and End (*) º º End Without Saving Changes (Esc) º º Main Menu º º º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ Next make sure that the HSLINK.EXE is in your path. The defaults for HS/LINK are found in the AUNTEXT file at line 1277. If you find you need the slow handshake with your drive you can either add that in that line or make a HSLINK.CFG file with the defaults you want to use. If you do change anything in the AUNTEXT file you must run MAKANTXT.exe again to regenerate the AUNTEXT.RND file that the system uses while running. Once you finish just run AUNTVERF to assure that you have everything set up right which will also make sure that HSLINK.EXE is in your path. Auntie uses the DSZ.LOG to get the stats when finished with file transfers. Bidirectional transfers run great with Auntie. Even while the user is downloading his/her QWK mail packet they can send up a file and Auntie handles it all just fine. That's all there is to it, but as always, make sure to read the docs for HS/LINK and Auntie. Good luck! Randy Young SysOp of the ATT-PAC BBS running Auntie 510 829-6062 and 510 833-7274. Both nodes with Hayes Ultra144 v.32bis modems. Full access on first call with never any fees.