FOSSIL HS/Link Version 1.20 Copyright 1993 Samuel H. Smith All Rights Reserved The file FHSLINK.EXE is the new FOSSIL version of the HS/Link protocol driver. This version of HS/Link is useful if you are using FOSSIL drivers to access your COM ports. You may need FOSSIL drivers with non- standard computer equipment or with many multi-port serial cards, such as the Digi-board. FOSSIL HS/Link is identical to the standard HSLINK with the following exceptions: * You MUST specify the COM port opening speed with the -B option. I was not able to reliably determine the current COM port speed using X00. Future versions may remove this requirement. * The RTS handshake functions are not available in standard version 5 FOSSIL drivers, so the -HS option may not work. Support has been added for X00 drivers, which extend the standard to allow this type of handshake. * I recommend a FOSSIL transmit buffer size of at least 5k. The receive buffer size is not as important, but should be increased if FHSLINK reports receiver overflow errors. Consult your FOSSIL driver documentation for details of setting buffer sizes. * The -PB, -PI, -N5 and -FT options are ignored since the FOSSIL driver now controls all low-level COM port details.