GIFLink v1.12 White River Software Registration $ 30.00 COMM GRAPHICS JUN93 GIF XMODEM ZMODEM QUICKB 16550 FOSSIL FILES: Minor Update GIFLink is an easy to use protocol driver that allows you to view the transmitting GIF images in stunning SuperVGA graphics. And it is the first protocol driver that uses full screen computer graphics in SuperVGA mode. GIFLink supports most of the popular file transfer protocols such as Zmodem, Batch Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Xmodem and CompuServe QuickB. If the files being transmitted are not GIF images, GIFLink will work just like a normal protocol driver. So GIFLink will transmit any files, not just GIF images. GIFLink also has a special VIEW mode so that you can look at the received GIF images in a slideshow format or preview the images you are going to sent. A MUST for GIF collectors. Hardware Requirements : IBM PC, PC-compatible or MS-DOS computer, modem, SuperVGA or VGA, 240k RAM Other Requirements : DOS 3.0 or higher.