CONDITIONS FOR COMMERCIAL BUNDLING Vendors wishing to bundle FreeComm with commercial software (including shareware) or with publications must first obtain explicit permission from Delrina. This includes any commercial software or publications, such as, but not limited to, magazines, books, newspapers, or newsletters in print or machine readable form. Delrina will decide if such distribution will be allowed on a case-by-case basis and may impose certain restrictions as it sees fit. The minimum terms are given below. Other conditions may be imposed. You MUST: 1) Not lead purchasers of your product to believe that they are paying for FreeComm. Any mention of the FreeComm bundle on the box, in advertising or in instruction manuals must be clearly marked with a disclaimer that FreeComm is free software and can be obtained for free or nominal cost from various sources. 2) Include a copy of this document. 3) Provide all FreeComm support for all users who acquired FreeComm through your product. Delrina is not obligated to provide you or your customers with any technical support. 4) Include a credit page or pages in your documentation for FreeComm. 5) Include contact and support information for your product. 6) Include official documentation with the product. CONDITIONS FOR SHAREWARE/FREEWARE DISTRIBUTION COMPANIES Shareware and freeware distribution companies may distribute the archives under the conditions following this section. This section only applies to distributors. Anyone wishing to bundle the package with a shareware product must use the commercial bundling rules above. You must notify us that you are distributing FreeComm and must provide us with information on how to contact you should any support issues arise. No more than five dollars U.S. ($5) can be charged per disk for the copying of this software and the media it is provided on. Distribution on high volume media such as backup tape or CD-ROM is permitted if the total cost to the user is no more than $0.10 per megabyte of data. For example a CD-ROM with 600 meg could cost no more than $60.00. CONDITIONS FOR ON-LINE SERVICES AND BBS'S On-line services and BBS's may distribute the FreeComm under the conditions in this section. It is strongly requested that BBS operators remove prior versions of FreeComm to avoid user confusion and simplify or minimize support efforts. The on-line service or BBS may only charge standard usage rates for the downloading of this software. A premium may not be charged for this package. I.E. CompuServe or America On-Line may make FreeComm available to their users, but they may only charge regular usage rates for the time required to download.