BITLXMNP.DOC To get a smooth interface between BiModem, Telix and MNP modem. The modem setting program included (SETUPV42.BAT) and the modem initialize string are for the ATI's 2400etc modem with v.42. For use without v.42 change the &Q6 to &Q5 in the modem initialize string and run the SETUP.BAT file. Follow the following setup steps for Telix. The options need to be changed have a >>>>> sign in the left column. ******* The Terminal options screen. (Alt-O then select T) ΥΝ΅ Terminal options ΖΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΈ ³ ³ >>>>> A - Baud 9600 <<<<<< This must be set to 9600 or 19200 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ C - Default terminal type ........... ANSI-BBS ³ ³ D - Status line ..................... Bottom ³ ³ E - Local echo ...................... Off ³ ³ F - Add Line Feeds after CRs ........ Off ³ ³ G - Strip high bit (incoming data) .. Off ³ ³ H - Received Backspace destructive .. On ³ >>>>> I - XON/XOFF software flow control .. On <<<<< may be ON or OFF ³ >>>>> J - CTS/RTS hardware flow control ... On <<<<< must be ON ³ >>>>> K - DSR/DTR hardware flow control ... On <<<<< may be ON or OFF ³ ³ L - Compuserve Quick B transfers .... Off ³ ³ M - Zmodem auto-downloads ........... On ³ ³ N - Answerback string (ENQ) ......... ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Change which setting? (Return or Esc to exit) ³ ΤΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΎ ******* The Modem and dialing setup menu (Alt-O then M) ΥΝ΅ Modem and dialing parameter setup ΖΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΈ ³ ³ >>>>> A - Init string ......... ATZ1^M~~ATV1X6W2&B1&Q6&K3S0=0^M << The Best ³ ³ ³Modem ³ ³ B - Dialing prefix 1 .... ATDP ³init string³ ³ C - Dialing prefix 2 .... ATDT ³I've found.³ ³ ³ D - Dialing prefix 3 .... ATDT1800 ³ ³ E - Dialing suffix ...... ^M ³ ³ F - Connect string ...... CONNECT ³ ³ G - No connect strings .. NO CARRIER BUSY ³ ³ ERROR NO DIALTONE ³ ³ H - Hang-up string ...... +++~~~ATH^M <<<< Not really Necessary ³ ³ I - Auto answer string .. ATS0=1^M ³ ³ J - Dial cancel string .. ^Z ³ ³ ³ ³ K - Dial time ........... 60 ³ ³ L - Redial pause ........ 1 ³ >>>>> M - Auto baud detect .... Off <<<<< Must be set to OFF ³ >>>>> N - Drop DTR to hangup .. On <<<<< This is preferred ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Change which setting? (Return or Esc to exit) ³ ΤΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΎ ******* File transfer protocols setup menu. (Alt-O then select P) ΥΝ΅ File transfer protocols ΖΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΈ ³ ³ ³ External Key Protocol Upload Download BAT or DL ³ ³ Protocols Name Filename Filename Script Name ³ ³ ³ ³ A................. J Jmodem JMTX JMRX Batch Y ³ ³ ³ ³ B................. L Lynx LXTX LXRX Batch N ³ ³ ³ ³ C................. D Dsz Zmodem ZMTX ZMRX Batch N ³ ³ ³ >>>>> D................. B BiModem BIMOD BIMOD Batch N ³ **** Use The BIMOD.BAT file included in this package for the best interface. ³ **** Modify the path to where BiModem resides if necessary. The default is ³ **** the current directory. It is best to use download when use BiModem, ³ **** because you won't be prompted by Telix for the filename. You'll have to ³ **** enter the file name for UL and DL in Bimodem's. ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Change which setting? (Return or Esc to exit) ³ ΤΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΎ It is normal for the following message to appear when startup. Telix Copyright (C) 1986-88 Exis Inc. and Colin Sampaleanu. All rights reserved. Version 3.11, released 10-30-88. >>>>>DSR/DTR handshaking disabled, as DSR line is low. <<<< This is normal Press ALT-Z for help on special keys. ATZ1 >>>>>OK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< This must say OK ATV1X6W2&B1&Q6S0=0 >>>>>OK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< This must say OK MISCELLANEOUS Look for ATI>x.ZIP if you have problems with setting up GT PowerComm v15 with the ATI 2400 etc modem. I am not a regular user of Telix, but I have sufficient time to set it up, tried it out and erased it. -- Don't get me wrong, Telix is a good program, it is that everyone have their likes and dislikes and Telix feels awkward to me even after I used the older version (2.12) for about a week and tried out 3.11 for about two weeks. And for about half what I paid to register for my comm program I still don't like Telix--even with the internal Zmodem, Ymodem-g, SEAlink, Xmodem-1k-g, etc. WARRANTIES, ETC I am not liable for any damage resulting from the use of this stuff. I just write them because I've heard of users that don't even know how to turn the MNP protocol on and have to jump out of Telix and run BiModem, then type EXIT to get back to Telix. Telix is a trade mark of Exis Inc. BiModem is a trade mark of Eric Labs. ATI 2400 etc is a trademark of ATI Technologies Inc. -------- END -------- Let me know if this is any help at all. My ego wants to know. Leave me a message on an IBM or COMM echo if you have anything to say. Good Luck ! Geoffrey Sy.