WGM-Case Version 1.00 Written by: Wayne G. Maas WGM Computer Consulting BBS (203) 523-1987 USR HST D/S November 21, 1991 INTRODUCTION ------------ This is a small utility that will allow you to convert the case of text in a PCBoard(tm) file directory listing. This utility will also convert text to specified keywords that the sysop can set. RUNNING THE UTILITY ------------------- usage: WGM-DMS input [output] [method]'); /Iinput This is the name of the directory file that contains the text you widh to convert. *Required* /Ooutput This is the name of the directory file that WILL contain the converted text. *Optional* /? This help screen. methods: /U Convert all text to upper case. *DEFAULT* /L Convert all text to lower case. /D Convert filename,date and size to upper case and all of the description to lower case. /F Convert the first letter of the 1st description line to upper case and the rest to lower case. /W Convert the first letter of each word to upper case and the rest of each word to lower case.'); ************************************************************************* ***** Look in the compressed file for BEFORE.DIR and AFTER.DIR. ***** ***** These are the before and after of a sample directory lising. ***** ************************************************************************* To have WGM-CASE convert text in the directory listing, a file called WGM-CASE.LST must be present. If it isn't, WGM-CASE will skip this process. If it exists, it must contain the text as you want it to appear in the directory listing. For example, if you want to convert all occurrences of the text lower case vga to upper case VGA, the entry you would have in the WGM-CASE.LST file would be VGA. Please look at the WGM-CASE.LST that came with this utility for a better example. DISCLAIMER ---------- I, Wayne G. Maas, will not be held responsible for the use or misuse of this software. COMMENTS -------- If you have any questions regarding this utility or any suggestions, please call my bbs, WGM Computer Consulting BBS at (203) 523-1987 (USR HST D/S) and leave me your comments. REGISTRATION ------------ There is none. Use it as you wish. The source code remains the property of Wayne G. Maas. You can distribute this utility anyway you like.