Upgrading From TriBBS 4.X to 5.0 -------------------------------- 1) Backup your entire NWORK directory, MWORK directory, and SYSDAT1.DAT. 2) Copy the new EXE files over ALL existing copies. 3) From node 1's main directory run TB4XTO50.EXE. This will convert the M*.PTR, FAREA.DAT, SYSDAT1.DAT, and *.MNU files to 5.0 compatibility. 4) Add the following line to your MAIN.MNU file: R,R,Toggle RIPScrip Graphics,security level 5) Add the following command to your FILE.MNU file: E,E,Edit Batch Queue,security level 6) Change the MESSAGE.MNU's Set Conference Queue command to the following: Q,Q,Queue Conferences,security level 7) Add the following command to your MESSAGE.MNU file: S,S,Text Search Messages,security level 8) If you are running a multinode system, be sure to copy the converted *.MNU files from node 1's NWORK directory to all of the other nodes' NWORK directory. 9) Copy the file LANGUAGE.001 into your MWORK directory. 10) If you are using indexed file areas, run MakeIdx to create new 5.0 compatible index files. 11) Replace all existing versions of TriMail, TriNet, etc. with the 5.0 compatible versions. Do NOT use any utility program that are written for previous versions that access the M*.PTR or FAREA.DAT files.