Five In A Row v1.1 ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ by Saint Released 22.4.1997 (Additional credits to Deletion for lots of suggestions) Index: 1. Introduction 2. Installation 3. Upgrading from version 1.0 4. Configuration 5. Version history 5.1 What will propably be added to future versions 6. Known bugs and other stuff 7. Contacting 8. Greetings ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--- - ù ú ³ 1. Introduction ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--- - ù ú If you know how to play noughts and crosses, then you know how to play this game too. The purpose of the game is to get five of your own playmarks in to a row. User has X and Sysop has O as a playmark. The marks are put to the playfield in turns. Playing the game is the easiest way to learn it. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--- - ù ú ³ 2. Installation ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--- - ù ú Unpack the files to an own directory, for example C:\PCB\PPE\FIVEIROW (Of course you can put the files in any directory you want, but I recommend that you give them an own directory.) Then install this PPE to your PCBoard so that your users can access it. If you put it to CMD.LST then here's something what it might look like: ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º CMD.LST Editor º º º º Charges Per PPE/MNU File Specification -or- º º Command Sec Minute Use Keystroke Substitution º º ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ  º 01) FIVEINAROW 20 0 0 C:\PCB\PPE\FIVEIROW\FIVEIROW.PPE ± Or alternatively if you don't want to use pager at startup (FIVEIROW.CFG line 8) you could install this PPE to one of the function keys in PCBSETUP/Configuration options/Function keys. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--- - ù ú ³ 3. Upgrading from version 1.0 ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--- - ù ú The easiest way is to delete all files of the old version and replace them with the files of this version. All files have changed more or less since the old version. You need to reconfigure the configuration files. If you had the older version working then you do not have to do anything else, otherwise you should read sections Installation and Configuration from this "manual". OR if you had customized the configuration files and don't want to go through all that work again, then you could add the new lines of the configuration files to your old ones. Remember to do this carefully! Some lines might be changed too, so be sure to change them in your old configuration files. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--- - ù ú ³ 4. Configuration ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--- - ù ú There are two configuration files: FIVEIROW.CFG - General settings FIVEIROW.STR - Strings data file You find instructions how to alter those files inside each of them. Just don't delete any lines from them. There are four display files: FIVEIROW.PCB - The main playfield screen ANSIYELL.ANS - The default page ANSI FIVEIROW.HLP - The default full help file HOWTFIVE.HLP - The default instruction file You can alter these files as much as you want. Just remember that if you change FIVEIROW.PCB configure the FIVEIROW.CFG to the new cursor positions. (So, if you don't like the default look of this PPE, you can change it to look like your very own elite look. ;) ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--- - ù ú ³ 5. Version history ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--- - ù ú v1.1 22-04-97 - Changed: Screen refresh procedure is now faster. Fixed: All chat text lines weren't cleared properly if used customized chat area size. Fixed: Some minor and cosmetic bugs. Added: User and Sysop can now yell each other with CTRL+B when playing. If you have alarm set off (by F7 key) you will not hear any beeps. Added: FIVEIROW.CFG line 9: allow user to exit game by pressing ESC (yes/no) Added: A clock. FIVEIROW.CFG line 10. Added: Capture feature. FIVEIROW.CFG line 11. Added: Logging. FIVEIROW.CFG line 12. Added: Total time played count. FIVEIROW.CFG line 13. Added: A different color for the winning line. Added: Game's instructions by CTRL+P. FIVEIROW.CFG line 14. v1.0 28-03-97 - The initial release. I released this in a hurry because I just wanted to get rid of this. :) I'm having ideas of what to put to this all the time, so I believe that there will be updates. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--- - ù ú ³ 5.1 What will propably be added to (possible) future versions :) ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--- - ù ú If I'm motivated enough to develop this PPE more, here's a list of the things that might be added: - Two chat windows (sysop/remote) - Computer player Tell me if you're using this PPE! When I know that someone's using this I know that I'm doing at least something right. :) My email address is in the section Contacting of this .doc. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--- - ù ú ³ 6. Known bugs and other stuff ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--- - ù ú - You can't change the size or position of the playfield. Is there any need for this, any way? - There's no computer player! - I haven't tested this PPE with other configurations than the default one. But theoretically it shouldn't have any problems with customized configs. If you have some problems with this, report to me! - I've noticed something about what I do: I only create systems, I don't customize them. That means, if you don't like the look of this PPE, change it yourself! I've given you the chance for that through a totally customizable system. - Anyone who rips this code shall burn in hell! - I think that it's very important to a PPE that it is customizable. There should not be boards that are full clones of each other. That's why I make my PPEs as customizable as possible. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--- - ù ú ³ 7. Contacting ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--- - ù ú I'd really like to hear from you if you are using my PPE and hear your possible comments and suggestions and BUG-REPORTS about this program. My e-mail address: Or if you don't have an e-mail account then write a message to me on a board I am in. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--- - ù ú ³ 8. Greetings ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--- - ù ú Deletion - Thanks for testing this with me and for the suggestions! Stalker Influx Mind Leader Neptune "Look on the bright side is suicide." -Kurt Cobain/Milk it