<®Ä----ÄÄ-ÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄ-------ÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄÄ-------ÄÄÄÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄÄ-------ÄÄÄÄ----ÄÄÆ> °±²ŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪ²±°³ [PWA] YASCC PPE v1.0 ³°±²ŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪ²±° <®Ä------ÄÄ---ÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-------------ÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄ----------ÄÄ--ÄÄ---ÄÄÄ-Æ> YET ANOTHER SPLIT SCREEN CHATTER (C) BlackCat 1995 for PWA <®Ä----ÄÄ-ÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄ-------ÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄÄ-------ÄÄÄÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄÄ-------ÄÄÄÄ----ÄÄÆ> Yep, it had to happen, this is my try at Yet Another Split Screen Chatter. O my, why did you make one I hear you ask! Well, to be honest, simply because I couldn't think of anything new to make as it seems I've exhausted all my PPEing ideas, and this was one of the PPEs missing from my collection :). At this moment in time YASCC boasts the following incredibly usefull features: ž Overall FAST execution, certainly considering the large number of options. ž Definable chat area layouts NOT restriced to boxes only. ž Smart-scrolling when lines being scrolled won't fit! ž Configurable colors and display files. ž User and Sysop macros, maximum of 200 macros each. There shouldn't be a very noticeable delay in having lots of macros, besides at startup, but I don't have to tell you that do I?. ž Smart word-wrap, including macros. ž Full backspacing. ž Definable scroll size when one reaches the end of a window. Colors are retained when scrolling. ž Quiet mode in which the user cannot type anything. ž Chat window clear functions (sysop & user). ž Screen refresh function (sysop & user). ž Chat time will be given back to user (optional). ž Seperate sysop & user help functions ž User status as to what the sysop is doing (can be disabled if wanted). ž Sysop Status line visible for the sysop only showing some important toggles. ž Full Logging capabilities. ž External User editor support (for CUFE or whatever you use). ž ESC exit keys for sysop & user (user ESC access is optional). ž Macro viewing function for sysop & user (CTRL-V) <®Ä----ÄÄ-ÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄ-------ÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄÄ-------ÄÄÄÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄÄ-------ÄÄÄÄ----ÄÄÆ> °±²Ū²±°³ INSTALLATION ³°±²ŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪ²±° <®Ä------ÄÄ---ÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-------------ÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄ----------ÄÄ--ÄÄ---ÄÄÄ-Æ> Install this by replacing your PCBTEXT prompt # 333 with: --------------------- !\CHAT.PPE /333 --------------------- The /333 parameter tells YASSC we're using prompt 333. You can also put this PPE on one of your pcboard function keys in which case you should omit the /333 parameter. <®Ä----ÄÄ-ÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄ-------ÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄÄ-------ÄÄÄÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄÄ-------ÄÄÄÄ----ÄÄÆ> °±²Ū²±°³ CONFIGURATION ³°±²ŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪ²±° <®Ä------ÄÄ---ÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-------------ÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄ----------ÄÄ--ÄÄ---ÄÄÄ-Æ> ÄÄÄÄÄ CONFIGURATION FILES ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The SYSOP.CDT and USER.CDT files are used to define the sysop and user chat area coordinates. Each line indicates the starting coordinate (X,Y) of the chat line and the end (X) position of that line (ie. '2 2 78' means the chat line starts at 2,2 and ends at position 78). If you define an area in which the starting lines are shorter than the ending lines make sure you select smart-scrolling in CHAT.CFG otherwise the chat lines which scroll upwards will be truncated. Smart-scrolling is slower then normal scrolling ans loses any color information so if possible keep it turned off. The rest op the options are fairly obvious, all the info you need is contained in the CHAT.CFG file. The CFG?.ZIP files contain a couple of ready to go chat setups, take a look and see if you find something you'd like to use, if not make your own. SYSLINE contains the sysop line shown to the sysop only which contains a couple of toggles the sysop can turn on/off. There are a couple of macros allowed in this line: @LOG@ - Logging turned on/off. @MAC@ - Macros turned on/off. @TIME@ - Give time back yes/no. Note that you'd better only use ansi codes in this file as pcboard doesn't recognize @ color codes on the sysop side (sprint). ÄÄÄÄÄ MACROS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Use the SYSOP.MAC file to define macros for the sysop, and USER.MAC for the user. Each macro file contains 2 lines for each macro, the first one is the text typed by the user/sysop and the second one contains the replacement text. When using pcboard @ code macros in your replacements make sure the PCB macros start at the first character and not anywhere else, like this: -------------------------------- /l @CITY@ -------------------------------- ^ First character on the line This is needed so the viewer knows how to expand the macros when word wrapping. I have not built in support for pcb macros anywhere in a line as this would slow down the chatter too much. You have room for about 200 macros. The more macros the longer the chatter takes to load of course. If you notice your macros are not being expanded anymore you've probably run into your maximum so try removing some unneeded ones. <®Ä----ÄÄ-ÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄ-------ÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄÄ-------ÄÄÄÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄÄ-------ÄÄÄÄ----ÄÄÆ> °±²Ū²±°³ AUTHOR ³°±²ŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪ²±° <®Ä------ÄÄ---ÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-------------ÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄ----------ÄÄ--ÄÄ---ÄÄÄ-Æ> If you find any bugs or have any comments/suggestions/additions/fortune cookies you can mail me on internet at: an42144@anon.penet.fi You can also get the newest versions of my utils at +31-365362117, first time access to my utils, so you LD callers won't have any need to flame me. ÄÄÄ EOF ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ