I've had many users complain about the single menu approach that PCBoard uses, they either don't understand it or they prefer the multi- menu system on other local BBSes. Not really wanting to lose the users I have I decided to sit down and revise the way things were set up on my BBS. Took a couple of hours to get things the way I wanted them but I think the end result was worth the effort. At least I haven't received any complaints about them so far:). ========================================================================= INSTALLATION ========================================================================= The installation is pretty simple and straightforward. Just copy these two file to the /GEN directory. BRDM.MNU BRDS.MNU Then create a directory off of your PCB directory called SUBMENU. Copy the rest of the files there. That's all there is to it! You now have a complete multimenu system. I've tried to keep these menus as simple as possible. On my own system a lot of the basic commands are linked to ppe's. I took those out on this file to let you add your own. Still, a few of mine are still in here and you will need to change them. A few of them are the CD, Read, and Time Bank commands. You also need to load up TheDraw and put your BBS name and your name on the menu display files. You WILL need to edit the DOOR menu and the DISPLAY file to represent the doors you have on your system! The command is pretty simple: MKPCBMNU C:\PCB\SUBMENU\DOOR.MNU Just go to the end of each line and add the batch file name that starts each door. (Without the .BAT extension!!) ========================================================================== If you like these menus drop me a note at 1:379/304 or give the BBS a call 704-279-6157. Any questions are welcomed or answered if I'm able. CREDITS: The menus are taken from a Wildcat BBS sysop. Glenn French of the CyberStar BBS in North Dakota. I saw 'em, liked 'em and adapted them for my BBS. And now you have them. Rick Foster The Star-Edge BBS Rockwell, North Carolina 704-279-6157