ONEFOSsil Distributors License (c) Copyright 1995-96 by Morris Softronics Anyone who wishes to distribute ONEFOSsil in its unregistered form can as long as these conditions are met: þ The end recipient pays no more than one U.S. dollar for ONEFOSsil. If ONEFOSsil is shipped with other software, then the effective cost of ONEFOSsil's portion must be less than one U.S. dollar. Most all bulletin boards and shareware disk distributors would easily meet this requirement. þ The end recipient must be notified that this is shareware and that a registration must be filed with Morris Softronics for an additional fee. Again; most all bulletin boards and shareware distributors would meet this requirement. þ All files contained in the original ONEFOSsil archive must remain intact and unmodified. If anyone wishes to distribute registered versions of ONEFOSsil, they need to contact the publisher for an extended distribution license. There are fees associated with this. This may be specially useful for prospective foreign distributors. Refer to SUPPORT.TXT distributed with ONEFOSsil for more information on contacting Morris Softronics.