ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ WARNING all DECOMILERS ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ If you are a decompiler this is a warning!! DO NOT attempt to decompile this PPE because it is equipped with the newest weapon against decompilers. If you even begin to decompile this program a virus will be discharged into your computer causing hardware problems and causing the wipeout of 2 MEGS of space on contact. So before you have the chance to get rid of the virus you loose 2 MEGS. If you try to DELETE the file useing a virus scan method it will say that it is deleted but some of the virus that has been inserted into your files will not be deleted and will begin to work again and wipeout more memory when you access the files the virus is in. So, IS IT WORTH IT?