You should at least have following files. If not stop now and get a complete copy of the MSX emulator (read MSX1EMUL.DOC for addresses). FILES.DOC This file README.1ST IMPORTANT: READ THIS ! README.NL Dutch people should read this ! MSX1EMUL.DOC Documentation for the MSX-1 emulator WHATS.NEW What's new ? REGISTER.FRM Registration form: print it and fill it out MSX1.EXE MSX-1 emulator executable MENU.PAK Digitized background image for the CTRL-BREAK menu DRIVES.TBL Drive mappings file (check it out before starting the emulator) GETROM.BAS MSX BASIC program to fetch ROMs from a MSX machine SS2DS.COM Fix single sided (360Kb) 3.5" disks to read/write in MS-DOS MSXDUMP.COM Dump raw images of MSX disks MSXBOOT.COM Fix boot sector of MSX disks SPLITROM.EXE Split ROM files into 8Kb parts