Sysops upgrading from v1.0, please run DPROCFG.EXE to update your .CFG file. Here is a QUICK start doc file for installing and running DIZIT PRO: 1. Create directory for DIZIT PRO, ie C:\DIZITPRO 2. Edit/Create configuration file (run DPROCFG.EXE) 3. Move all files to be processed into a temporary file directory 4. Type C:\DIZITPRO\DIZITPRO C:\DIZITPRO\DIZITPRO.CFG x:\yyyyyyy where x is the name of the drive that contains the files to be processed and yyyyyyy is the directory containing the files. That's all there is - refer to DIZITPRO.DOC file for detailed explanations. Users upgrading from v1.x, you will need to add two additional lines to the DIZITPRO.CFG file. Refer to documentation for information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ USERS OF DIZIT: DizIt can automatically be upgraded to DizIt Pro by running DPROCFG.EXE on your .CFG files. You will also need to edit any batch files that you use to run DizIt, please refer to documentation on how to run DizIt Pro. Please note, DizIt Pro is a seperate program from DizIt. Registration numbers from DizIt will _not_ work with DizIt Pro. Dizit is a seperate program from DizIt Pro and will continue to be supported.