CONFIG.DAT structure : Place Description Appearance Definition 1st - Configuration file header [1] (ConfigHdr) 2nd - Main configuration record [1] (ConfigRec) 3rd - Modem response records [0..ConfigRec.Modems.ResponseCnt] (ModemResponseRec) 4th - Net address records [0..ConfigHdr.NetCnt] (NetAddrRec) 5th - User limit records [0..ConfigHdr.Limits] (LimitRecord) 6th - System event records [0..ConfigHdr.Events] (EventRecord) 7th - Transfer protocol records [0..ConfigHdr.Protos] (ProtocolRecord) 8th - Packer records [0..ConfigHdr.Archives] (ArchiveRecord) 9th - Message editor records [0..ConfigHdr.Editors] (EditorRecord) 10th - Char set records [0..ConfigHdr.CharSets] (CharSetRecord) Note: All records can be of fixed length. Record size fields in ConfigHdr should be used to read records correctly to memory. Note: ConfigHdr.FAreaSize, ConfigHdr.MAreaSize and ConfigHdr.DoorSize record size fields are always read from CONFIG.DAT in system path.