+--------------------------[ CLPCBTXT Ver 2.00 ]----------------------------+ | Written By Gary Meeker 02/01/94 Updated 02/01/96 | | SYSOP: SHARP Technical Support Line BBS Lawrenceville, GA | | (770) 962-1788 300-28800 Baud. 24 Hours | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ V1.00 02/01/94 - Initial release V2.00 02/01/96 - Added ability to edit text also and multi-lang file support The purpose of this program is to allow changing the default colors of the PCBTEXT entries. The docs will be almost non-existent as the operation is designed to be identical to MKPCBTXT.EXE and you can use the documentation for it. The only thing of importance to note is that the colors will be reset to their default again if you edit a record with MKPCBTXT.EXE after changing it with this program. To assist you in maintaining consistent colors I have provided ALT-W to write a file with the colors and ALT-R to read the file. This will allow you to quickly restore all the colors after editing the file with MKPCBTXT.EXE and also to quickly change all of your PCBTEXT files by editing the colors in one and using the Write/Read option to re-color the rest. The filename created will be PCBTEXTC.EXT (where EXT refers to the language extension of the PCBTEXT file you are editing). No Text search has been provided so you will need to know the entry number of the record you want to re-color. The search option has been changed to search for colors in keeping with the design of the program. (see below) There are only 8 color settings available and they are as follows: 0 = No Color Change, the entry will be in the last color written. 1 = Red 2 = Green 3 = Yellow 4 = Blue 5 = Violet 6 = Cyan 7 = White Version 2 adds full text support identical to MKPCBTXT plus more. The Text is now shown in color and changes to the color as you select it. Pressing TAB switches between the Color field and the Text field. In order for text editing to be made available, MKPCBTXT.EXE must in the current directory or somewhere in the path. If it can be found you will then get the Length and Justification fields displayed as well as the default text being displayed (in the default color). This information is obtained from MKPCBTXT.EXE so cannot be made available without it and the program will function like it used to. If the program finds the number of prompts are different between the file to be edited and MKPCBTXT.EXE it will prompt you run MKPCBTXT first if the file has less prompts or quit if it has more (as in the case of finding an older version of MKPCBTXT.EXE first). Multi-Language support has also been added. If PCBOARD.DAT can be found it will be read to obtain the path to the PCBTEXT files and the PCBML.DAT file. This changes the way you can start the program as you can specify the file you want to edit on the command line as before, or you can just execute the program and it will come up with language 1 already to go. You can also now specify just the extension (but you must include the '.') or the language number to edit. ie. CLPCBTXT .STD or CLPCBTXT 3 You will then be shown the language number of the file being edited and you can use the following keys: Alt-N Change to the Next language file. Alt-P Change to the Previous language file. Alt-A Applies the current prompt text or color to the other language files you specify. When prompted for the languages to apply changes to, you may enter the language numbers separated by a comma (or a semi-colon) and ranges of languages separated by '-' (ie. 1,3,7-9;11). This makes it easier for you to edit prompts on several languages at once, especially when installing '%' type external files into all the languages. When editing the text, you can use ALT-E to 'Externalize' the prompt. You will be prompted for the filename to create and the current text will then written to the file and your editor will be called with this filename. Both the default path for these files and the name of the editor are defined in CLPCBTXT.CFG so you set them to whatever you desire. If the current prompt already starts with a '%' filespec then ALT-E will call up your editor with this filename. The program will first look to see if there is a language specific version of the prompt and use it instead. The default format of the external prompt files names is ###P where ### is the prompt number with leading Zeros. Likewise, if the file starts with a '!' or '$' Alt-E will call up the specified editor to edit the .PPS source file or the .MNU file. Another feature added is ALT-D to Display the current prompt in colorized mode so the @Xnn color codes will be translated and you can see what the prompt will look like to the user (except for @MACROS@). The mode will be switched back to Color editing as the text can not be displayed and still be edited at the same time. Maybe at some later date I will design an editing mode like that of PCBEDIT.EXE to allow this. When editing text, the following keys are available: Ctrl-Left & Ctrl-Right move the cursor by words. Ctrl-X Clears the prompt. Ctrl-D Restores the prompt to the default (what it was when you started). Ctrl-L Performs a text search (same as F2). Ctrl-J Jumps to a record (same as F3). Ctrl-C Brings up a color chart allowing you to select a color which will be inserted at the cursor position unless the cursor is at a color code already, in which case it will be replaced with the selected color code. Pressing ESC while in the color chart will abort the process and no change will occur. Ctrl-F Searchs for PPE, MNU & Text files that do not exist on the drive to assist you in finding these mistakes. The record will be changed to the next occurance of a missing file or to the last record if there no more missing files. HOME, END, BACKSPACE, DELETE & INSERT all work the same as with MKPCBTXT. Alt-W/Alt-R are also available in Text edit mode, and they will create (or read) a file identical to the output of RDPCBTXT.EXE from. The filename created will be PCBTEXT-.EXT (where EXT refers to the language extension of the PCBTEXT file you are editing). This provides another way to edit prompts as you can create the list file, edit it with a text editor and read it back in. Partial lists can also be read in as the prompt number is used to access the record. This provides you with a simple method of distributing your customizations for just a few prompts. The length of the text read in will be checked against the allowable length. If any of the prompts exceed the defined length, you will be asked if you would like to externalize the prompt. If you choose not to do so, the prompt will be truncated to the allowed length. Some other differences from MKPCBTXT are: During a Search you can Abort a search by pressing 'A' and you will return to the prompt you were at when you started the search, or you can Quit the search by pressing 'Q' and you will stop at the current prompt (Of course, you can still press ESC the same as in MKPCBTXT and be returned to prompt number 1). The CLPCBTXT.CFG file is as follows: Line 1: Default path to Prompt Files Line 2: Editor for editing Prompts (ex. PCBEDIT.EXE) Line 3: Editor for editing .PPS source files (ex. QEDIT.EXE) Line 4: Editor for editing .MNU source files (ex. MKPCBMNU.EXE) Line 5: Default list of languages to apply changes to. ========================================================================= As usual, this program is released as FREEWARE and you may contact me via SaltAir or my BBS. CONTACTING THE AUTHOR There are a number of ways to contact the author: 1. Call the support BBS, SHARP Technical Support Line BBS (770) 962-1788. 2. Fax: (770) 995-0613 3. Send an eMail message to me either at gmeeker@sharpsec.com or Gary.Meeker@SaltAir.Com 4. Send a letter through regular post to the following address: ATTN: Gary Meeker SHARP Technical Support Line BBS 725-C Old Norcross Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 ========================================================================= *DISCLAIMER*DISCLAIMER*DISCLAIMER*DISCLAIMER*DISCLAIMER*DISCLAIMER* Every effort has been made to avoid error and moderately extensive testing has been performed on these programs, however, I do not warrant them to be fit for any purpose or to be free from error and disclaims any liability for actual or any other damage arising from the use of these programs. ENSURE YOU KEEP UP-TO-DATE BACKUPS OF ALL YOUR IMPORTANT FILES. *DISCLAIMER*DISCLAIMER*DISCLAIMER*DISCLAIMER*DISCLAIMER*DISCLAIMER* =========================================================================