A PCBOARD bulletin, files and doors menu generator - V-2.6! Written by Charlie Crawford. OK lazy sysops of the world - Unite! Yeah, I got tired of having to bring up the old word processor each time I wanted to change a bulletin, file, or door menu option and I was not all that impressed with other generation programs - So here it is! If you run a PCBOARD, then check it out and if not- maybe you ought to get one huh? What it does. This program allows you to fill out one or all three databases of listings for your bulletins, files or doors menus. It automatically generates the BLT, DIR, or DOORS file for you with PCBOARD color codes you have selected for either all listings or individual ones. You get to choose the colors for a menu banner, the numeric listings and the listing names themselves. If that is not all - you get to choose whether you want them in single or double lines and if you want them in columns or not. How to install and run it. Installation is pretty simple. All you do is unzip the file to a subdirectory of your choosing and go there. You may wan to put the files into \PCB\GEN or wherever you keep your menus, but that is up to you. I keep the program and the databases in my menu subdirectory since I like being able to generate the menu and have it ready to go! Running the program is easy as pie! Of course, nobody really knows how easy pie is, but then again... All you do is type "bgpcb" at the prompt and away you go!!! The first thing you will see is a long explanation of the program for those of us who hate reading docs. Then you get to choose whether you want to work with your bulletins, doors, or files menu. Just hit the corresponding letter to your choice and that sets up the program to work with the appropriate database. Next you get to choose whether you want a banner in the menu. Some folks like the idea of having a repeating phrase or whatever in their menu and so here is a shot at it. You might decide to put something like "Harry's greatest doors " every ten menu items or so. If you choose yes to this prompt then you will be asked for what the banner should say. Next you get to choose whether you want to quit and do nothing more, exit and generate a menu file corresponding to your choice, do a global change of your menu color scheme, or use the C to continue option that allows you to edit or add new records! Here, a word about the global color changes is in order. Using the global option gives your menu a uniform color scheme with your selected colors for the banner (if you chose to use one), the listing numbers and the listing names themselves. You can make them all bright and flashy or more conservative! The thing to remember is that global is global and so if you want individual listings to have different colors than others, then global is not the choice you want! Selecting the C option to continue is the most likely choice when first using the program. I mean, what good is it to globally change nothing huh? This C to continue choice will allow you to edit existing or add new records to the database from which your menu will be generated. The first thing that happens when you choose the C option is you get asked if you want to just edit the listing names. This is because you may have records that you are happy with the colors selected, but not with the names. You might also want to edit a particular name without having to deal with the colors or other listings and so this option is heaven for you. If you are just starting out and don't have any records with names you want to edit, or want to edit full records or add new ones, then answer this prompt with a no. Now you get presented with a prompt to see if you want to edit or add records beyond just the listing names. If you say yes to this, then you get to choose whether to start at the top of your listings or go to a particular listing. If you don't have any listings, then you would choose to start from the top where you don't have anything anyway. Makes sense huh? If you have listings already, then you might want to start somewhere down the file since you could spend a whole lot of time just paging down until you get to either the record you want to edit or to the end of the listings to add a new one. So for example, let's say you have 50 bulletins and want to edit #49 and add a new one as 51. All you do is choose to start down in the listings and type 49 when asked and then you go right to the place you need to be. Edit the record using the arrow keys to go from field to field and then once you get to record #50 you will be asked if you want to exit or not. If you say yes, then you don't get to add a new record 51 since the program assumes you are done and takes you to the place int the software where a menu is generated. If you answer no or if you originally enter a value greater than the last record in the database, then you get to a screen that tells you that there are no more records and would you like to add one? Say yes, answer the questions and your record is created. If you then answer the question about leaving with a no after entering the record you just created, then you will have the opportunity to add another and so on. Editing or creating listings is real easy. Just look at the chart of color codes and enter the one you want for the various options. You could make a banner bright green, the menu numbers bright red and the menu listing names bright white if you wanted or you could make individual listings different colors! Nifty huh. It is important to remember when entering listings that the number of the record created and the number that will appear on the menu are the same. So if you are entering your fifth entry and put a six in your bulletin number field, the menu generated will be pretty stupid because your callers will notice or even worse, select #6 and get something different from what they wanted. So be careful! Once you get to the actual screen for generating your BLT, DIR, or DOORS. menu file; you get to decide on whether to use single spacing or double spacing in your menu. Some folks like no lines between the listings and so they choose single. Also, you will notice that the program will copy your existing menu file (if one is in the directory) to its same name with a .org extension. This protects you from losing the file if you don't like the results of what is produced by the program. If no existing file is found, then you will see the DOS error of file not found or whatever, but don't freak out about it since that is normal and the program will just move on. Once having chosen what spacing you want, then the program will ask if you want columns or lines. If you are verbose and like to tell everyone a whole lot about the door, bulletin, or file area then columns are not for you! In effect, lines give you around 70 characters worth of space to put in the listing name, but columns truncate the field to 25 characters. This means you need to keep your names under 25 characters if you want to use columns. If you use columns, then you should also get a word processor that can do global search and replace. Use it on the file created by BGPCB and add 15 or whatever amount of spaces you want to the carriage returns. This gets the menu more centered. The reason for having to use a search and replace program is that I have not figured out how to get Clipper to write beyond the 80 columns in a text file it creates. PCBOARD reads the color codes and does not use the space they take in the text file on the screen and so it looks great, but Clipper uses those columns in setting up the file and wraps text every time I tried to get the text more centered. Sorry about that, but just get a search and replace utility and search for carriage return and replace with carriage return and fifteen or so spaces. Experiment to your liking. Well, that's about it. The program is free and you use it at your own risk. It works for me and should for you. I do suggest unzipping the program to a test subdirectory and playing with it for a bit before you unzip it again into your menu files directory which is usually \pcb\gen. If you need to reach me, then call me eastern time between 9 and 5 at area (617)-727-5550 extension 4503 or call the BBS at area (617)-451-5327. Questions and answers... q: What happens if I get a new version of this and unzip it to my subdirectory? Do I lose my records and listings? A: Yeah, good question. If you are updating your version of this program and overwrite the existing databases with the blank ones in the program, then you will be ticked! The good news would be that you get to enter all that data again and add new colors, and the bad news is that you get to enter all that data again and add new colors. I suspect that if I ever do anything more with this, it will be like the Talking Checkbook that I wrote and have fail-safe databases. Q: What is my name? A: Ask your Mama. Q: What about multi-node set ups? A: Hmmmm, if you are using more than one menu for various nodes, then I suggest that you unzip the files to each node where there is a different BLT, DIR, or DOORS. file than used on other nodes and do your generation from there. Q: Will this run remotely? A: Yeah, if you use something like Doorway.exe to drop to DOS. Q: What is the ultimate answer to it all? A: 42. Q: I have some sysop friends who are rugged individualists and use another software package. Does your program or other ones you write support them. A: Well, people could change the color codes with a word processor but the only other BBS software for which I have written a similar program is PowerBoard. Q: Are you done yet? I want to run the darn program... A: Yes - have fun!