Whats New/History file for AXREAD12.ZIP by Maverick/[ANTi-X] Read.ppe Version 1.20 (08/03/96) ÍÍÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄùú. New features: * ALL PPE's in this release are now compiled in PPLC 3.20! This means everyone with PCBoard 15.22+ can run this! Why you ask? Simple: 1. PCBoard 15.3 was dead the day it went into beta, no one uses it! 2. You asked for it! You wanted to use it on PCBoard 15.22, You got it! :) And NO, I didn't use any anti-decompilation tricks, but I warned you... * Complete multilingual support! Both in config files and display files! Old Filename -> New Filename READ.CFG READTEXT. READHDR. READHDR. READHLP. READHLP. READMENU. READMENU. BOOK. BOOK. BOOK.CFG BOOKTEXT. ENTER. ENTER. ENTERHLP. ENTERHLP. NOTE: There still is a file named READ.CFG which contains Non-Multi lang informations (such as the quote chars) * Fido net message format supported! The msgid, org, and seen-by lines are hidden, and not visiable. This is the way PCBoard does it itself, so I'm just building compatablity into READ.PPE! * Sysop command "!" added to see the hidden fido lines (if they happen to be of interest to you ) * Three new lines added to READTEXT for the Fido informations display * Will now strip all fido info from messages being captured and downloaded * Now displays pipe color codes! "|01" through "|15" are supported! This is incase your running IceEdit, now you do not have to have it convert them to Ansi codes (which are a pain to quote and piss fido nets off!) REMEMBER: Goto IceCfg and set Convert Color -> NO * Will now strip pipe codes from messages being captured and downloaded (just like it always has done with @X codes) * Two new lines added to READTEXT for READ.PPE's 'R Y' command, now displays more info when a caller does a 'read your' scan, hopefully eliminating some confussion! * SORT feature added to BOOK.PPE! (sorts alphabetically) * New End of Message/Command line command: NS (NonStop mode) * Read PPE now abides by the users "Clear Screen Between Messages" setting! * Read PPE now abides by the users "Scroll Long Messages" setting! * Read PPE now abides by the users "Long/Short Messages Header" setting! New file, READHDRS., SHORT message header! * New end of message commands, "SHORT" and "LONG" to temporary use the message headers respectivly. Both can be abreviated down to two chars. (ie, SH, SHO, SHOR, SHORT, LO, LON, LONG are all valid) * Read PPE now has an option to allow a question "post in this base? yes/no" if the user has read a message in that conference using a READ ALL scan! (see POSTBAR, delete POSTBAR to disable this feature) * ReadMail PPE now has a configurable lightbar prompt! READMAIL. * READHDR and READHDRS support three new @ codes: @CONF@ name of the current conference @MTO@ mixed case of who message is to @MFROM@ mixed case of who message is from (see READHDR.DOC for more info) * Date and Time separtor chars/colors now configurable in READ.CFG! (ie, instead of xx-xx-xx, you can make it xx/xx/xx, ect) Changes: * New lightbar command prompt in BOOK.PPE (save, continue, sort) * All text strings/lightbar text in BOOK.PPE are configurable via BOOKTEXT! * All text strings in READ.PPE are configurable via READTEXT and POSTBAR! NOTE: READ.CFG's format has changed! Take note of this when upgrading! * "Message Killed" and "Cannot Kill Message" in READTEXT now uses @OPTEXT@ for the message number rather than apending the number to the end! * The end of message prompt in READTEXT now supports @CURMSGNUM@, a macro for the current message (because PCBoard would update itself) * All INKEY() calls have been changed to TINKEY(0), to save on CPU keyboard polling slowdown as a result of inkey() loops! A BIG difference! * ENTER.PPE now allows hotkeys in the lightbar, in case the arrow or number keys on your keyboard are broken! :) * When doing a read all scan (R A) via read PPE it allways has displayed the "Ctrl-X aborts" string out of your PCBTEXT file, but it never allowed the user to accually abort the display! ;) Bug Fixes: * Fixed a nasty bug where you couldn't read mail FROM yourself unless you had sysop access! opps! I guess you can tell I beta test my own stuff! * Fixed a bug when if you searched for a name with ENTER.PPE, selected one, and wrote a message in an external editor, that message was not being saved because I wasn't 'freeing' the users file. Opppss... My PPL doc's are from version 15.21! ;) * The read your (R Y) command has been half broken sence version 1.00! It now supports messages addressed to @USER@ as well as the users name OR alias! (if you are using the alias PSA) NOTE: To sysops (sysop security), an @USER@ message shows "(generic message)" in the TO field, however, to a normal caller, one with LESS than sysop security it releaces the TO field with there name/alias! * When reading messages and answering N (NO) to a More prompt in the middle of a message read.ppe would pause for a long time before going to the end of message prompt! * When reading messages and answering NS (NonStop) to a More prompt in the middle of a message read.ppe would not go into Non-Stop mode and still pause every xx lines! The way this now works is: if you enter NS at a more prompt anywhere duing a long message, it will display THAT message in non- stop mode! If you want the whole PPE in non-stop mode, enter NS at the end of message prompt or command line (R A NS)! (Useful for message captures or something ) * When entering a message number from the end of message prompt and including a - or a + for the read direction read.ppe would ignore the - or +! * The help (?,H,HE,HEL,HELP) command from the end of message prompt would display the help file in non stop mode, making it hard to make multi-screen help files. It now goes into line counting mode before displaying READHLP.! * An ansipos function was hardcoded after displaying the message header, making it difficult to change the READHDR file and still look right! NOTE: The Default READHDR included has changed from previous versions! If you are upgrading make sure and overwrite the READHDR file with this new copy! * When entering a message to @USER@ or @ALL@, enter.ppe would try and find it the the users file. Read.ppe would not handle messages addressed in this manner! (Many more thanks to Gelfling for this!) @LIST@ and @SEC-SEC@ are not supported yet... I'm working on those though! :) * READ/ENTER.PPE will now set the messages ECHO flag correctly, on a conference basis! If current conference is setup to echo the mail it will! (It would only set this wrong if you where using an external FS editor) * BOOK.PPE would lockup if the user didn't allready have an address book. (Opps! Only tested it with my account which allready had a datafile!) * BOOK.PPE was not allowing a long enough input for the names! * BOOK (BOOK.PPE's backdrop file) was not displaying correctly in local mode. (I edited the last CR/LF out of the file to fix it) Release Comments: * Well, 40 additions/changes/bug fixes... I guess you can say this is a MEGA RELEASE! :) Enjoy! - Maverick Read.ppe Version 1.10 (06/23/96) ÍÍÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄùú. New features: * Supports node specific batch files to run an external message editor. See EXTERNAL.DOC for more info. * ENTER.PPE now realizes if an entered name is non-existant! User has the option to search, re-enter, abort, continue, or view help. Checks ONLY if the message is being entered in a LOCAL conference, will not check existance if the current conference is a FIDO/NETMAIL conf. It's search feature is completely lightbar drivin and seamless in ENTER.PPE! (Many thanks to Gelfling for pointing this out to me!) Changes: * Changed the way the PPE ends.. It now displays "Teminating READ.PPE version...." so you know it has finished. This is to help out those using the internal PCBoard editor and memory problems. * Completely revamped BOOK.PPE. Nice lightbar support and the whole bit... DATA files are still the same format, no conversion needed! Bug Fixes: * Reworked the way READ.PPE/CALLED.PPE work together in an attempt to improve the memory problem. Should work more reliablly, however, the memory problem still exists. The best solusion I have found is use an external message editor. * BOOK.PPE was saving 0 byte address books if the user had not entered any names. BOOK.PPE now only saves the book if there are enteries in it. Read.ppe Version 1.00 (05/23/96) ÍÍÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄùú. First release, Took about 5 months of coding to get this far! :)