Tentacle Productions: DiskFree -------- General info: ------------ Simple program created with 4dos-functions, so it needs 4Dos command interpreter as said in description. Program is made to be quite self- explanatory, but you can use the /? switch for a brief description of program and its extra parameters. The program is coded as BTM-file which is almost a synonym to BAT, 4Dos will run it as any other bat-file. The idea came from a similar program, but because of several reasons I have to use subst-command and I have a network with some driveletters associated to other computers, it also calculated those drives, and as a result the total free space wasn't displayed correctly. This program checks every driveletter and displays only info from local drives and skips all network drives (unless indicated otherwise). Setting variable to pass parameters to the program can be useful if you tend to use same parameter(s) frequently. For example if you want always see only the freespace, you would write SET DVAR=/f to the autoexec.bat, and the program would show you only the freespace when you write DFREE. Because of this feature, the environment space requirement rised, but it's still quite reasonable (about 350 bytes...). If you want to pass multiple parameters, you must remember to put spaces between the parameters, like SET DVAR=/s /n /i. Command line paremeters will always override settings in environment. Revisions: --------- Nobodys probably interested, but because I made this list for myself, I thought it wouldn't harm anyone to put it in this doc too... 0.1: - initial version - displayed only free space on each drive 0.2: - /N parameter added (shows network drives) - /? parameter added - disk label added - minor bug fixes 0.3: - /F parameter added (only free space) - layout changes - own sections for numbers to make output look nicer. 0.4: - /I parameter added (shows also total space) - ignores cd-rom in every situation 0.5: - improved help interaction - code optimization 0.6: - /S parameter added (calculates files) - layout changes (Initializing drive-text) - more stable, needs less environment space 0.7: - doesn't show labels when other info is displayed (/I) - blinking drive character indicates network or other non-local drive - you can now use DVAR-variable to pass parameters to the program - layout changes If you have comments about the program, suggestions or nags of my bad english, you can e-mail me at hobbes@pcb.mpoli.fi or Juhe@MikroPc.fi. Money would also be nice, but because I know that's futile to even ask for it, I'll just try to hang on the freeware principle and keep the delays away...;)