ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÍÍÍÍÍ 4 - F I L E S ÍÍÍÍÍ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Information for Windows and Windows-fWG Users ABOUT .PIF FILES ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ To install 4FILES under Windows, see the "Running Under Windows" section in 4F.DOC. This file provides additional information in case you have trouble running under Windows. Under Windows or Windows for WorkGroups, 4FILES.PIF should be specified as the program to run, rather than 4FILES.COM. Otherwise, you may get Windows error messages such as "Unable to access video display" or "This application has violated system integrity," especially under Win for WG. If the PIF file originally provided with 4FILES has been modified and is causing trouble as above, or if it has been lost, the following information will allow you to reconstruct it using the Windows PIF Editor. 4FILES.PIF Data: Program Filename: 4FILES.COM (You may add the drive:\path to access the program, and must do so if 4FILES is not in your PATH.) Program Title: 4FILES 3.23 (or whatever title you like). Video Memory: The "Text" button should be marked. Memory Requirements: KB_Required = 128 KB_Desired = 640 EMS: KB_Required = 0 KB_Desired = 1024 XMS: KB_Required = o KB_Desired = 1024 Display Useage: The "Full Screen" box should be marked. Close Window on Exit: Mark this box. "Advanced" settings page: Background priority = 0% Foreground priority = 100% Detect Idle Time: Mark this box. Memory Options, Uses High Memory Area: Mark this box. Display Options, Emulate Text Mode: Mark this box. Other Options, Allow Fast Paste: Mark this box. Application Shortcut Key: Any key combination of your choice. -= END =-