4DC 0.91 by MATTIAS AXNER, SWEDEN. Released: 01-Dec-96 ======== This program is freeware. This is a beta-version of my 4DOS.INI configuration program. It lets you edit most settings in the 4DOS.INI file. I think it is simple to use, but a short explaination about how it works. If you start 4DC without any option it will look in c:\4dos\ for the 4dos.ini file. If you want to edit a another file just start 4DC with '4dc \'. Press F1 if you want help with a directive. When you save the file (Alt-S) it creates a backup file of your old ini file with name 'c:\4dosini.bak'. If there already is a 'c:\4dosini.bak' it will be overwritten. You quit the program with Alt-X, you will not get a question to save your file. If you want to reset all, press Alt-Z, no question. It will not clean any colordir or keymapping. It will not clean the other Shell. F9 swaps between secondary and primary shell. F10 redraws the screen. There is no error-detection in loading the ini-file, is there is something unexpected, there may be some problem. But I think it is pretty safe anyway. IMPORTANT: If 4DC can not open the file, because some other program use it or something, you will NOT get any errormessages, 4DC just starts with everything set to default. 4DC does not check for any illegal or unlogical setting, or any duplicate colordir-extensions. There may be some setting that you cant use in [Secondary] shell but 4DC does not check that. Will maybe fix that. I have not included the undocumented troubleshooting directives in 4DC, cant see any reason. [Main Editor] You use the arrowkeys to move the cursor up and down and to change group. To left you see the of the INI-directive, then you see the value. When a setting is grey, it is set default and will not be saved in 4dos.ini. When it is colored it is not default and will be saved. With [Esc] or [Del] you can reset a value to default. [Color Dir Editor] Press F6 if you want to go to ColorDir-editor, and F6 again if you want back to main. Move cursor with arrowkey and press enter if you want to edit Colordir. When the arrow is red you can type anything. If you want to set color for DIRS, RDONLY, ARCHIVE, SYSTEM or HIDDEN just press Alt-D, Alt-R, Alt-A, Alt-S or Alt-H. Press F1 to change color. Press F10 to see how the Colordir line will look like. Press F9 to swap between Primary and Secondary Shell. Limitation: 13 extensions * 35 groups. Extended Wildcard is not supported yet. [Key mapping Editor] Press F5 if you want to go to the Key Mapping Editor and F5 again if you want back to main. Press Shift-F1 to get help-screen. IN upper windows you can choose which directive you want to define. In lower windows you see which directives is chosed, here you can also delete a chosed directive with the Del key. Swap between windows with the TAB key. Press Ctrl-Enter if you want to type the keyname by yourself. Press F9 to swap between primary and secondary shell. Limitation: Max 120 key definitions. Problem? Mail me! To Do: - Errorchecking when loading or saving. - Better documentation. - Possibility to choose between colornames and colornumber when saving colorsettings. - Possibility to choose how much comments on every directive when saving. Changes since 0.8: - Just some bug fixes. Changes since 0.82: - Some minor bugfixes. - In Key Mapping Editor, you can press Ctrl-Enter to type a keymapping. - In Key Mapping Editor, You can now press Alt-255. - In key Mapping Editor, you see the default value. - Some Key-combination did not work in some cases, I hope that I fixed that. - Fixed a bug in the Evalmax directive. - Faster loading of INI-file. - 4DC restores the videomode when exiting 4DC. At least if you use 80x25, 80x43 and 80x50. - When reading keymappings, sometimes there was lots of speces at the end of the setting. Fixed that. - Now you can set CursurIns and CursorOver to -1. - Fixed problem with reading color-names in Color-dir. - Integrated Help for the INI-directives. Changes since 0.9: - Fixed a stupid bug that could cause the program to hang when Emm386 was installed. - Some cosmetic changes. If you have any hints, comments, questions or bug-reports you can write to: If you have a bugreport, please include your ini-file and be sure to describe the problem. Internet: mattiasa@datasvar.se or Fido: Mattias Axner, 2:205/240 or MATTIAS AXNER STATIONSGAT 11h, 2 trp Se-820 40 JˇRVS™ SWEDEN