- 4ARJFAST - 4ARJFAST & ARJFACFG (C) 1995 VeePee Kuisma ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1. Installation Very easy. Just copy -all- files come with 4ARJFAST somewhere in path (like C:\DOS). Then you have to configure 4ARJFAST. Just type ARJFACFG and answer the questions. Now 4ARJFAST is ready to run! ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 2. Using 4ARJFAST Go to the directory you want to pack. then type: 4ARJFAST For example: 4ARJFAST DOCS *.DOC Notice that 4ARJFAST searches all DOC files including subdirectories. If you don't input last parameter, the default is 4ARJFAST will pack all files (*.*) found in current directory and subdirectories. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 3. How does it work 4ARJFAST packs files to the root of the drive you gave. So, you must have enough free space on TMP drive ;). Then it asks where you want to move files; A:\, C:\ARJ'S or somewhere else. 4ARJFAST knows how to work with multiple files and it asks when new disk is needed. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 4. Note I know that ARJ has internal command for working dir... Almost like 4ARJFAST, but... I like 4ARJFAST is and my friends like it too. Hope you like it ;) -=VeePee=- E-Mail: VeePee@rack.improvers.fi URL : http://www.improvers.fi/~veepee