o If you encounter a virus, please do us and other PC users a favor by reporting it. This allows us to track the spread of PC viruses and hopefully determine their source. o If you encounter a virus that IM doesn't recognize, please save at least one infected floppy or file and report this to us. We will determine if it's a virus and send an updated version of IM at no charge. Mail the appropriate information to: Stiller Research 1265 Big Valley Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80919-1014 U.S.A. or send via electronic mail to: 74777,3004 on CompuServe support@stiller.com on InterNet, Bitnet, etc. To report a known virus, just send the following information: Name of the virus: Your name and telephone #, plus a good time to call (or your address if you prefer not to be called). The number of PCs affected. Describe any damage or loss of data: Describe any noticable effect of the virus on your PC. To report a virus which IM doesn't recognize by name (an unknown virus): Serial number and version number of Integrity Master (You are NOT required to already be a registered user to report a virus) Your name and telephone # (optional), plus a good time to call. Your mailing address The number of PCs affected. Describe and damage or loss of data: Describe any noticable effect of the virus on your PC. What type of PC do you have? What version of DOS? Please mail an infected file or preferably entire infected floppy. Do NOT delete any files from the floppy, if the virus infects diskettes. We will extract and analyze the virus. Your files will be kept confidential and will be either destroyed or returned to you upon your discretion. As a reward for your trouble, we will send you the latest version of Integrity Master.