Hello. This package should contain all the C64 releases from The Party 7, held in Aars, Denmark. The D64 blocks are runnable on almost any C64 emulator available, but it is highly recommended that you save them back to real C64 in order to hear & see them in real action. Here's the list & descriptions of the files in the package: 2NDREAL1.D64 | 2nd Reality by Smash Designs. Kicks some Future Crew 2NDREAL2.D64 | fried PC user ass for sure. :) Winner of the democompo. AFL_2EVL.D64 | 2 Evil by Alpha Flight. BREIBAND.D64 | BREIBAN2.D&4 | CC_ALLEH.D64 | Alle Homo by Commodore Cowboys. DDOTS2_1.D64 | Desert Dots II by Smash Designs. DDOTS2_2.D64 | HJB_ARTB.D64 | Art Bizarre by Haujobb. (Hello Bay! ;) ) KRESTOR1.D64 | Krestory by Crest. KRESTOR2.D64 | NPL_STLP.D64 | Still Pumpin by Neoplasia. SEASON.D64 | Seasons Greetz by Alexander Boehmler. THIRST.D64 | Thirst by Cult. TP7GFX.D64 | All the compo GFX. TP7MUSIC.D64 | All the compo musics+some GFX continued from previous image. TP7MISC.D64 | Some miscellaneous single-file releases: | Cucumber Juice 3 by Shitmen. | Dark Tales by Focus. | Dicke Tanzt 2 by Hitmen. | Eierfeile 2 by Hitmen. | Partytester by SP(?). | Ultimos I by (?). VOID.D64 | Void by Coma+Resource. So, here it is. Enjoy, and remember: KEEP THE C64 SCENE ALIVE! :) abaddon/damage.