Minus 61 in Detroit by Ram Jam

That java demo was released at "The Party 97" java competition
and come at 3rd (third) place.


Included in the distribution are the following files:

   685  anfy.class
 13381  budskap1.jpg
  7684  budskap2.jpg
 45532  detroit.class
   443  detroit.htm
   443  detroit.html
 36168  java1.jpg
 34394  java13.jpg
 28096  java2.jpg
 51843  java8.jpg
769020  killing.au
  8945  lastpic.jpg
 23058  lsource.gif
  1924  Lware.class
  7834  mark.jpg
  8755  rjmark.jpg
 27574  texture1.jpg
 28315  texture2.jpg
 47424  texture3.jpg
 30365  texture4.jpg
  5680  water.jpg

Make sure that all files are unpacked properly. It is very important that
the Upper and Lower case letters are correct like in Lware.class,
otherwise it will not work on UNIX systems.


If you encounter any problems in running the applet, just quit your
web browser and try again. If the problem remains. Reboot the computer.
The problem is related to memory management on some systems.

If you still can't get it to work try to lower the applet's priority, in the
priority parameter in the html page. This parameter should be set to 5 on
NT systems to avoid problems. Legal values are 1-10 where 10 is the highest
priority (fastest).

Also try and close all other programs than the browser to avoid running out
of memory.

We are looking for really good graphicians and musicians to enhance our
staff, to produce better demos for competitions in next parties.

We will like to get in touch with good java coders too, even if we have two of
them and this is enough. But, since sometime we program commercial java
applets, between a demo and another, help in doing demos for glory and
commercial applets for money will be appreciated.

If you need some custom java effects to make your commercial web site
really impressive and different from the others (and you can pay for this),
don't hesitate to contact us.

If you only want to learn java, please don't ask us, but search on
www.jars.com and www.gamelan.com for the authors of good tutorials, they
are better teachers than we are.

For any of the above motivations, contact:

Fabio Ciucci  (Randy/Ram Jam)
Via S.Leonardo, 13
55100 LUCCA

e-mail:    fabioc@anfiteatro.it           (Commercial requests and infos)
           randy@anfiteatro.it            (Demo scene related emails)


Martin Zettergren (Klorathy/Ram jam)
Krysshammarv. 24 nb
S-17157 SOLNA

e-mail:    klorathy@geocities.com         

And visit our java exposition to see our latest demos at:


Randy, Klorathy & OYISE, Christmas 1997 (Happy to have won 3rd place!)