--- === HELiUM bY ViZNUT === --- Released at asm'97 as a 4k intro. ===== tECHsPEX ======================================================== The videomode used is 256x256x256 chained. It is fully ibm vga register compatible and should work with every vga card/monitor. However it probably won't so you can try starting up with one of these: helium 2 Standard mode13h (not all of the pic visible) helium 4 400 lines, a surreal aspect ratio helium m Minimal (same as above, without x-centering) Pure realmode, optimized mainly for size. A couple of 32bit things etc are used so it requires a 386. No fpu needed. Some fx (like the pHOnGbALL) are of course smoother in a pentium but who cares :) 400k of free msdos ram should be more than enough. To hear the sound (not included in the compo version!) you need an adlib or compatible. helium s ..gives silence. ===== gREETiNGS ======================================================= All da betatesterz - phoenix, marble, delfine, jbunny, silli, shine, everyone i forgot All da great userz and sysopz of theze bbsez - atom heart mother, gaia All da memberz of pwp (this is not a pwp production btw) ===== cREDiTS ========================================================= Everything by me!!!!11111111 Someone could say I've plagiated the following pieces of art - lithium by vista (naming, eXpLOSiONS, sucking palettes) ===== gZM iNFO ======================================================== Do contact the author!!! email vheikkil@hytti.uku.fi viznut@freenet.hut.fi (if the above one is outdated) windows superhighway www.hytti.uku.fi/~vheikkil/ The source code will probably be released some day.