ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Disclaimer ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The author assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any effect this software has on you or anything related to your existance. There is no warranty. Dual Module Player that is used for the music was made by Otto Chrons and not by the author of the game. Please read the DMP.TXT for information about DMP. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Please distribute ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This game is FREEWARE and may be distributed freely, as long as no payment is involved and no modifications are made. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Introduction ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This game is a new variant of those old paddlewar games. You can play against your computer at three skill levels or you can play agaist your friends. This version comes with ten levels. Maybe next year there will be a PopWar '98 with even more levels and enjoyment. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Requirements ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 386/40 MHz (486 recommended) 640 KB base memory (some EMS recommended for music) Hard drive Fast VGA display adapter MS-compatible mouse Optional: Sound Blaster Mono/Pro/16 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Game play ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Keys to use: Arrow keys or mouse to move your paddle P = pause ESC = exit Score: When a player misses the ball the opponents points are calculated like this: Length between paddle and ball * the speed of the ball ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Information ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ If you find any bugs or you have any suggestions, or you just want to say you like this game, here is the authors address: Nicklas ™sterholm PL 30 A 10420 Skuru Finland