"Water/credits" effect from Iguana's "Heartquake" demo // ARM --------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT YOU NEED TO USE THIS SOURCE AS-IS Accessible via Path: MAKE.EXE (Borland's make utility) BINOBJ.EXE (.bin -> .obj utility, comes with Turbo Pascal) TPC.EXE (Borland's Turbo Pascal 6.0 command-line compiler) TASM.EXE (Borland's Turbo Assembler, any version will do) ALCHEMY.EXE (Handmade Software Inc.'s "Image Alchemy" program, Shareware version is o.k.) HOW TO BUILD Type MAKE and wait :-) HOW TO RUN Edit DROPS2.VTO to include the appropriate parameters to use DemoVT with your sound card (see original DemoVT documentation). Run NOSOUND.BTM to select silence mode (you might have to change the COM port settings in DROPS1.VTO). Run SOUND.BTM to select normal mode (with background music). Run RVT.BTM to load DEMOVT and run the program. FINDING YOUR WAY AROUND The main files that form part of DROPS.EXE are: DROPS.PAS -- Main program. Sequences the whole effect. WATER.PAS -- "Script" and routines for the different water perturbations. SKY.PAS -- "Script" and routines for sky text. SURF.ASM -- Draws surface and integrates 2D wave equation. This is where the secret to this little effect is... you'll see that it is a whole lot simpler than you might have imagined O:-) ASMFX.ASM -- Some routines for "perturbing" the water with any pattern. USKY.ASM -- Some routines for placing letters in the sky. Some "configuration" files: FONTS.VGA -- FontEdit 9x16 font file. Program paints sky characters using this font. You can also load it directly onto your VGA via FontEdit! COLORS.DEF -- Defines color palette to use. Colors are interpolated between those defined in this file and a "gamma correction" is applied to each channel R, G, and B. Some auxilliary program sources are: FONTBIN.PAS -- Converts FONTEDIT files to raw 256*16 binary format. MAKEPAL.PAS -- Reads colors.def and creates a 3*256 byte RGB palette file. RAW2SRF.PAS -- Reads raw file created by Alchemy from a 320*200 GIF and outputs a bitmapped binary file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As you can see, you don't need 32-bit protected-mode code to catch people's attention, even good ol' TP can do the trick! ;-D Take one little wave equation, the cheapest "3D" projection you can imagine, some nice background music, a palette with a couple of color gradients... and that's all there is to it! :-) Enjoy! September, 1994 (Released January, 1995... lazy me!) Arturo R Montesinos (ARM) arami@fi.upm.es 2:341/27.7 (FidoNet)