Ŀ "THE SMALL ONE" copyright by "GREEN APPLE!" written in 1994 for the great Assembly'94 Ŀ Credits Code/Grafix : Cyder & JUR /Green Apple Ŀ Contents - Some crappy old effects - bad design (you found it ? we miss it !) - some gfx - no sound (not allowed) - knowledge of some books about hardware - some fine utils (Borland-Pascal editor, TASM & TLINK) randomly smashed together and the result packed with COMPACK and surprised that we don't steped over the 4096 bytes border. Ŀ Result Nothing special, but ever tried to put it in 4096 Bytes?? Ŀ Requirments processor 386 - we use the 386 commands to short the code memory you need arround 300 - 350 KB. That's amazing for a 4KB intro isn't it ? =) HD 4 KB is minimum, ok ? or you use your floppy graphiccard VGA keyboard You should have a -key to smash if you are bored - some others are required to start the Intro - means you need : "S","M","A","L","O","N","E",Return, - not many, aren't they ? Uh I forgot, to find the hidden part maybe you need some other keys - btw) you have to type a text while running ... monitor that's your thing, ok ? MHz not to slow ok ? we code it on a 386DX/25 (works fine !). But speed depends mostly on your graphic card. soundcard sound not allowed, so there's no requirement No V86-mode allowed - means no EMM386/WINSLOW or something like this ! BTW) Thx to all people help us to fix problems with "smartdrv required ;)" anything else ? Think - all what you need to run your computer ! You know useless things like AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, COMMAND.COM ...etc. Greetings Cyder: on Internet (coolest thing in the world...) : Torben Thellefsen (Work not to much - Your OS/2 player ready ;) ? Christopher Taschner (big 'hello' waves to america keep pardying :) at Potsdam/Berlin - no greets, only game lamers :( to be continued ... Thanx Cyder: Draeden of VLA - for his great MODplayer discription Dennis - for betatesting my MODplayer on SB 2.0 Jan - for betatesting this piece of art ;) Craig - hope continue working together on the SB-DOC version 1/2/3 ;) my sister/mother/father - for being so nice all people helped me with my SoundBlaster discription Creative Labs - for being so lame Microsoft - for writing WINSLOW Internet - for being so cheap for me as a student :) TVstations - for every 20 min advertisment :( JUR: Michiel O. - can't await to see your tracker. Daredevil - is it realmode, protected mode or whatever? It works, so I don't care ;) The Faker - tschuldigung, is nun doch kein Textsucher fr ZIP-files geworden ;) Bist du jetzt sehr enttuscht ?? Progrex - Thanx for releasing REALMEM.ZIP Chicken - Thanx for your help ! Allan - Thx for COMPACK ! Ŀ Error codes of our Intro We had not enough space in our intro to put the full errormessage into the code. Therefore we use errorcodes : error 1: 386 processor (or above) required ! error 2: V86-mode (realmode emulation) not allowed ! Remove TSR/DRV like EMM386 - easiest way is to boot with no autoexec.bat. Config.sys only with "HIMEM.SYS" error 3: VGA-card required ! error 4: not enough memory ! Hey come on - your system works fine with free base memory below 350 KB ? Signed, Cyder & JUR /Green Apple