Release Notes for Patch Maker (Lite) ==================================== v1.06 (beta) 1. Completed (I hope) on-line help. 2. Several minor cosmetic changes. 3. Fixed bug in panic button. Now writes working copy of patches to disk first, so that reloaded patch params will be in synch with in-memory versions. 4. Changed the icon for the panic button from "911" to a sort of emergency light thing. (Alan pointed out quite correctly that 911 might be too culturally biased for our international market.) 5. Made size of opening screen smaller. (Alan again.) v1.05 (beta) 1. Some minor wording changes in dialogs for consistency. 2. A status meter will pop up for dropping files only if more than one file is dropped. 3. An info dialog pops up after the panic button is finished reloading patches. v1.04 (beta) 1. Added a status meter and Cancel button when multiple files are dropped. This prevents runaway addition of files if the user grabs too many files and drops them onto Patch Maker. (I've done it!) 2. Changed volume ramp for "Decay slowly" option to be slower, to avoid buzzes (zipper noise). 3. Trap case where user is trying to run Patch Maker when the driver is set up for Conserve Memory. It doesn't work very well in that mode for various reasons that are not worth working around. 4. Fixed problem with display of fractional part of loop length. It used to show a negative value sometimes. 5. Fixed bug in dropping .WAV file onto keyboard. Sometimes the notes at the end of the range would not play. 6. Replaced the toolbar buttons to edit individual headers (patch, instrument, layer, and sample) with two others. One displays the read-only information, the other displays editable info. Several fields that are not used or are not informative to the casual user are now omitted. 7. If you turn sustaining off, looping is disabled too. Otherwise the note plays forever. 8. Now deletes that pesky pmkrm000.pat from your temp directory on exit. 9. Added separate balance control. 10. Temp directory: if you don't have environment variable TEMP or TMP defined, it uses (and creates if necessary) a directory TEMP under your Windows directory. This should be safe. It doesn't delete that directory when it's done, but I don't think that's much of a problem. 11. Enabled keyboard accelerators, so now the Del key has the same effect as the Edit | Delete menu item, etc. 12. Added a "panic button" to toolbar (labelled 911) which reloads all patches. This is useful if another program has messed up the patch load and also serves as an "all notes off" button. You would use it if either (i) you are not hearing any sounds or (ii) you can't get a note to stop playing. (I've tried to make it so the latter can't happen, but you never know...) 13. F1 and Shift-F1 now bring up help in all dialogs. v1.03 (beta) 1. Won't allow setting loop length to less than 2 samples. This prevents the GUS from making horrible noises when the loop length is set too small. 2. Maximize Volume now fixes DC offset to 0 at the same time. This is usually what you want (especially if you don't know what you are doing). 3. Edit menu: items are grayed out unless there is a selected sample in the active window. 4. Changed "percussion" envelope so that there is no decay at all. v1.02 (beta) 1. Fixed problems with dragging note ranges. It used to pick up two notes or zero notes or whatever, so you couldn't get the range precise to the note. 2. Now gives you the option of truncating a sample which is > 64K bytes long. It will always truncate a sample to no more than 256K bytes though. 3. Envelopes fixed up for percussion instruments. Sort of. Need to explore with Forte ways to have an even longer flat part of an envelope. Current solution is a kludge. 93/10/19 (v1.01 beta) 1. Changed message in Maximize Volume, so percent increase reported makes sense. Now if there is no change, will report 0% increase, etc. 2. Fixed a bug that caused the program to crash when you tried to do loop editing on patch that was exactly 64K bytes long. 93/10/07 1. Zillions of small changes to get ready for beta release. 2. On-line help now 70% complete. Help buttons on dialogs now work. 93/10/04 1. Suggest values: now subtracts mean from samples before analyzing. Seems to be more robust. 2. Help: Tutorial completed. 3. Edit menu: all items are grayed out unless there is a currently selected sample. 4. Edit | Delete: now confirms that you really want to delete. 5. Toolbar: now get information message if there is no active patch/sample. (It used to just do nothing.) 6. Edit Loop: When you use suggested value, puts the loop start point as close to the end of the sample as possible. This is usually what you want. 7. If you drop a wave file onto a keyboard, makes that patch's window active. 93/09/27 1. Remove Silence: preserves loop parameters now. 2. Added use of .INI file. It expects the PMAKER.INI file to be found in the Windows directory. If it is not, then a default file is created there and you are prompted for certain information (help file location, reference tone location) to fill it. This only happens once. (In the release version, the installation procedure should set up the .INI file for the user.) We may want to cripple this in the Lite version, but I like it for testing purposes. 3. Remove Silence: Fixed a fairly serious problem. If you drop a wave file onto the keyboard and later remove silence, it modified the original wave file! This is probably not what you want. Fixed so that it modifies a copy of the wave file. 4. Maximize Volume is now functional. 5. Just have to write the help and that's all folks! 93/09/24 1. Remove Silence is now functional. (There are still a few informational dialog boxes to clean up.) Seems to work OK wiht the few samples I have tried it on. 2. Menu item "Maximize Volume" added, but not yet functional. 93/09/21 1. For Edit Tremolo and Edit Vibrato, made envelope flat so sound sustains while you are adjusting the parameters. 93/09/20 1. Finished new Lite version of Edit Loop. 2. Made exits from dialogs faster. (No longer reloads all the patches every time.) 3. Remembers directories for patch and wave files within a session. (Pro version will remember between sessions.) 4. Work started on Remove Silence. ** Not yet functional ** 93/09/15 1. Clamps range of patches to be within the range of the keyboard. 2. Can drag and drop multiple files. 3. Created a workaround for driver weirdie that caused "Wave parameters differ" message. (Message to be sent to Jim about this.) 4. Balance is now set using a scrollbar (used to be set by number). 5. Some minor rewording in the Choose Envelope dialog. (Still needs work, in my opinion.) 6. Tuning is now accomplished via a scrollbar and a somewhat more intuitive (I hope) interface. 7. When a patch is opened or a wave file is added to a patch, a sample is selected by default, so user always has something to work with. 8. New loop edit dialog. ** This is not functional yet. ** The old loop edit dialog is under the Pro Features menu. 93/09/08 1. Fixed a bug in the Edit Loop, Options dialog. The "Loop enabled" now works properly. 2. Made edit envelope operational. 93/09/07 1. Changed to sliders for tremolo/vibrato editing. Try it, you'll like it. Sometimes you have to start playing the note again before the changes take effect (seems to only happen if you started out with all values being 0). 2. Tried a new concept for editing the envelope. Try the envelope button from the toolbar to see. I haven't hooked much of it up yet, but it gives the general idea of where I'm headed. Suggestions on how to change the wording to make it more understandable to the novice user would be welcomed. Bruce