From gus-general-request@gaia.ucs.orst.eduWed Apr 26 17:05:46 1995 Date: Wed Apr 26 09:42:07 PDT 1995 From: GUS Server Reply to: GUS Daily Digest Subject: GUS Daily Digest V21 #25 GUS Daily Digest Wed, 26 Apr 95 9:42 PST Volume 21: Issue 25 Today's Topics: A midi-tracker? CD ROM & GRavis Sound Card Damn Magic Carpet.. (again.. :( ) Daniel LeBlanc's Msg GUS + Cubase PC 2.6 GUS ACE got a great review GUS Daily Digest V21 #23 GUS Daily Digest V21 #24 (3 msgs) GUS Games FAQ GUS Max + Win 95? GUS MAX and Linux 1.2.1 lame-ass TEAC CD-ROM drive LucasArts and GUS MICROCOSM problems new GUS software v4.11 Ramtracker Stuff Subscribe (2 msgs) subscribee (11 th time) The digest tracker midi Where is NordTracker Wings of Glory with GUS Standard Info: - Meta-info about the GUS can be found at the end of the Digest. - Before you ask a question, please READ THE FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 10:08:34 GMT From: Clarke Brunt Subject: Re: A midi-tracker? >Someone has asked this before, I know ... Is there a tracker-style (like all >those mod-trackers) midi-composing program for GUS? Somewhere I read of >Ram-tracker but I haven't been able to find it anywhere. Please let me now >where I could find such a program if there is one. I've never used a mod-tracker, so I don't know what they are like, but a while ago someone said to try the demo version of Procyon - I think the file name had 'prcm' in it (for Archie). I tried this - there is very little documentation, and it doesn't say what is 'demo' about it (seems that you can't save the results), but it seems to enable to to record 'patterns' and then repeat them and copy them wherever you want in the song (maybe a bit like PowerChords, except more like an ordinary sequencer too). If has staff display, and a drum rhythm editor too. Is this what a mod-tracker lets you do? The full version didn't seem too expensive (I seem to remember $30 or something). Is anyone more familiar with Procyon, and what it can do? ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 21:20:28 -0300 From: Subject: CD ROM & GRavis Sound Card Need some help in setting up acer cd rom to gravis sound card. Any input would be appreciated. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 00:24:00 +0000 () From: "Eric M. Busalacchi" Subject: Damn Magic Carpet.. (again.. :( ) Message-ID: Hello, I know this has been posted 100 times, because I have been searching through the digests for the answer. Ok, so I got maxsbos .21 (or .20? I forget the exact number).. At any rate, here is the closest I have been to getting anything, as far as sound: after I pick SoundBlast for sound and music, I continue, it reads from the CD-ROM, I get the famous 'Click' of the UltraSound being initialized, it reads a little more from the CD-ROM.. and stops dead. *sigh* I am looking into getting the VFX-1 Virtual Headset, so my friend gave me this game to try out. Anyways, any help is greatly apreciated. Here is my setup: Pentium 100 / Neptune Chipset (oldish) 32 Megs RAM 3,000MB Disk Gus MAX, 1MB, new ultrainit, newsbos ULTRA=220,1,1,1,5,7 Any help is grealty apreciated.. sigh.. -- Eric M. Busalacchi - Big brother is watching the net.. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 95 19:31:07 PDT From: Celtic Matrix Subject: Re: Daniel LeBlanc's Msg I fully agree with Daniel... or the message about the timing problems... this SHOULD be in the FAQ.... It's a very common problem we've had too... Anyway, ... I'm happy... I got Myst to work on my 4x Mitsumi .... and the Audio work fine on my MAX... When are there going to be new adventures like Maniac Mansion ][ and Monkey Island 2 ??? I'm looking forward for the next masterpiece by LucasArts... I hope it supports GUS MAX.... Anyone knows the LucasArts Email adress? ------------------------------------ Name : Celtic Matrix E-mail: Date : 04/24/95 Time : 19:31:07 ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 11:30:20 +0200 From: (Thierry Loo) Subject: GUS + Cubase PC 2.6 I recently mailed that stuff to the Cubase mailgroup, about Cubase 2.6 and the GUS sound card 1 Meg, but did not receive an effective answer: ----------------------- > The latest version of Cubase (2.6) has just been shipped on my > desk, and I was told it does support patch loading. I found nothing > in the doc about that, and I found it doesn't work. More than that, it > EMPTIES the patch memory when I preload it using the patch manager. > > Does anyone know how to fix that ??? > More experiments during this WE showed that Cubase does load the patches, each time the window is activated (i.e. it comes to the front). But it loads only patches 1 to 36 in hi-fi mode, and 1 to 63 in save-mem mode, regardless to the patches actually used in the song! Do you folks at Steinberg have any idea about that ? (or anyone else) ----------------------- GUS Gurus: Help please! TL ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 19:37:51 EDT From: Greg Subject: GUS ACE got a great review The Ultrasound Ace received a 5 star ***** rating in the May issue of Multimedia World. This is the first positive review I have seen in a long time. Also in this issue, is an article on Wavetable sound cards. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 12:06:05 +0500 From: Chris Hillery Subject: Re: GUS Daily Digest V21 #23 > Date: Sun, 23 Apr 1995 01:07:42 -0400 > From: Chris McKillop > Subject: TEAC CDROM drivers..... > Another thing...should I get a TEAC???? I have heard good and > bad things about it.....,,,Is their a better one at a comparible > price??? Thanks.... Just a quickie since it's not directly GUS-related: Computer Shopper recently did a round-up of quad-speed drives, and the Teac 55A (or was it 55C?.. well, that one) was painfully slower than all the others under many circumstances; in some cases it was scarcely faster than a double-speed. The reason was that it only came with a 64k on-board cache, whereas the rest had a 256k cache. With the amount of competition there is in CD-ROM drives right now, I feel sure you can do better - probably at a better price too. -- Ceej aka Chris Hillery ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 14:57:26 -0400 From: Subject: Re: GUS Daily Digest V21 #24 Please unsubscribe me from this mailing list. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 17:08:41 -0400 (EDT) From: (Joshua S. Rodman) Subject: Re: GUS Daily Digest V21 #24 > From: Simo P Lankinen > Subject: A midi-tracker? > Someone has asked this before, I know ... Is there a tracker-style (like all > those mod-trackers) midi-composing program for GUS? Somewhere I read of > Ram-tracker but I haven't been able to find it anywhere. Please let me now > where I could find such a program if there is one. CCCatch (Kenny), Mosaic (Ray) and I were discussing this at NAID. As far as I know Ram-tracker is unusable, but I might be confusing it with something else. If anyone on this list is interested it such a project and has energy/time to contribute I might be able to get you in touch with other people that are of similar mind. Who knows, something cool might happen. IMHO, it should be implemented as an add-on to a conventional working tracker since that would be a _LOT_ less work for all involved. Maybe you could even make hybrids like in good ole MED on the Amiga. -- Serve the Computer. The Computer is your friend. Be a happy Alpha Complex citizen. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 16:04:49 GMT+2 From: "Kobus Jooste" Subject: Re: GUS Daily Digest V21 #24 > Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 05:02:39 -0400 (EDT) > From: Daniel Gelinas > Subject: USS16 where is it!! > Message-ID: > > I'm a little disapointed about the reponses I've been getting off the net. > I write a message to gravis, about what programs do ADPCM compression, they > e-mail back saying USS16 is the only one, BUT THEY DON'T TELL ME WHERE THE > SMEG TO GET IT! They (Gravis) are quite correct, it is in the package. If I'm not mistaken from version 3.52 of the GUS/MAX software and the 3.59 version of the CD/disks. Normal USS supports ADPCM 4-1,a-law & u-law compression. > I even wrote back a second time, I asked why it wasn't included on the > cd-rom or in the installation diskettes, and _where_ could I find it. THe > response I got was that it was too buggy to be included in the distribution, > and... that's it. So can someone PLEASE tell me where I can get USS16, if > it is at all available. Or ANY other program to us the ADPCM compression. Normal Wave Programs for Windows does the same.. as well as more expensive programs such as Quad Studio. > I love my GUS but I'm a little ticked off to have paid money for > something I can't use! It doesn't sound like it.. Make sure you have a MAX. And the ultra16 dos environment setting is set up correctly, e.g. : SET ultra16=32c,0,0,1,0. In USS click on the 8-bit button just below the VU meters and you'll see 16-bit sampling and a choice of compression methods. > Daniel Gelinas > Koos ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 17:42:45 +0000 () From: "Eric M. Busalacchi" Subject: GUS Games FAQ Message-ID: Has anyone put together a list of games that may not have native GUS support but can be made to work with the GUS and the steps that must be taken? I have been reading the digest for a good six months, and it seems that if there was a FAQ on this it might make life a little easier. If there is one, could someone please tell me where to get a copy? If not, I am interested in putting something like this together, and anyone else that is please Email me so we can put together a little team effort! Thanks! -- Eric M. Busalacchi - Big brother is watching the net.. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 09:32:24 -0900 (PDT) From: Mark Colaluca Subject: GUS Max + Win 95? Anyone got their GUS MAX to work for DOS games under Windows 95? Seems to work OK with 16 bit Windows drivers for Windows apps, but no go for DOS games like DOOM, etc. Plus, my line in doesn't work in DOS. So my feed from my Sound Blaster 1.0 thru my line in is disabled as well. I've tried running Ultrinit -el in the DOS box, but no luck. Any chance of a native 32 bit driver for the MAX? Thanks, |------------------------| | Mark Colaluca | | | | Systems Engineer | | EDS Technical Products | |------------------------| ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 95 14:45 EST From: "Neil L. Sharp" <> Subject: GUS MAX and Linux 1.2.1 Anyone using this combination? I had v1.1.59 of Linux and a GUS. Then, I upgraded to GUS MAX. Linux seemed to boot fine and work. Then, I tried to install the newer v1.2.1 off CD-ROM (Slackware) and I can't access my Sony CD-ROM drive during the setup program. I read somewhere that you can't use 220hex for the GUS or GUS MAX if the Sony drive uses 340hex. But, I had been using that way all along with no trouble! Anyone have any ideas? I really need to get my Linux to work. Right now, it's in a state of utter chaos and won't boot. Any ideas would help. If the address thing is the problem, which address should I change and to what? Thanks, Neil Sharp ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 13:43:12 -0700 (PDT) From: Bob Tinsman Subject: lame-ass TEAC CD-ROM drive Message-ID: <> > I am probably going to be getting a TEAC CROM with my computer > system next week (or two). I read that the drivers that come with it > will be buggy and that I can get better ones from thier bbS...Anyone know > the number (or better yet, a net site that might have them???) so I can > get the3m when I get the CDROM....... > I got the TEAC a couple months ago and the drivers I got with it work fine (I used the teeny interface card that came with it) but... > > Another thing...should I get a TEAC???? I have heard good and > bad things about it.....,,,Is their a better one at a comparible > price??? Thanks.... > I regret being impatient and paying $300 back then for what has turned out to be a pretty lame excuse for a quad speed (see recent CD-ROM/multimedia kit reviews in recent Computer Shoppers) when the Mitsumi is a lot better and much cheaper (US$180-200). It's not THE fastest (probably the Toshiba or Plextor 1M buffer version is) but, again, it's cheap and doesn't require a SCSI host adapter. Sorry for getting off the topic... Bob ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 95 14:39 EST From: "Neil L. Sharp" <> Subject: LucasArts and GUS >A while ago I posted a message to ask if there would be GUS-support >in the new LucasArts adventure 'Full Throttle'. >I also posted a message to LucasArts and I got a reply. >Full Throttle will contain native GUS-support !!! > >So I expect that every new game from LucasArts will support the GUS >natively because all LucasArts games use the iMuse soundsystem and >they've got it probably working for the GUS now. (We can >check this with 'DarkForces', and soon with 'Full Throttle'). >I'm going to make an order for 'Full Throttle' and I will let it know >how the support is. >I suppose it will be great ! ;) I saw a "preview" box for "Full Throttle" in a store the other day here in Dallas, TX. Gravis Ultrasound support was in the listing. Looks to be an interesting game. Neil Sharp ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 10:55:20 +0000 From: "Salvador Macip" Subject: MICROCOSM problems I bought Microcosm CD a few days ago and I haven't been able to play with it yet. I install it following the instructions in my 486-66 (GUS max- 1MB), but when I try to run setup or the game I get a memory protection fault, wich means I don't have enough XMS memory, acording to the instructions. Since the game only needs 2.5 Mb and I have 4Mb left this can't be the explanation. I installed it in another 486-66 computer with 7 Mb free XMS and a SB and there was no problem: it worked OK Then I tried with a Pentium with plenty of XMS and a GUS Max 1Mb too and the game worked fine but there was no way to get any sound at all (SBOS,Ultramid...). The instructions say that there's GUS suport, and GUS owners must run a program named gravis.bat before set up. The problem is that it is impossible to run the program (either from the 486 or the Pentium): file not found error. And if you try to read it through any editor you get nothing. The file is 50 bytes long, though. On the other hand, a few weeks ago I played a Microcosm demo (a slide show) with no problem at all (using SBOS). Any clues? The memory problem seems easy to avoid if you really have a lot free, but the sound problem is crazy, since the game says to suport GUS. Has anybody solved it? Has anybody anywhere played Microcosm through a GUS? Please help! BTW: please answer as quickly as you can, I'm in a hurry! Thanks a lot! Salva ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 00:07:16 -0700 From: Ferdinand Mataragnon Subject: new GUS software v4.11 Hello. What's new with the 4.11 base software over the 3.95 version? Ferdinand ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 16:03:17 -0400 (EDT) From: gregor garlak Subject: Re: Ramtracker On Mon, 24 Apr -1, GUS Server wrote: > Someone has asked this before, I know ... Is there a tracker-style (like all > those mod-trackers) midi-composing program for GUS? Somewhere I read of > Ram-tracker but I haven't been able to find it anywhere. Please let me now > where I could find such a program if there is one. > pub/demos/music/programs/trackers/ *********************************************************************** * Greg Garlak Sheridan College - Computer Science * *********************************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 95 13:46:52 EDT From: (Bryan K. Baskin) Subject: Stuff Hey Y'all, Few comments: Latest build of Win95 i've seen is 445. Seems nice enough, but it's got its problems... To the guy with NT and no GUS sound... I heard that a guy might try and write some drivers, but that might have been a rumour. To get sound, you might have to write them yourself. And Win95 is not better than NT. If you run NT, usually, you need its power and DOS ain't gonna hack it. On another note: Gravis now has a slew of beta and alpha software out (OS/2 drivers, MegaEM and SBOS...) Any word on when the next wave of software will be? The OS/2 drivers are inadequate, MegaEM doesn't work with my 3.4 regular GUS very well, and neither does MAXSBOS. Gravis...? Thanks. Baskin UT Austin Team OS/2 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Apr 95 08:33:41 BST From: Subject: subscribe ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Apr 95 06:44 CDT From: (Sing Cheong Chen) Subject: Subscribe subscribe ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 20:39:00 GMT From: (WILLIAM ROY HOUGH) Subject: subscribee (11 th time) Is there any way of staying on the subscribers list for more than 1-4 days max? Your help please. -- WILLIAM ROY HOUGH ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 16:42:13 +0100 From: (Damian Scully) Subject: Re: The digest Is it just me or have the last couple of digests been arriving late. I have not recieved the last two at all. Could someone e-mail me and let me know, as I am not sure if I will recieve the digest. Damian. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 20:56:23 +0100 (BST) From: Sam Subject: tracker midi > From: Simo P Lankinen > Subject: A midi-tracker? > > Someone has asked this before, I know ... Is there a tracker-style (like all > those mod-trackers) midi-composing program for GUS? Somewhere I read of Doesn't FastTracker 2 have MIDI output support? (MIDI IN didn't work for me, but I don't know if that was our particular setup). Sam [] <[ Web pagE ]> *NEW* Sysex Manager ! [] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 18:02:03 +0800 From: (The Light Island) Subject: Where is NordTracker Is NordTracker still in the midst of beta testing and where can i find it. it doesnt appear in any GUS directory anymore. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Light Island | This must be words from the forgotten wind ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 18:43:55 +0200 From: (Frank Lemmen) Subject: Wings of Glory with GUS Has anyone got WOG working with their GUS I tried sbos but this does not work properly. Thanx Frank Lemmen -=*=- ------------------------------ End of GUS Daily Digest V21 #25 ******************************* To post to tomorrow's digest: To (un)subscribe or get help: To contact a human (last resort): FTP Sites Archive Directories --------- ------------------- Main N.American Site: pub/packages/gravis systems/ibmpc/ultrasound pub/ultrasound Main Asian Site: PC/ultrasound Main European Site: packages/ultrasound Main Australian Site: /ultrasound/general /ultrasound/submit South African Site: /pub/packages/ultrasound Submissions: pub/pc/ultrasound/submit Newly Validated Files: pub/pc/ultrasound Mirrors: mirror/ultrasound pc/ultrasound pub/msdos/ultrasound Gopher Sites Menu directory ------------ -------------- Main Site: packages/ultrasound WWW Pages --------- Main Site: Main European Site: Main Australian Site: Mirrors: GUS digest: MailServer For Archive Access: Email to Email to New Submit Files Mailing List: Email to with content "subscribe epas-list " Hints: - Get the FAQ from the FTP sites or the request server. - Mail to for info about other GUS related mailing lists (programmers, musicians, etc.).