From gus-general-request@gaia.ucs.orst.eduWed Apr 12 17:02:36 1995 Date: Wed Apr 12 09:37:06 PDT 1995 From: GUS Server Reply to: GUS Daily Digest Subject: GUS Daily Digest V21 #12 GUS Daily Digest Wed, 12 Apr 95 9:37 PST Volume 21: Issue 12 Today's Topics: Bioforge Direct CD Sampling and OS/2 with XCOM II Games in Dos sessions in os/2 GUS compatible motherboards Gus Support No MIDI in Windows - No sounds for Dark Forces. subscribe Win95+GUS Standard Info: - Meta-info about the GUS can be found at the end of the Digest. - Before you ask a question, please READ THE FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 10:43:35 -0700 (PDT) From: George Subject: Re: Bioforge [stuff deleted] >I have emailed origin with my opinions but quite franky, If a company of that >size cannot see for itself that GUS support should be a standard then they >obviously have their heads to far up their backsides to hear us. > >Sad thing is, It looks to be the best game this year (so far....) It would be scary if Origin planned not to give this game native GUS support as a test to see if GUS users (from the registration cards sent back) bought the game though it did not have native GUS support unlike its other games, WC3 and S-Shock. If enough buy the game, they would be convinced that they don't need to include native GUS support since they would still buy their damn games. Just a thought, and a scary one indeed. -George ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 13:38:59 -0500 (EST) From: "Jeffrey K. Salzmann" Subject: Direct CD Sampling and OS/2 with XCOM II Two questions, one that has been repeatedly asked.... 1) What program can I use to directly sample CDs to the GUS? I have a NEAT binaural recording I might just upload.... 2) Does anybody have XCOM II working with the GUS in OS/2?? I keep getting illegal command errors, I doubt this is GUS related but you never know... Win95 zealots need not bash...the bandwidth has been wasted too much already. Thanks!! Jeff ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 12:41:21 -0700 (PDT) From: h0mi Subject: Games in Dos sessions in os/2 I recently discovered the ability of setting your own autoexec.bat file for dos sessions under os/2 and was delighted at the prospect of actually running games in dos sessions. . I've got a gus with 1 meg. I've had a few problems, however. Doom used to work for me, but without sound. Now, it crashes on me after a few seconds, but does have sound. The sound does get munged after sounding "normal" for a brief moment or so. I also want to run Pirates Gold under a dos session, but since apparantly the dos session doesn't have/emulate EMS ram , emuset/megaem don't work (and my serial mouse has yet to work under a dos session despite using the mouse driver in my os2\mdos directory). If anyone has had any luck in running any of these games in a dos session, please inform me on the settings that you've had, etc. And if anyone has ever used Display v1.87, and had sound abilities with the GUS (it looks for a SB but wont run with sbos or emuset set) let me know. Thanks. "I have no respect for the passion of equality, which seems to me merely idealizing envy." Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Forget term limits. Expand voter recall votes! ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 23:36:01 -0400 From: (Warren Zatwarniski) Subject: GUS compatible motherboards Message-ID: > I just bought a new Deep Green (?) motherboard with an AMD processor. > Has anyone had any problems with this motherboard or processor and the > GUS? Is the NMI (?) enabled so SBOS will run. I asked the guy I bought > it from, but he had no idea what I was asking; but it was too good what caught my eye is this: > 12mb RAM (8mb 72pin, 4mb 30pin) When I first upgraded my 386 computer to a 486, I picked up a MB that would accept both 72pin and 30pin (which I already had) simms . The NMI was *DISABLED* on the one I purchased, and there was NOTHING I could do to change that. The store I purchase the board from however did trade me for a different motherboard, and even exchanged my four 1 meg 30 pin simms for one 4 meg simm so I could use a motherboard with the NMI enabled on it. I don't know the name brand of the motherboard that gave me problems, and as luck would have it, I can't find my manual to this board, so I'm not even certain of what I have right now ;( ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Apr 95 19:27:07 EDT From: (Pierre Bleile) Subject: Gus Support About Origin no longer supporting GUS... Does this make any kind of buisiness sense? One: This new interwave chip everyones drooling over is supposed to be Gus compatible; therefore, support for Gus = Support for Interwave. Two: Why do these games companies allways go through all this trouble to support the sound bastard? That's not a sound card. That's a piece of s#%t that farts out noise no one should be force to suffer through. It's analogous to making thier software is XT compatible. The SB is ancient technology that had its day. More people will upgrade to wavetable cards (you know everyone's favourite :) if more software companies support them. Is Origin to stupid to realise this or is someone getting paid off? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Cyberpunks live by 4 Rules: 1. Style over substance. Pierre Bleile (1st Year Electrical Engineering) 2. Image is everything. Carleton University 3. Take it to the edge. Email address: 4. Break the rules. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Apr 95 13:24:04 CST From: "Mai, DongKinh" Subject: Re: No MIDI in Windows - No sounds for Dark Forces. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 20:30:27 -0500 (EST) From: (Tim Swaim) Subject: subscribe >\|/< /_"""_\ |(O) (O)| +oOOO--(_)--OOOo--------------------------------------+ | Tim Swaim | | Electricial Department | | Duracell USA Voice: (704)242-6000 | | Lexington NC FAX: (704)249-8020 | | NET: | | SMail: 430 Kelly ln Lexington NC 27292 | +-----------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Apr 95 12:48:27 EDT From: ghidali@VNET.IBM.COM Subject: Win95+GUS Has anyone figured out how to get GUS support for DOS under WIN95? On the desktop, it works fine, but when I run DOOM or WC3 for example, if I do not disable audio, the game freezes. Any clues? Thanx, Dan ------------------------------ End of GUS Daily Digest V21 #12 ******************************* To post to tomorrow's digest: To (un)subscribe or get help: To contact a human (last resort): FTP Sites Archive Directories --------- ------------------- Main N.American Site: pub/packages/gravis systems/ibmpc/ultrasound pub/ultrasound Main Asian Site: PC/ultrasound Main European Site: packages/ultrasound Main Australian Site: /ultrasound/general /ultrasound/submit South African Site: /pub/packages/ultrasound Submissions: pub/pc/ultrasound/submit Newly Validated Files: pub/pc/ultrasound Mirrors: mirror/ultrasound pc/ultrasound pub/msdos/ultrasound Gopher Sites Menu directory ------------ -------------- Main Site: packages/ultrasound WWW Pages --------- Main Site: Main European Site: Main Australian Site: Mirrors: GUS digest: MailServer For Archive Access: Email to Email to New Submit Files Mailing List: Email to with content "subscribe epas-list " Hints: - Get the FAQ from the FTP sites or the request server. - Mail to for info about other GUS related mailing lists (programmers, musicians, etc.).