From gus-general-request@gaia.ucs.orst.eduSun Apr 9 15:00:19 1995 Date: Sun Apr 9 09:37:05 PDT 1995 From: GUS Server Reply to: GUS Daily Digest Subject: GUS Daily Digest V21 #9 GUS Daily Digest Sun, 9 Apr 95 9:37 PST Volume 21: Issue 9 Today's Topics: C64 emulator... Future of GUS software GUS& Arena:The Elder Scrolls & Misc In search of a midi box, part 2 MIDI playback in Windows Ooops! Stupid me The future of GUS drivers? Standard Info: - Meta-info about the GUS can be found at the end of the Digest. - Before you ask a question, please READ THE FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 9 Apr 1995 00:24:51 -0400 (EDT) From: Tommy Lee Subject: C64 emulator... The c64 emulator is called c64s. To get GUS support though, you have to register the software. You can get it at: pub/c64. Tommy. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 01:17:05 +1000 (EST) From: Thaddaeus Kong Subject: Future of GUS software Thomas Wong writes: > the latest SBOS requires a GUS MAX, this is because this version of SBOS > is only a testing version of their next generation of software (like SBOS, > setup....etc). When the release version comes out, it will support all > boards. Or so I've read. Like you said, Gravis is using the codec to test their next generation of software, i.e you want better software, you NEED the codec on the MAX. [Look at MegaEM, SBOS]. There are rumours that regular GUS has been dropped in favour of the ACE, which is based on the MAX's architecture. If true, the original the GUS will soon be unsupported (like the rev 2.xx ones are already). > Keep it. If OS/2 is you only hangup then get the Manley driver and away > you go. You'd especially want to keep it if AMD does come through with > the GUS chip hence GUS should then become an industry standard hence you > may want to switch back later on if you get out now. I don't know about you, but I don't feel like buying a card and finding out I need to pay extra for something as basic as drivers for the stupid thing (especially when the company said they were releasing them "soon"). And *if* AMD's InterWave becomes the industry standard (before or after Win 9x comes out ];->), then the GUS (GF1) will die. InterWave may be compatible with the GF1 but I doubt if vice versa holds. By the looks of things, I'm gonna sell my GUS for a WaveRider 32+ (this is only a few months old but it already has OS/2 and NT drivers). At least compatibility with games would be no worse than the GUS (I heard it has problems with GMIDI but flawless with SB). BTW, for people who are hoping games will support the GUS, think about this - if the game supports the GUS, then 99.9% of the time it will support SB/SB Pro + GMIDI. Therefore a card that emulated both in hardware would be a better option. I'll miss my GUS because of the demoscene but that's life. One last thing, does anybody know whether Dune ]I[, oops, Command & Conquer will have GUS support? *That* may be enough to presuade me to keep my card ];-> ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 8 Apr 1995 16:28:02 -0500 (CDT) From: John Donahue Subject: GUS& Arena:The Elder Scrolls & Misc Hello.... I've been following the GUS Digest for a couple months now, but this is my first posting.... I hope I got the address correct....:-) I own an Original GUS Ver 2.4 Card... Stocked to one meg. I have spoken to Bethesda Softworks, and so far, they have been NO HOLP whatsoever... and I'm getting increasingly disapointed in there tech suppor they told me to load the Gravis Drivers in my autoex.bat file, which I did... The problem is this, the game will boot, start up, and will play great for about 5 minutes, then I get an Isufficient base memory error, and the game crashes... I've gone to a boot disk, but I have been unable to get any more than 619k base memory free useing my Trackball driver, ultrinit, and Smartdrive (All loaded into hi-memory) and the game STILL Crashes.... Since this is such a popular game with native Gravis support, I hope some of my fellow GUSers ahve succesfully been able to play this game, and can provide me with an optimum autoexec.bat, config.sys, and Arena.bat files.. As a side note, I want to say I'm very disapointed in the fact that the new Mega-em is not fully compatable with my rev. 2.4 card.... I would Love to upgrade to a GUS Maxsince I already have a CD-Rom with its own controller card takeing up a slot in the machine, but I have not seen such upgrades, and cant spen the $200 to get the Max right now... Thanks in advance... John Donahue ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 8 Apr 1995 21:15:11 -0700 (PDT) From: George Subject: In search of a midi box, part 2 Are there any cheap midi connectors other than Gravis's that work with the GUS? If so, where can I buy one, and is it available in any of the computer retail stores? I want one bad so I cannot connect it with my 1 month old keyboard. It does have a built-in sequencer, but I prefer using a 'visual' sequencer such as Cakewalk Pro. Thanks, -George ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 8 Apr 1995 21:11:31 -0700 (PDT) From: George Subject: MIDI playback in Windows >I just got a GUSMax (512K) and it seems like a lot of the MIDI files I >play give me a "This file may not play correctly with the default MIDI >setup" warning in Windows. I e-mailed Gravis and they told me "Everyone >gets this error. Just disable it." Gee.. What a great way to solve the >problem - ignore it! And if eveyone gets this error, then why don't they >increase the amount of RAM the card ships with?? The problem isn't with the RAM. I think it's because the MIDI files either have : 1) Sysex commands that are specifically for hardware that can understand it, ie. Roland SCC-1, or other specific synths, 2) contains some MIDI controllers the GUS cannot make use of, ie. controllers that set the Chorus and Reverb. -George ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 8 Apr 1995 23:41:06 -0700 (PDT) From: Loren Kling (that's me) Subject: Ooops! Stupid me The UltraTracker and other MOD-maker programs are NOT on the GUS disks, they're on the Ultrasound Experience CD!!!! My pho-paw. -- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* | Loren Kling | * * | SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 9 Apr 1995 12:13:15 +0000 From: Martin Laukkanen Subject: The future of GUS drivers? > > Will someone in the know tell us whether all future versions of > >the drivers for GUS will require boards with rev 3.xx and above? Seems > >to be the case and even worst, probably even requires the codec on the > Nope. Where did you get that idea? If you were thinking of this because > the latest SBOS requires a GUS MAX, this is because this version of SBOS I think he got that idea from the new MegaEm which Says, 'YOU HAVE A PRE 3.X VER OF THE GUS so this wont work!'. That is where i got that idea from! ---- Random.... AKA Martin Laukkanen. 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