From gus-general-request@gaia.ucs.orst.eduThu Apr 6 17:01:28 1995 Date: Thu Apr 6 09:37:04 PDT 1995 From: GUS Server Reply to: GUS Daily Digest Subject: GUS Daily Digest V21 #6 GUS Daily Digest Thu, 6 Apr 95 9:37 PST Volume 21: Issue 6 Today's Topics: ACE+SB16=ideal combinaison ? Atari "Action Pack" explained: Atari 2600 and GUS Audio CD's under DOS with GUS Max + Panasonic CD-ROM Don't flame so quick .... Full Throttle GUS and VFW1.1d GUS and Windows NT GUS Daily Digest V21 #5 GUS OS/2 and SB-Pro Stuff Looking for ProPats ver. 1.3 MAX <-> ACE ? Mixing DRAM speed on GUS? ROTT .. lock-ups SBPRO sounding better for effects Someone please upload XCOM patch? Ultrasound Internet Archive Services - NEW FTP SITE! unsubscribe Where to get a GUS cheap Where to obtain US-Max in Brazil ? XM player Standard Info: - Meta-info about the GUS can be found at the end of the Digest. - Before you ask a question, please READ THE FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 10:52:26 -0400 (EDT) From: (Gilbert Vellet) Subject: ACE+SB16=ideal combinaison ? Hi everyone, I consider purchasing an ultrasound ACE with a sound blaster 16. I know the ACE is a wavetable card that acts as a midi extension for the SB16, so there should not be compatibility with softwares. But is it really true? Is MEGAEM required in that case or the ACE has an hardware emulator. The gravis announcement does not give any details. Is the ACE able to support games with native GUS driver, do I lose anything compared with a normal gus card. I have been doing lots of shopping looking for stores with GUS cards. Only a minority carries gravis cards now, the MAX and the ACE are still available. BUT the normal GUS has completely disappeared!! I live in montreal, the same country where the gus is manufactured, where is the normal gus, is it discontinued ?? thank' Gilbert V. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 05 Apr 95 12:34:35 -0700 (PDT) From: Francis Li Subject: Atari "Action Pack" explained: No, you are NEVER going to get all of the sounds in the Atari 2600 Action Pack. Why? Because the original Atari 2600 also used some form of primitive FM synthesis in its machine. And, to make it easier on themselves, instead of making digital recordings of the music and sounds, they simply programmed today's FM synthesis cards in the same way... The GUS does NOT have a synthesizer at all (it is simply a wave-playback card), so you can't hear the sounds. So, the only way you'll get sounds is if you buy an FM synthesis card. An Adlib compatible card should be enough... ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 05 Apr 95 14:48:11 EDT From: Greg Subject: Atari 2600 and GUS I don't own it yet, but I plan to buy it later today. But, before you blame the GUS, I hope you understand that these games use the original Activision game code and run under an emulator. The sound and music is supposed to be identical to the original games. In other words, digital sound was almost non existant in the old days. The only sounds you should receive are the authentic beeps of the original Atari. I doubt there is multichannel digital mixing available in these games. If you are not hearing any beeps or similar terrible sounds then there is something wrong. Otherwise, the terrible cut off sounds are probably the originals ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 11:35:50 +0200 From: Piet van Oostrum Subject: Re: Audio CD's under DOS with GUS Max + Panasonic CD-ROM >>>>> asalvidge@VNET.IBM.COM (a) writes: a> I am unable to play audio CD's correctly under DOS through the Max and a> my Panasonic CR-562 drive. I have enabled the cd output on the ultrinit a> line and when I load up a cd player I ONLY get sound out of the left a> speaker. My soundcard is connected to my stereo - and everything else a> works correctly (Windows, games, etc). a> Can anyone help? - BTW, I am using version 3.47 of the Gravis drivers and I a> have tried a few DOS based cd programs and get the same result from each of a> them. I do have a windows based one that works but I want to be able to a> control the CD player when I am not in windows. The only explanation that I can come up with is that your CD-ROM audoi input is improperly connected. Maybe you put it in the wrong connector on your GUS, or you used the wrong cable. My CR-562 came with a 4 pin connector (but with only 3 wires connected), that did not fit anywhere properly on the GUS Max. I got the thing working by cutting of the unused part of the connector and putting it in one of the 3-pin connectors on the board, not the Panasonic one. It gives stereo sound, although I haven't checked if left/right are not swapped. -- Piet van Oostrum ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 06 Apr 95 08:46:21 GMT From: (Lewis Berrie) Subject: Don't flame so quick .... > These are the games I've tried and the results. I am referring to the > digital effects on both cards, not music. Some people really don't read the whole message. I had no problem seeing this statement, but it appears others did. It isn't "nice" to flame people so it would be courteous to get your facts straight first. I, too, was running a SBPro next to my GUS MAX and the sound effects were comparable between the two. I never did any speed benchmarking, though. I always thought that they should download effect samples to the GUS so that it could mix them, but the GUS does not have enough memory. If you dedicated 24 channels to MIDI music, this leaves 8 channels for effects (although you would not get 44.1Khz mixing, probably low 20Khz's, I haven't got the table of number of channels verses mixing speed at work). But most games are designed to use the full GUS memory for music : there is only enough memory for music. I'm not sure how much space all the digital effects take up in DOOM(II), but it would have to add up to a significant part of 1Meg. Maybe they should use half the memory for music, half for effects, but this would need (probably) a 1Meg card. Maybe we will have to wait for the next GUS (whether it uses the InterWave we don't know yet) which *may* have more memory, enough for music and effects. Then the GUS would be totally, mind-numbingling awesome with better effects than a SBPro (because of the GF1's ability to interpolate 8-bit samples into 16-bit at higher mixing rates : most games only have 8-bit samples). Lewis. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 16:02:54 -0300 From: (Robert White) Subject: Full Throttle I know this is off topic, but can someone tell be where I can get a copy of the Full Throttle demo? Thanks Rob White, ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 21:55:16 -0400 (EDT) From: (Royce Liao) Subject: GUS and VFW1.1d Sorry if this is a FAQ, but where does one obtain VFW 1.1d? Microsoft's FTP site has no trace of VFW. only has 1.1a Also, I see Quicktime 1.1.1 everywhere, but what about 2.0 (for Windows)? Does 2.0 work any better with teh GUS? I had sound-synchronization problems with 1.1.1 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 12:19:37 +0400 (MSD) From: "Konstantin S. Yakovlev" Subject: GUS and Windows NT Hello all. Does anybody hear about the GUS drivers for Windows NT 3.5? And where can I get or buy them? Thanks for information. Kostya ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Apr 95 18:34:40 CDT From: Subject: Re: GUS Daily Digest V21 #5 GUS Server casually mentioned: > Subject: Audio CD's under DOS with GUS Max + Panasonic CD-ROM > > I am unable to play audio CD's correctly under DOS through the Max and > my Panasonic CR-562 drive. I have enabled the cd output > on the ultrinit line and when I load up a cd player I ONLY get sound out > of the left speaker. My soundcard is connected to my stereo - and everything > else works correctly (Windows, games, etc). > > Can anyone help? - BTW, I am using version 3.47 of the Gravis drivers and I > have tried a few DOS based cd programs and get the same result from each of > them. I do have a windows based one that works but I want to be able to > control the CD player when I am not in windows. > It may be the audio cable, I had bought a cable that was supposedly custom made to fit my Ultrasound and CD drive and it had the placement of the grounding and left and right channels messed up. Odd thing, (or maybe not so odd), was that even when I plugged headphones directly into the drive it still came out through the one side. Perhaps that's the problem. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 05 Apr 95 11:16:43 EDT From: (Bryan K. Baskin) Subject: GUS OS/2 and SB-Pro Stuff To Ferdinand: I cannot turn or turn off the NMI on my board (I don't think), but since SBOS works, i'm assuming everything is fine. To get the 2.85MB/s transfer rate i just used the standard IDE driver that comes with Warp. Put a /SMS and a /V to see if SMS is enabled. For any new drive it should be. The driver seems to support EIDE just fine. To SB-Pro arguement: I'm assuming he is comparing digital FX. On DoomI/II the music is fine, but the FX ARE mixed in software for many of the versions (1.666). And it does sound like shit when compared to 1.2. Later Baskin UT Austin Team OS/2 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 01:57:36 -0700 (PDT) From: Loren Kling (that's me) Subject: Looking for ProPats ver. 1.3 I saw a program called "ProPats" that supposedly has new GUS patches and an easier way on managing them. I saw it on AOL but it is 19 files which would take (according to AOL) some 5 hours to dnload. Does anybody know if it is available through FTP? Where and what file name? Thanks. -- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* | Loren Kling | * * | SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 09:45:59 +0200 (DFT) From: Boris Woerner Subject: MAX <-> ACE ? Servus ! X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24] MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Content-Length: 806 Hello ! I've decided to get myself a GUS, because my old SB 2.0-music really sucks. Now I've read the press release text about the ACE, and i'm not sure wether to get a GUS Ace or a Max. The Ace lacks the codec, i think, and therefor doesn't emulate the SB as good as the Max does. But i'm already owning a SB, and so i wondered if the Max could at least emulate the SB Pro, so i could get stereo. Otherwise i'd buy an Ace and keep the money for the 1M-Upgrade. Now could someone please tell me the exact differences between the Ace and the Max (not concerning the CD-Rom Ports, i attached my Toshiba XM-5302B to an IDE-Interface from Mitsumi) ? The card would mainly be used for gaming, so that any midi in/out- connection or something like that would be useless to me. Thanks in advance Boris Woerner ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 21:34:23 -0400 (EDT) From: Will Dormann Subject: Mixing DRAM speed on GUS? Hello! I have a 256k GUS, and I am planning to upgrade the RAM to 1 meg. One question, though. Is it OK to mix DRAMS of different speeds on the GUS? Thanks! Will Dormann ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 18:03:32 -0400 (EDT) From: Daniel LeBlanc Subject: ROTT .. lock-ups I tought i'd not experience lock-ups again when playing native-support GUS games ever since i lowered my BUS CLK to CLCK/6 and using low IRQs like 5 and 7. Well, it doesit again... But this time i think it's APOGEE. I had ROTT sharware and everything was fine. I installed REGISTERED 1.2 and now it locks up unless i don't use my GUS for SFX. Any Idea? any help appreciated... -Daniel ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 07:47:23 EST From: "Carl" Subject: Re: SBPRO sounding better for effects Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 16:26:27 -0400 (EDT) From: Lance Kalzus Subject: Re: GUS Daily Digest V21 #4 On Tue, 4 Apr -1, Carl wrote: >> These are the games I've tried and the results. I am referring to the >> digital effects on both cards, not music. ~~~~~ >BTW: What sounds better on the SB-Pro than the GUS, the sound effects, >the music, or both? If you _seriously_ think the FM music sounds better >than the sampled instruments, then... All ready answered... >> I set all these games to use GUS as MIDI and Sound Blaster for the >> digital effects. So basically what I'm getting out of the GUS for >> games >Are you seriously saying you loaded SBOS/MEGAEM3.0b/MAXSBOS, set the >music for Doom/DoomII/Heretic to GUS, then set the sound effects for >_Sound_Blaster_?? I doubt you did this... > > .But if you did, you shouldn't be wondering why the sound effects were >terrible. >> I have a Gravis Ultrasound MAX and an SB-PRO in my 486dx2/66 >> computer... Uh no, if I have an SB-PRO in my computer, what would I be doing messing with MEGAEM on games that support the GUS natively? Or MAXSBOS at all? >> If it wasn't for the awesome trackers out there that support the GUS, >> I would SCRAP this card in a second, and get an AWE32 or something. >;) Over-reacting a little, aren't we? I don't think so. Try reading messages a little more thoroughly before you reply to them. From: "Jurassic Mark" Subject: Re: GUS Daily Digest V21 #4 >> These are the games I've tried and the results. I am referring to the >> digital effects on both cards, not music. >> >> Dark Forces SB-PRO Runs FASTER, sounds about the same or >> better. >> Doom v1.666 Same as above >> Doom II v1.666 Same as above >> Heretic SB-PRO Runs FASTER, sounds MUCH better than GUS. >> Doom v1.2 GUS runs FASTER, and sounds better. >> Gee what an upgrade DOOM v1.666 is eh? > S'cuuuuuse me?!? But were you using SBOS with Doom or Heretic? >The GUS has been blowing away all cards since the first GUS >supporting Doom version. I have Doom II 1.666 and it rocks just as >Heretic does or ROTT or Wing Commander III. Huh, doesn't any pay attention? I tried these on an actual SB-PRO card, guys. Yep, GUS did blow away all cards... ON DOOM V1.2. Other than that, forget it. It slows Heretic and Dark Forces down big time. >> Umm, as you might have guessed, I am extremely disappointed. The >> conclusion is of course, the GUS is NOT being supported correctly. >> Instead of taking advantage of the unique abilities of the GUS, >> it is basically being treated as a Sound Blaster! > No way! How come the Doom install asks you how many digital >channels you want to use? And I don't think SB PRO support is as >stereo as GUS support is in Doom. You're obviously missing something >here... Is 'as' stereo? Sb-pro is stereo. Doom install also asks you how many digital channels you want to use if you select Sb-pro. >> The samples >> are being mixed via software, and fed to the GUS, instead of >> preloading >> the samples in the GUS RAM, and just triggering them. > Say what?!? I swear I thought I saw Doom loading the patches >before the game starts.... Damn... You mean all those months with >Doom and Doom 2 music were not with GUS patches? Get real. Uh, that's the GM patches, not the sampled effects. I was discussing sample effects. -- Carl Mueller cRaNeScUrEpJhArVeY WSU Detroit, Michigan :P "Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons!" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 13:20:44 -0500 (CDT) From: Dave Read Subject: Re: Someone please upload XCOM patch? Peter C. Chien Jr. wrote: > Can someone please upload to epas the XCOM patch that supports the GUS > natively? It was supposed to be at, but I don't think it's > there anymore. Thanks. Look around; it's still there. I found it in /.14/dresden/games/patches It's called Good luck, Dave ------------------------------ Date: 5 Apr 95 18:44 -0700 From: Thomas Wong Subject: Ultrasound Internet Archive Services - NEW FTP SITE! GRAVIS ULTRASOUND INTERNET ARCHIVE SERVICES NEWS ============================================================================== FTP Sites Archive Directories --------- ------------------- Main N.American Site: pub/packages/gravis systems/ibmpc/ultrasound pub/ultrasound Main Asian Site: PC/ultrasound Main European Site: packages/ultrasound Main Australian Site: /ultrasound/general /ultrasound/submit South African Site: /pub/packages/ultrasound Submissions: pub/pc/ultrasound/submit Newly Validated Files: pub/pc/ultrasound Mirrors: mirror/ultrasound pc/ultrasound pub/msdos/ultrasound Gopher Sites Menu directory ------------ -------------- Main Site: packages/ultrasound WWW Pages --------- Main Site: Main European Site: Main Australian Site: Mirrors: MailServer For Archive Access: Email to Email to New Submit Files Mailing List: Email to with content "subscribe epas-list " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone. You may all recall my mentioning that there may be an announcement of sorts in my last New Files Validation posting. Well here it is. A special thanks to Brian for setting up another North Amercian Ultrasound Internet FTP Archive Site in NMSU! Thank you and welcome aboard! Please notice the new entry in the above header listing of the Ultrasound Internet Archive Services. We now have three North American site and still growing. In fact, we are still growing in terms of all sorts of Internet services and services from all corners of the world! A special big thank you to all Ultrasound Internet Archive Services volunteers, admin and managers! All serivces and resources are being provided on a voluntary basis and I'm still overwelmed with how everyone around the world has responded to this soundcard, and how big and fast we are growing. Thank you to you all! Happy GUSing everyone! Thomas Wong Ultrasound Internet Archive Services Admin P.S. Psst.... guess what.... this is not the only good news up our sleeves. I will be making another announcement in the near future! ;) GO GUS GO! :) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 06 Apr 1995 10:41:21 +1000 From: "YE OLDE......THAT EDGE ON MY CLAYMORE TIS FINE" Subject: unsubscribe subject: unsubscribe ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 12:32:11 -0500 (CDT) From: (Alvin Tan) Subject: Where to get a GUS cheap Hey guys, After looking through a list of possible soundcards that I should get, I pretty much decided I'll go with the GUS Max. I do have one problem though, I sure am not going to pay $179 for this considering the fact that there are cheaper ones going for $140 or so. Anybody has any idea where to get them cheap? Hell, I would even buy them used (if they still work :) BTW, the $179 price is a quote from the cheapest available GUS Max in my March issue of Computer Shopper. Anybody? :) Thanx ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 15:48:12 -0300 (GMT-3:00) From: ( Caetano Traina Junior) Subject: Where to obtain US-Max in Brazil ? Does anybody knows where I can buy an UltraSound Max in Brazil ? Thank you in advance, Caetano. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 6 Apr 95 11:40:55-010 From: (Angel Fern'andez Gonz'alez) Subject: XM player Could anyone tell me where could I fin a XM player via ftp? ------------------------------ End of GUS Daily Digest V21 #6 ****************************** To post to tomorrow's digest: To (un)subscribe or get help: To contact a human (last resort): FTP Sites Archive Directories --------- ------------------- Main N.American Site: pub/packages/gravis systems/ibmpc/ultrasound pub/ultrasound Main Asian Site: PC/ultrasound Main European Site: packages/ultrasound Main Australian Site: /ultrasound/general /ultrasound/submit South African Site: /pub/packages/ultrasound Submissions: pub/pc/ultrasound/submit Newly Validated Files: pub/pc/ultrasound Mirrors: mirror/ultrasound pc/ultrasound pub/msdos/ultrasound Gopher Sites Menu directory ------------ -------------- Main Site: packages/ultrasound WWW Pages --------- Main Site: Main European Site: Main Australian Site: Mirrors: GUS digest: MailServer For Archive Access: Email to Email to New Submit Files Mailing List: Email to with content "subscribe epas-list " Hints: - Get the FAQ from the FTP sites or the request server. - Mail to for info about other GUS related mailing lists (programmers, musicians, etc.).