Ultrasound Daily Digest Fri, 10 Sep 93 :46 MDT Volume 6: Issue 9 Today's Topics: #2(2) Ultrasound Daily Di... Advice? GUS & SMPTE/MTC --> sequencer DRAM IRQ's and stuff again MrGus Race into Space subscribe suscribe Ultrasound Daily Digest V6 #8 XWING Standard Info: - Meta-info about the GUS can be found at the end of the Digest. - Before you ask a question, please READ THE FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 10 Sep 93 00:35:15 EDT From: andrev@aol.com Subject: Re: #2(2) Ultrasound Daily Di... Message-ID: <9309100035.tn54713@aol.com> To the person who thought Activision's excuse about the space wasn't valid: I work at a (purposely unnammed) game software company, and have seen the problem they mentioned many times before. Although I agree with you that roughly 60k of drivers isn't too large an amount, it can often be the difference between shipping the game on, say, six disks or adding a seventh disk which is barely used. This situation of being almost out of disk space happens quite often, I assure you. Now, I admit one disk doesn't sound like that much, but consider the fact that a duped disk with a label (high density) is currently running about 80 cents apiece. (This is in large quantity -- say 50,000 units.) Doing the math quickly shows that to be a cost of about $40,000. This isn't chickenfeed, and I cannot imagine any situation where someone is going to authorize the addition of another disk to an already carefully budgeted project for this amount unless there's a *very* good reason. And that reason had better fill up a disk too! I hope I didn't come across too harsh here -- I certaintly didn't mean to. I just wanted to take a moment and explain *why* Activision is doing what they're doing. Please don't flame the newsletter -- feel free to mail me. AndreV@AOL.COM ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 93 02:37:33 PDT From: John Krumpotick Subject: Advice? GUS & SMPTE/MTC --> sequencer Message-ID: <9309090937.AA17918@enet-gw.pa.dec.com> I'm planning on putting together an inexpensive video sound effects system. The system will be PC based and I'm strongly leaning towards the Gravis Ultrasound (GUS) for a soundcard. I'd like to know if anyone can confirm that the GUS will support MIDI Time Code for a Windows based sequencer. I assume that MIDI Time Code would be the only option with the GUS MIDI input. That is I'm interested in getting a battery operated SMPTE reader/generater that will translate SMPTE to MIDI Time Code for a sequencer from the SMPTE code on a video tapes audio track. I need to use SMPTE because I will be using commercial facilities to syncronize the sound effects back onto the video master. I'd prefer to avoid having to get a PC base plug in module that supports SMPTE. I've seen blurbs on a few syncronizers that would seem to do the trick although I haven't yet determined which ones are portable battery operated modules. For example; The JL Cooper PPS-2 Syncronizer. The Music Quest MIDIEngine Framelock. The MIDIMAN Syncman/Syncman Plus. look interesting. The September 93 issue of Electronic Musician has a favorable review of an inexpensive sequencer from the company that puts out Band-in-a-Box. It's only 30 bucks and looks like it might do the sort job I need. I'll have to check it out a little more thoroughly. I don't know if it supports the GUS. Well, thanks for any help, I need to keep costs down as much as possible but hopefully will be able to put together a working system with out too much hassle. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 93 15:50:23 -0400 From: davej@ferry.polymer.uakron.edu (Dave Jiang) Subject: DRAM Message-ID: <9309091950.AA21610@ferry.polymer.uakron.edu> Could someone give me detailed info on the DRAMs I need to upgrade from 256k to 1 MEG? Like what does "page mode" DRAM mean and why do I need it. I already know I need 70ns or faster DRAMs. Thanks! David Jiang ------------------------------------------------------------------ email : davej@eby.polymer.uakron.edu phone: (513) 435-6227 usmail: 207 Carters Grove Rd. FAX : (513) 435-6227 Centerville, OH 45459 U.S.A. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 93 4:32:16 PDT From: mikebat@netcom.com (Mike Batchelor) Subject: IRQ's and stuff again Message-ID: <9309091132.AA05727@netcom5.netcom.com> Not the Ultrasound Server once wrote... $ $ Date: Tue, 7 Sep 93 06:21:17 PDT $ From: deraud@power.amasd.anatcp.rockwell.com (Robert Lee DeRaud) $ Subject: Redskins awesome in victory over Cowboys $ $ >From: mikebat@netcom.com (Mike Batchelor) $ >IRQ 8 is the int10 video interrupt. Already taken. $ $ Well, no, it's the 'real time clock' (according to Hogan's Programmer's $ PC Sourcebook)...and yes, it's already taken. You're absolutely right, I wrapped to the high ints too late! :) I was looking in Manifest, and forgot how to count to eight. $ >IRQ 12 is the MS Mouse interrupt. This is only used if you have a PS/2 or $ >Bus mouse. Serial mice take IRQ 3 or 4. $ $ Uh...I don't think so. PS/2 MIGHT use it for the mouse but all Microsoft $ bus mice have an *8-bit* interface: IRQ jumpers are available only for $ 2-7. Many name-brand ISA clones have PS/2 mouse ports at IRQ 12. Packard Bells, do, I believe, and so do Dells. $ >ports on IRQ 12 and 15 for better communications performance in DESQview. $ $ How? I've never seen a 16-bit comm adapter (except maybe some of those $ multichannel beasts for BBS hookups), and most comm S/W assumes the $ 'standard' COM1=IRQ4, COM2=IRQ3 setup. (Jeez, he MUST know what he's $ talking about, he works for Quarterdeck! :-) ) If only I could count. :) The serial board I have has a 16 bit interface just so you can have ports attached to the high IRQs. If you have two of these, and nothing else, you can have eight discreet serial ports on unique IRQs. Most *decent* comm software will let you set the port and IRQ for each port. Oops, maybe this shouldn't be on the digest. :) -- Mike Batchelor | mikebat@netcom.com | This space for rent mikebat@qdeck.com | ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1993 19:50:21 -0500 (EST) From: STU_JABIRCHE@VAX1.ACS.JMU.EDU Subject: MrGus Message-ID: <01H2R8O768N68WZSDR@VAX1.ACS.JMU.EDU> Could someone post some pointers on how to get MrGus to work? I fiddled with it for awhile and couldn't get any sound on playback. I realize you're s'posed to set your recording and playback DMAs different, which I tried, but still nothing. I know less than squat about DMA stuff, so perhaps I messed up. Could someone suggest some good 16bit DMA settings for record/playback on MrGus? Thanks, johnny ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 93 05:12:00 BST From: b.williams44@genie.geis.com Subject: Race into Space Message-ID: <9309100440.AA08704@relay2.geis.com> Hi, Can anyone help me PLEASE, I just bought Buzz Aldrin's Race into Space because I thought I could use the GUSAIL Miles drivers with it. Well I can't there are no ADV or COM drivers and the Miles drivers are in some kind of .BIN files listed as sdrv1.bin thru sdrv9.bin. I also tried to use a program that loads the GUSAIL drivers automatically, but it failed(even though it seemed to work(it said it was done)).Can anyone Help? It is a shame that Interplay got away with using the Gravis Ultrasnd in it's setup but it only allows sound not music(even though you can choose music in the setup)Please Help!! Flustrated GUS owner. ***StarHawk*** ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 93 16:46:48 -0800 From: Jon_P_Tsai Subject: subscribe Message-ID: <9309100046.AA28301@watserv.ucr.edu> oops.. sorry about the last message :) Providing I spelled it right this time... can I be on the mailing list? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 93 16:42:43 -0800 From: Jon_P_Tsai Subject: suscribe Message-ID: <9309100042.AA28285@watserv.ucr.edu> ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1993 18:19:43 -0400 (EDT) From: nicolas heyman Subject: Re: Ultrasound Daily Digest V6 #8 Message-ID: due to my failing academic status, my computer account will be terminated. I would appreciate it if you at Ultrasound would please cancel my subscription to the daily digest. Thank you N.Heyman ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 09 Sep 93 14:02:01 EDT From: Matthew Newcomb Subject: XWING Message-ID: <9309091803.AA05422@orca.es.com> G'day everyone, I am trying to get XWING to work with the GUS. As of late all I have been able to do is use SBOS, but that Sound Blaster sound is SOOOO annoyingly bad. I can't figure out how to get MIDI sound working, so I decided to ask and see if anyone else has done it. Thanks Alot... Matthew Newcomb MN2G+@andrew.cmu.edu ------------------------------ End of Ultrasound Daily Digest V6 #9 ************************************ To post to tomorrow's digest: To (un)subscribe or get help: To contact a human (last resort): FTP sites: archive.epas.utoronto.ca pub/pc/ultrasound wuarchive.wustl.edu systems/msdos/ultrasound archive.orst.edu pub/packages/gravis FTP mail server: mail-server@nike.rz.uni-konstanz.de Hints: - Get the FAQ from the FTP sites or the request server. - Mail to for info about other GUS related mailing lists (UNIX, OS/2, GUS-MIDI, etc.)