Apparently-To: GUS Musician's Digest Sun, 7 Nov 93 3:34 Volume 2: Issue 7 Today's Topics: drums and midi in windows GUS Musician's Digest V2 #6 Patch banks piano21 that's odd... Standard Info: - Meta-info about the GUS can be found at the end of the Digest. - Before you ask a question, please READ THE FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1993 14:16:50 -0800 (PST) From: Duncan Sutherland Subject: drums and midi in windows Forgive me, I am new at midi, but every tuime i try to load some drums into a midi piece i get a not enough memory message - my gus has 1meg, so it must have something to do with a configuration. Basically, the question is, how do i mix drums with regular patches in a piece - I am using cake walk for windows. duncan sutherland ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1993 15:19 -0500 From: WADLEIGH@PROCESS.COM Subject: Re: GUS Musician's Digest V2 #6 I have uploaded some Christmas music for GUS in a variety of styles. Yes, Eric, they were done with the "baby" version of Power Chords that comes in the GUS software. Enjoy, Hal ------------------------------ Date: 5 Nov 1993 15:11:57 PST From: chrisw@leland.Stanford.EDU Subject: Re: Patch banks ------------ >>One concern I have about multiple banks: >>Windows is already mightily slowed down in startup by the GUS driver, apparently >>reading through the config file to set up its patch/file correspondences. If we >>have 1024 banks, I don't think I can wait long enough! One of the changes in the new drivers is the ability to disable the patch checking that goes on when windows is started up. Chris. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Nov 93 12:15:07 EST From: Subject: piano21 Has anyone checked out on epas? It works just great for me! I've had some problems with the patch caching in conjunction with non-patch-caching sequencing software (namely it dumps all the patches in memory every time you want to load one new patch) but I finally figured out that if I load them in the right order I can get PatchMan, Cakewalk and Piano all to co-exist happily, so long as local echo is turned off in Piano, as it causes PatchMan to throw up a silly little dialog box and minimize itself. --Michael-- << >> ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Nov 93 12:11:43 EST From: Subject: that's odd... That's odd... I got TWO digests today... One was one line longer than the other. I guess the digest server hicupped? --Michael-- << >> ------------------------------ End of GUS Musician's Digest V2 #7 ********************************** To post to tomorrow's digest: To (un)subscribe or get help: To contact a human (last resort): FTP sites: /pub/pc/ultrasound /systems/msdos/ultrasound /pub/packages/gravis /pub/sound/gus FTP mail server: Hints: - Get the FAQ from the FTP sites or the request server. - Mail to for info about other GUS related mailing lists (general use, programmers, etc.).