Apparently-To: GUS Programmer's Digest Fri, 8 Oct 93 007 MDT Volume 5: Issue 7 Today's Topics: .PATch tune bias General stuff Standard Info: - Meta-info about the GUS can be found at the end of the Digest. - Before you ask a question, please READ THE FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 7 Oct 93 12:28:12 CDT From: (Cornel H. Huth) Subject: .PATch tune bias Message-ID: <> To: (Technical Support) In the SDK 1.03, TUNE of a patch was biased at +512 with a +/- 512 variance (i.e., +512 was no-tune). All the current patches also have a tune of +512. However, the current SDK 2.01 docs say that tune is 0 +/- 512. I think this is in error, however, a patch maker (fdion) is issuing patches with a TUNE=1. These will not work correctly with my Ruckus code. He thinks he's correct in using a +1 (after all, that is what the 2.01 docs say) and, responding to my question of why all the 2.06 patches have TUNE=512, said that they were all sampled one octave out of whack (my words). So, is tune neutral at +512 (I think so) or at +0 (or +1)? Is tune even used anymore since I don't see how other can even use fdion's patches with TUNE=1 (I know mine can't)? Q: What is value is for a neutral tune? A: ____________________________________ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Oct 93 08:36:38 EST From: (Technical Support) Subject: General stuff Message-ID: <> Hi all, -- Reply to post by David MacMahon > Do any of the big-time developers read the digest? I'm sure that much of > your support effort is duplicated for each developer. Maybe if you could > get them on the digest, there would be less duplication of supprt efforts. It seems like most of the big developers do have internet access. At least that is how we communicate with them. I don't know how many get the various GUS digests. If I were them, I would subscribe. The digests and the news are two of the most valuable ways we get feedback. > provide. It is unreasonable to expect you (or any one person or > organization) to reply to every single question asked here, but when long > spans of time elapse between your posts it gives the impression that you > don't care about or value the digest or its readership. Can't argue with your point. I wish I had more time to spend to help clear things up. A lot of times there is mis-information that starts and soon its gospel. Gravis has been trying very hard to watch for bad information and post corrections or changes (Thanks Matt...). Most of the info that gets passed around is now coming from outsiders, (non-Gravis/Forte people) and that is very much appreciated. The GUS has a very loyal following that tries to keep up with the issues and help 'newbies' out with problems. We REALLY do appreciate that!!!! Here is some info on the current state of a couple of the products. 1) 16 bit daughter card. Passed FCC testing a few week ago. Gravis just made the first 200 production units and began sending them to their beta sites yesterday. The software is complete (windows drivers, USS, Ultrint and Setgus.) These will be tested by the beta sites for a couple weeks to iron out anything we missed. Some people at Gravis think they can start shipping by the end of October. Mid-November is more probably realistic. The final documentation and packaging has to be completed yet. Things are looking very good and Gravis REALLY wants to get this out by Xmas. 2) UltraMax. The UltraMax is essentially a base GUS with the 16 bit stuff and the SCSI-1 daughter card integrated onto 1 card. It has gone thru the first build of the boards to iron out any problems. So far, it looks pretty good. Its passed FCC and most of the software is ready. The windows driver needs to be finished. Don't know when ship date is. They are REALLY nice. I have one in my machine and I use it exclusively. 3) General capabilities of 16 bit stuff (daughtercard and MAX) - 16 bit recording. Up to 48Khz . Mono or Stereo. - u-law, a-law and ADPCM (4:1) compression. The ADPCM is truly 4:1 and sounds as good as straight linear. - Full mixer. - Input level controls. - daughtercard - Another 8 bit DMA channel needed - Another IRQ needed. - MAX - Share DMA and IRQ with base GUS. Hope some of this info helps. ------------------------------ End of GUS Programmer's Digest V5 #7 ************************************ To post to tomorrow's digest: To (un)subscribe or get help: To contact a human (last resort): FTP sites: pub/pc/ultrasound systems/msdos/ultrasound Hints: - Get the FAQ from the FTP sites or the request server. - Mail to for info about other GUS related mailing lists (UNIX, OS/2, GUS-MIDI, etc.)